the exercise you love to hate.


Senior Master
Jul 7, 2008
Reaction score
for me it's burpees. i try to grind out a set of 20 burpees a couple times a week. i hate, hate, HATE doing them, but the results are so good. what about everyone else?

Burpees suck...yeah.

Also Fran form crossfit,.

do sets of 21-15-9
95# thruster

So, you do 21 thursters then 21 pullups, 15 thrusters then 15 pullups and so on.

the goal is to finish the entire workout in less tahn 5 minutes....3 minutes if you are some kind of deity.

It'll make you puke.

Also I hate running.

But it's all good for me so I do it anyway :D I know this because it hurts so much...

Stairs. Running up them, skipping up them, jumping up them, running down them, skipping down them, jumping down them with or without 10 lbs to 25 lbs weights held straight above my head. its sucks and i despise them but i do them. what i WILL NOT DO however is the mechanical stairs i hate them and won't do them unless my trainer forces me. :banghead:;)
bluekey, i don't think i could even do the workout you mentioned. i tore my rhomboid a year ago & my pull-up PR went from 24 to 12 :(

stairs have never bothered me that much, mechanical or regular. sometimes i like to run the escalator just so i feel like i'm going real fast. seems to annoy the shoppers though.

Not hops jumps or running Santi Shi I like what it does, I like how it feels when I am finished but absolutely hate standing in that position for the first 5 minutes... which kind of defeats the purpose for the first 5 minutes.

There is also a type of crawl that I can only descripe as start in a yoga downward dog and walk your hands forward as far as you can and you end up in kind of an extended pushup position. Then walk your feet towards your hands back to downward dog.... that I love to hate.
Horse stance training. Sometimes I swear I can actually feel the muscles in my legs growing.
i LOVE tire flips, could do them all day. sprints make me cry though.

deck of cards work out is another i hate.

hearts=hindu pushups
clubs=chin ups/pull ups
diamonds=plyometric push ups

the suite determines the exercise, the number determines the reps. face cards are ten reps, jokers are 20 if you choose to leave them in. i haven't done this for a while since it sucks SO bad.

i LOVE tire flips, could do them all day. sprints make me cry though.

deck of cards work out is another i hate.

hearts=hindu pushups
clubs=chin ups/pull ups
diamonds=plyometric push ups

the suite determines the exercise, the number determines the reps. face cards are ten reps, jokers are 20 if you choose to leave them in. i haven't done this for a while since it sucks SO bad.

I do the card deck all the time, it has to stay continuous the entire time though. The tire flips kill my lower back...I have a pretty bad lower back from deployments and such so they suck for me.
that's true, my lower back has to be pretty fresh to break out the tire. i've learned not to do it on a judo day.

continuous deck of cards slays me. i do it, but i'm usually hitting failure on at least some of my reps half way through.

that's true, my lower back has to be pretty fresh to break out the tire. i've learned not to do it on a judo day.

continuous deck of cards slays me. i do it, but i'm usually hitting failure on at least some of my reps half way through.

Oh dont get confused I dont do it thats just what we have to do for PT that day. Its killer during, but afterwards I feel great.
ah, i see. anything pt sucks, at least in my experience.

I'm trying to think of an exercise I don't hate to do. :)

But I'm glad I do them. Sigh.
I'm trying to think of an exercise I don't hate to do. :)

But I'm glad I do them. Sigh.

Update: after further thought, I can say I LOVE working out on heavy bags/body shields. I guess that counts as an "exercise" doesn't it? Or does that fall into the training technique category? Are we talking about pure exercise only? :)
well you love it, so it doesn't count for this thread!

you have me there. what is the dying cockroach?

Lie on your back
Legs straight up
Arms straight up reaching for toes
I think it would be better described as a punitive posture. It really hurts