John Lacy said:
Make sure to rest each muscle group at least two days
This means exercising each group twice a week, basically? I've been thinking a lot lately about how often to lift. Right now I lift on Sunday, Wed., and Friday. I do the same set of exercises each time--the whole body. I feel like I might benefit from more rest time, but I'm still having trouble wrapping my mind around the whole "more is less" idea. I've scoured the weight-lifting books at the local bookstores and looked online, but while many advocate a 4-day split that does what you suggest, few really discuss the pros and cons of 2x/week vs. 3x/week, which is what I'm thinking about. Also, I feel like 2x/week is too little for my abs, but 3x/week may be too much for my chest/arms.
I followed the
advice here to add more rest days and move to free weights and it's really helped. I was surprised how much it helped in fact! The difference is visible. The rest time made a bigger difference than I'd expected. I've recently added more protein too.
I'm not doing supersets. I do 3 sets of 8-12 reps. each, using dumbbells. I do two chest exercises, two bicep exercises, two back exercises, two forearm exercises, two ab exercises, and one each for shoulders, triceps, traps, calfs, and thighs. I do that whole session 3x/week. I work up a sweat and am physically tired when I'm done. I may up the weight a bit soon so I'm doing more like 6-8 reps. each, and I do plan on changing my routine in a few weeks to keep my body from getting accustomed to this series of challenges.
I feel like I should go down to 2x/week, but I know the way of laziness is always tempting, and I want to do it for the right reasons! I could do once every three days, so that every third week I'd actually lift three times, but of course having set days has a certain convenience to it.