Master Black Belt
Where are the good points for swiching hands in Tapi Tapi? The most obvious would be after a lock, especially to free your stick to strike while still maintaining the lock. You can also switch on the Payong entries. For example #1, stick in left hand, you enter with a punyo, oponent checks and delivers a #1 or #12 strike,payong the other way (a high left hand wing block), as the opponents stick is being guided to your right side you can grab your stick with the right hand while free left hand checks oponents stick. You can also change on the largo hi-low strikes before closing. Hard to explain here, but after right hand hits a #1 rotate stick counter clockwise into left hand which continues the counterclockwise roatation to hit a #8 (some people call it #9, but its a strick to you oponents right knee), this will feel like an abiniko. Finally, on some of the variations, you can switch on the clear. Did I leave any out?