The Grand Master of Wing Chun


Green Belt
Founding Member
Nov 12, 2001
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
I am asking because my aunt will be testing for BB in may.

I am also thinking William Cheung (sp please excuse the ignorance) will be there for a seminar.

I am also planning on attending.


That's a dangerous question:D there's a couple of claims to that. If she studies TWC then Williem Chueng is the grandmaster of that lineage WC politics can be as messy and flamable as kenpo.
Well, the way you wrote the initial post, it seems more like a statement than a question.

If you're asking who the Grandmaster of Wing Chun is, it depends on what style of Wing Chun, as there are several different styles (contrary to popular belief).

Now, if it's of the Yip Man lineage, then you may have a problem, because then it depends on who you ask.

I did not realize I was opening a can of worms there. :D

The lineage she is involved in is that of William Cheung. As I understand it he will be in Garden City KS during the month of may. I was considering going and maybe being involved in the seiminar if it is open.

I did not mean to offend any other lineages in the Wing Chun family. I am just interested in some of the internal teachings. I am a Kenpo practitioner and feel that ALL flavors of kenpo are lacking. Ron Chapel seems to deal with some of these disciplines but not in the manner I am currently seeking.

With the lineage differences in Wing Chun, is the split mostly due to who was left in charge or due to different approach to the style. A brief description will suffice, because I am sure it is very in depth and full of political garbage just like kenpo.

I am hoping to add some of the meridian teachings to my kenpo, but I am a long way off before that can become something to be concerned about with any type of depth of study.

Thanks for any insight offered. :asian:


Actually, there are several distinct styles of Wing Chun, each with their own separate history and Grandmaster.

The particular lineage that has issues is the one descended from Yip Man's line. I'm not sure if Yip Man left a clear successor or not when he died. Either way, I'm not a WC student, and I'm sure there are others who could answer better than I.

Originally posted by JD_Nelson
I did not realize I was opening a can of worms there. :D

The lineage she is involved in is that of William Cheung. As I understand it he will be in Garden City KS during the month of may. I was considering going and maybe being involved in the seiminar if it is open.

I did not mean to offend any other lineages in the Wing Chun family. I am just interested in some of the internal teachings. I am a Kenpo practitioner and feel that ALL flavors of kenpo are lacking. Ron Chapel seems to deal with some of these disciplines but not in the manner I am currently seeking.

With the lineage differences in Wing Chun, is the split mostly due to who was left in charge or due to different approach to the style. A brief description will suffice, because I am sure it is very in depth and full of political garbage just like kenpo.

I am hoping to add some of the meridian teachings to my kenpo, but I am a long way off before that can become something to be concerned about with any type of depth of study.

Thanks for any insight offered. :asian:


I doubt you offended anybody and if you did too bad they'll get over it I'm sure. The split was due to a disagreement as to who Grandmaster Yip Man left in charge. And there is some difference to approach although the core princliples remain the same. For example the pigeon toed stance that is part of many WC lineages is not part of William Cheungs lineage. If you have the chance to learn some from Mr Cheung then if I were you I would go. His Wing Chun is different from mine but if he was here in town I would still go to his seminar. After all he trained Bruce Lee and Bruce considered him to be one of the best fighters he knew.