Master Black Belt
Tonight I was practicing the basic left on right tapi-tapi drills with my partner and we discovered something. Perhaps someone can tell me if this has already been discovered and/or part of your ciriculum... I'll try to explain it best I can. Typically in left on right tapi-tapi the left hander is the driver, well, we switched it so the right hander is the driver too (still left on right). So all it is, is a mirror image of each other. What this allows is both of you to work on the same drill one after the other taking turns on "driving". It also allows you to switch weapon hands in flow and do the drills on the other side. As simple as it sounds, it really open a whole new door of possiblities. We also explored "taking the wheel"...The left hand does the typical break in with the punyo but instead of passing and hitting back with the punyo (the way the drill is suppose to be done) we just take the stick off the first beat and iniatiate the action (now that we can drive on the right!!). What seemed to happen was were were both thinking of attacking and sometimes they blended into another creating a new sequence. It definately keeps you on the alert. If you've never tried it, give it a shot, it will blow your mind the first time and you'll be wondering what you just did!