The holiday kitchen


MTS Alumni
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
79 Wistful Vista
Well, as the holidays approach many of us will cook things that we don't cook during the rest of the year. For me, the holiday season always means I find myself in the kitchen cooking with my wife and kids. It's a big part of the season for us. This thread is for us to share our favorite holiday foods to cook... and eat, tips for making cooking easier and even the occasional recipe.

First thing I have to cook is a big batch of sausage balls for everyone to munch on as we socialize and cook other things. Yep, little tiny heart attacks waiting to happen but a must have for the season. ;)
For the holidays I have to have two things....mashed potatoes and cornbread stuffing (homemade). Everything else is just a bonus. And of course I can't forget to mention the Wild Turkey. Got to have that later on in the evening. You know, the kickin' chicken.....:)
I always make what is called Monster cookies, you know M& M, chocolate chips and gummy bears some peanut butter and anything else that we can find, the kids love them and so does there friends.
I love making cookies during the holidays, Terry. A great many of them wind up being given to neighbors and friends as small gifts that won't put the receiver in a position to have to reciprocate.

Cookie tip: If you want your cookies to be chewy instead of crispy substitute some brown sugar for some of the granulated sugar that the recipe calls for. It will also help them rise a little "puffier".
Last year I did my yams a bit differently and got rave reviews. I only ever measure if I'm following a recipe, but here's the gist:

Cube yams (1 cu. in.), boil just until tender, drain. Toss with cranberries and place in oiled baking dish.

Make a syrup from dark brown sugar, water and a few tablespoons of butter (or heart-healthy alternative - I use Promise). Season with allspice, ginger and nutmeg. Add sweet zest of orange and dash of vanilla extract and remove from heat.

Pour the syrup over the yams ... there should be enough liquid to half-way cover the yams.

Bake at 325 for about 25 min. Sprinkle your fave crushed nuts on top (walnuts worked well - someone else I know used cashews). Kids may like a few marshmallows on top of theirs ... you can do a half-and-half if you use a large baking pan.

I've been asked to bring this out this year, it was such a hit. A nice change from the standard mashed candied yams coated in marshmallows. ;)