Questions of wieght training?

Corporal Hicks

Black Belt
I'm just working out my gym program for weight training (again) and wondering how many exericises you would do for each muscle? What days do you do certain muscles on either? i.e do you do biceps and back on the same day and chest and triceps on a different day?

How many exercises do you do for each muscle, I have loads to pick from but I was going to do two for each muscle and make those really pushed sets!

Corporal Hicks said:
I'm just working out my gym program for weight training (again) and wondering how many exericises you would do for each muscle? What days do you do certain muscles on either? i.e do you do biceps and back on the same day and chest and triceps on a different day?

How many exercises do you do for each muscle, I have loads to pick from but I was going to do two for each muscle and make those really pushed sets!

When I was frequenting the gym, I usually did 2 days a week for each muscle "set". Each "set" was comprised of 2 or 3 exercises for each opposing muscle group. Unfortunately, you can't get ALL opposing groups on a seperate day, so you have to make small consessions.

I usually did:
Chest, delts, and traps one day.
Biceps, Triceps, and Lats the next.
Legs and Calves the third.
Day off, rinse, repeat.

Abs every day, alternating light and heavy sets as to not pull something.

As far as the reps/sets for each exercise, that depends on what you want to build, and there are many other threads with opinions on that. I usually liked 4 sets of 5 and 1 set to failure at high weight as I wanted power and not so much cut. YMMV.

Make sure to keep your repetoire of exercises handy too, so you don't get bored and stagnant in your workout. Nothing says you have to do the same exercises week after week.

Hope this helps!! :)
Corporal Hicks said:
I'm just working out my gym program for weight training (again) and wondering how many exericises you would do for each muscle? What days do you do certain muscles on either? i.e do you do biceps and back on the same day and chest and triceps on a different day?

How many exercises do you do for each muscle, I have loads to pick from but I was going to do two for each muscle and make those really pushed sets!


There are several suggestions I could give you about weight training but first off what is your goal for weight lifting?

Do you want to have more endurance strength? More power? or something else?

With out a goal for weight training you will just be wasting your time.
RRouuselot said:
There are several suggestions I could give you about weight training but first off what is your goal for weight lifting?

Do you want to have more endurance strength? More power? or something else?

With out a goal for weight training you will just be wasting your time.
Well I would want an increase in size but only in my arms but I would also like to strength train! When they mean strength training that doesnt necessarily mean more size does it?

Bascially strengthening everything put my arms which I would do mass building for as well. Am I looking at 6-8 repetitions?

Is it ok to do all the exercises for your body on the cable machine? I mean different exercises sure but is there anything wrong with just using the cable machine. I know that I will need variety after time because the muscles get used to it but still!

Regards, and thanks for the replies!
Corporal Hicks said:
1)[font=&quot] [/font]Well I would want an increase in size but only in my arms but I would also like to strength train! When they mean strength training that doesnt necessarily mean more size does it?

2) Bascially strengthening everything put my arms which I would do mass building for as well. Am I looking at 6-8 repetitions?

3) Is it ok to do all the exercises for your body on the cable machine? I mean different exercises sure but is there anything wrong with just using the cable machine. I know that I will need variety after time because the muscles get used to it but still!

Regards, and thanks for the replies!

1) Anytime you lift you will increase muscle size….even if it is just a tiny bit. What I mean by strength training is “strength endurance”. This is being able to crank out 20 or 30 reps with a fairly decent weight.

For example: doing 15 reps with 200lbs. non-stop would be considered more “strength endurance” than power. Power would be doing something like 400lbs. for 1 rep.

2)[font=&quot] [/font]Lifting for “mass” would be a different program than lifting for strength so to isolate just your arms might not be such a good idea as opposed to say working on chest shoulders and arms for mass. The reason being is guys that say “I wanna get more mass on my chest” often blow out a shoulder because they didn’t work on supporting muscle groups that help you develop a bigger chest.

3)[font=&quot] [/font] If possible lift free weights. You will get better results from free weights since it is necessary to use balance when lifting and you incorporate more muscle groups when using free weights.

If you can give me your one rep max for Curls, Tricep Push down, Bench Press, & Squats, I can write you a program.
OUMoose said:
I usually did:
Chest, delts, and traps one day.
Biceps, Triceps, and Lats the next.
Legs and Calves the third.
Day off, rinse, repeat.
So does that mean I should only shower every fourth day??? LOL. :rolleyes:
RRouuselot said:
1) Anytime you lift you will increase muscle size….even if it is just a tiny bit. What I mean by strength training is “strength endurance”. This is being able to crank out 20 or 30 reps with a fairly decent weight.

For example: doing 15 reps with 200lbs. non-stop would be considered more “strength endurance” than power. Power would be doing something like 400lbs. for 1 rep.

2)Lifting for “mass” would be a different program than lifting for strength so to isolate just your arms might not be such a good idea as opposed to say working on chest shoulders and arms for mass. The reason being is guys that say “I wanna get more mass on my chest” often blow out a shoulder because they didn’t work on supporting muscle groups that help you develop a bigger chest.

3) If possible lift free weights. You will get better results from free weights since it is necessary to use balance when lifting and you incorporate more muscle groups when using free weights.

If you can give me your one rep max for Curls, Tricep Push down, Bench Press, & Squats, I can write you a program.
Hey cheers, but I just found a book on building essential arms lol! I'll folllow this for a while since Ive literally just read about what you have written Lol! Thanks very much for the offer though!
Cheers for the replies guys!
Ok then! What type of weight training would be specifically useful for a Martial Artist? What kind of reps and sets? Are we doing the repititions fast or slow?
Does the speed have a difference? I know that slower generally builds more mass. I think!

Why do some people bang out reps really fast then?

What kind of reps and sets are we looking at to increase speed say in the legs? or strength in the legs!

Corporal Hicks said:
Ok then! What type of weight training would be specifically useful for a Martial Artist? What kind of reps and sets? Are we doing the repititions fast or slow?
Does the speed have a difference? I know that slower generally builds more mass. I think!

Why do some people bang out reps really fast then?

What kind of reps and sets are we looking at to increase speed say in the legs? or strength in the legs!


Full-body / compound lifts are best for martial artists. I'm talking about lifts like the snatch, clean and press, clean and jerk, side press, squat, deadlift, and swings.

Like Scrapper says, "No action in life is an isolated movement so why train that way?"

The number of sets and reps are to be determined by one's training goals.

For instance, if one is training for strength endurance, go with lighter weight, more sets and reps.

If training for limit strength, go with heavy weight (85% - 100% of your 1 rep max) for two sets of 2 to 5 reps.

Check out's forums and article pages and visit Mike Mahler's site for more information on designing your own program to suit your individual needs.
So if you wanted to train for speed (is speed what you refer to as endurance, or the increasing amount of time it would take for latic acid to increase). If I wanted to train purely for speed and explosivity what kind of training, reps and sets am I looking at?
How fast should the contraction be?
