The first target

Depends on the situation and what presents itself. I generally go for something that will hinder their mobility, such as the knees, but I do not have a systematic this-first-that-that-second or always-do-this-first approach.

In my limited experience in real fights, I've observed the targets will present themselves. You don't go looking for a specific target or try for a specific move or combination. It's not like on the mat where you train, say, a wrist lock response in response to a lapel grab. The wrist lock just happens as a consequence of your attacker overextending his arm out towards you, and all your training via specific drills is to simply create the sensitivity so you are aware of the opportunity and can pull it off.
It all depends....I'd go for what presnets itself and damage it. Vital spots include knees, groin, ribs, solar plexus, throat, eyes, etc...

What is there, what can i get to it with, how effectively will it end the confortation? Also, what's the environment like? Are there weapons? How do I know? Are there others involved? How do I know?

the variables are endless.

heck, we worked a technique last night, then added the variable of the attacker having a friend nearby in a particular position. All of a sudden, the technique no longer worked because it exposed our flank to attack. By reversing the technique (going ot the inside instead of the outside), but doing th esame basic moves we accomplioshed the same goal but were able to maniopulate the attacker into also being our shield from the second person.

In the end, real self-defense is about awareness, expereince, flexibility and ingenuity. Not necessarily specific targets.

The one you can get to.

Real things that have worked. Throwing change in someones face then slamming against the wall. Its all down hill from there.
Shin Kicks. Worked twice in real life. Once followed up with punches all over and the second with a big pie face palm as they leaned down.
Side kick to the leg. A strong and well done side kick to the leg, anywhere drops a guy fast. Then kick like hell.
Joint locks. Never used them while spaced out but had great success when bull rushed. Soon as we were tied up got hold of one hand and cranked until the scream came on.

Dave O.
Every stituation has vital points that are open, it is the training one gets that allows them to see them, it is the reaction time that we as martial artist practice that allows us to hit them.
Jaw, eyes, throat.. in that order.. depending on how serious the situation is!

What would be your first target in a real self defense situation?


The one that presents itself to me, where I can do the most damage in the split second that I see it.
As you notice all depends on the esenario, the number of atackers,weapons involved, etc,etc. For me the targets would be:

a) In close.-troat,eyes,nose, using hands,fingers or elbows.
b) Mid range.-groing, tighths,knees,shins, using feet or sheenbones.
c) Longer distance.- Run.... like hell if posible!

A short low snap kick to the groin. If their hands are up, they immediately drop them, leaving everything open. Even if you miss the pelvic bone with this straight in shot, it still bends them over, and affords you many opportunities, for a short time.
I agree with what has been said so far. I will go for what is given to me, but I always try to kick the side of their leg. It makes them hurt real bad, cuts their mobility, and runs less risk of any permanent damage.
If I feel that my life is in danger, I will probably try a knife hand to the throat or a stab to the eye (with intention of removing it, and then eating it in front of any bystanders so that everyone knows that I mean business).

Ok, not the last part. The throat and eyes are the vital spots that I think of first.
First choice..... nearest exit. Utilize Run Foo / Nike Jitsu with all deliberate speed.

OK not always first choice.
Mr. Weiss, I enjoyed your article in the latest Totally TKD magazine. I hope to see more from you in the future.
First choice..... nearest exit. Utilize Run Foo / Nike Jitsu with all deliberate speed.

OK not always first choice.

LOL, first choice, not necessarily best option.

ear, nose, throat, eyes, knees and groin, not necessarily in that order.

I hope I never have to worry about it, but I consider to hit hard and ask questions later....from a very safe distance preferably.
Mr. Weiss, I enjoyed your article in the latest Totally TKD magazine. I hope to see more from you in the future.

Ddi you catch my articles in the first 3 issues as well?

Thanks for acknowledging. Glad to know someone reads the stuff!
I'm sure I browsed through your prior work and enjoyed it, as I have all the pdfs of the magazine. This particular article on building your own breaking box caught my eye however. I'm a big believer in using training tools like makiwara and striking posts, and this falls in perfectly with them.
Depends on how much of a threat I feel myself in. In a truelly dangerous situation I'd attack whatever vital spot presented itself. In a less dangerous scenario I'd throw out a chop to the legs just as a warning and to gauge my opponent's ability.
I rely on my foom-foom-foom!!

As stated by just about every other poster, it depends on the situation. I have a tendency of going for the eyes or the throat first, followed by their foundation, knees, ankles, insteps, etc. I just want to drop the guy and GTFO!! I have no desire to stick around and either get in trouble or get hurt.