Green Belt
Hey everyone,
As I have been studying the forums and the posts made by tons of people I have seen how much everyone in these forums really truly loves his or her art. Even from the youngest of peeps to the oldest. Whether you are new to the art, or a master, or even in between. One thing that we all hold in common is the love of The Art. But....
Why is it that when you look through the forums you dont see love, you see bickering, frustration, and yes, even anger more then anything?? When we all love this art so much why do we literally fight with each other? Not just simple discussions and debates but flame wars and calling people stupid and so on. When have we become so childish that instead of loving and respecting somone, because they love what we do, we hurt them, insult them and degrade them in anyway we can think of? Is this what the original masters had in mind when they told us to make a family? Is this what they had in mind when they talked of peace and harmony? Is this what they had in mind when they spoke of being one with The Art?
We train hours on end to fight an enemy that is lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce. We condition or mind and our bodies for the unexpected. But do we ever condition our heart? Peeps...We have become so cold. Our training that we have is more often used on our friends and our neighbors then our enemy. It is often used even...on our families. Why?? How have we become to where we isolate ourselves in a dojo or in a place where all we do is train for the moment when that shadow attacks? Where family, love, and a social life among our friends, among our village if you will is only 3rd or 4th on our list? Is this what the great masters teach us?
I think not!!
Without a heart, a warrior is nothing but an empty shell. Without something to fight for, what encouragement does a warrior have? Fighting for glory will only get you so far. But fighting for your family, for your friends, for love...will get you much further then a petty goal of glory. Fighting for medals, for a belt, for a rank, will only get you material things to take with you to heaven. But fighting for the things that you love, for the things and the people that will be there for you, long after the momentary pleasure of winning will.
Our Hearts people, is what defines us as warriors, as people and as humans. And to me, the old masters try to tell us, that this is what we need to concentrate on more then anything. Being one with The Art, through Body, Mind and Spirit (Heart). Is it just me, or do we concentrate more on the Body, and Mind, then on the Heart?
I ask you everyone....Today...Look at someone you love, admire or respect and ask yourself....Do I show them love? Love through respecting them or telling them or just listening to them. I do not mean love purley as a romantic sentiment...I mean it as so much more...and I hope you understand that.
Anyways...I hope that this post will help someone out there to see more in life then just what they have. Because there is always more.
Love ya all. Even if I dont know you. Everyone has something about them to love...even if its just that their a pain in the butt.

As I have been studying the forums and the posts made by tons of people I have seen how much everyone in these forums really truly loves his or her art. Even from the youngest of peeps to the oldest. Whether you are new to the art, or a master, or even in between. One thing that we all hold in common is the love of The Art. But....
Why is it that when you look through the forums you dont see love, you see bickering, frustration, and yes, even anger more then anything?? When we all love this art so much why do we literally fight with each other? Not just simple discussions and debates but flame wars and calling people stupid and so on. When have we become so childish that instead of loving and respecting somone, because they love what we do, we hurt them, insult them and degrade them in anyway we can think of? Is this what the original masters had in mind when they told us to make a family? Is this what they had in mind when they talked of peace and harmony? Is this what they had in mind when they spoke of being one with The Art?
We train hours on end to fight an enemy that is lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce. We condition or mind and our bodies for the unexpected. But do we ever condition our heart? Peeps...We have become so cold. Our training that we have is more often used on our friends and our neighbors then our enemy. It is often used even...on our families. Why?? How have we become to where we isolate ourselves in a dojo or in a place where all we do is train for the moment when that shadow attacks? Where family, love, and a social life among our friends, among our village if you will is only 3rd or 4th on our list? Is this what the great masters teach us?
I think not!!
Without a heart, a warrior is nothing but an empty shell. Without something to fight for, what encouragement does a warrior have? Fighting for glory will only get you so far. But fighting for your family, for your friends, for love...will get you much further then a petty goal of glory. Fighting for medals, for a belt, for a rank, will only get you material things to take with you to heaven. But fighting for the things that you love, for the things and the people that will be there for you, long after the momentary pleasure of winning will.
Our Hearts people, is what defines us as warriors, as people and as humans. And to me, the old masters try to tell us, that this is what we need to concentrate on more then anything. Being one with The Art, through Body, Mind and Spirit (Heart). Is it just me, or do we concentrate more on the Body, and Mind, then on the Heart?
I ask you everyone....Today...Look at someone you love, admire or respect and ask yourself....Do I show them love? Love through respecting them or telling them or just listening to them. I do not mean love purley as a romantic sentiment...I mean it as so much more...and I hope you understand that.
Anyways...I hope that this post will help someone out there to see more in life then just what they have. Because there is always more.
Love ya all. Even if I dont know you. Everyone has something about them to love...even if its just that their a pain in the butt.