
Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
From the rec.martialarts FAQ

(Contributors: Dakin Burdick - [email protected],
Ray Terry - [email protected])

Intro: One of the most popular sports and martial arts in the world.

Origin: Korea


The five original Korean Kwans ("schools") were: Chung Do Kwan, Moo
Duk Kwan (the art of Tang Soo Do), Yun Moo Kwan, Chang Moo Kwan, and
Chi Do Kwan. These were founded in 1945 and 1946. Three more Kwans
were founded in the early 1950's - Ji Do Kwan, Song Moo Kwan, and Oh
Do Kwan.

After fifty years of occupation by Japan (which ended in 1945) and
after the division of the nation and the Korean War, Korean
nationalism spurred the creation of a national art in 1955, combining
the styles of the numerous kwans active within the country (with the
exception of Moo Duk Kwan, which remained separate - therefore Tang
Soo Do is still a separate art from TKD today). Gen. Hong Hi Choi was
primarily responsible for the creation of this new national art, which
was named Tae Kwon Do to link it with Tae-Kyon (a native art). Earlier
unification efforts had been called Kong Soo Do, Tae Soo Do, etc. Many
masters had learned Japanese arts during the occupation, or had
learned Chinese arts in Manchuria. Only a few had been lucky enough
to be trained by the few native martial artists who remained active
when the Japanese banned all martial arts in Korea. Choi himself had
taken Tae-Kyon (a Korean art) as a child, but had earned his 2nd dan
in Shotokan Karate while a student in Japan.


Primarily a kicking art. There is often a greater emphasis on the
sport aspect of the Art. Tae-Kwon-Do stylists tend to fight at an
extended range, and keep opponents away with their feet. It is a
hard/soft, external, fairly linear style. It is known for being very


Training tends to emphasize sparring, but has forms, and basics are
important as well. There is a lot of competition work in many

The World Taekwondo Federation is the governing body recognized by the
International Olympic Committee, and as a result WTF schools usually
emphasize Olympic-style full contact sparring. The WTF is represented
in the U.S. by the U.S. Taekwondo Union (USTU).

The International Taekwondo Federation is an older organization
founded by Hong Hi Choi and based out of Canada. It tends to
emphasize a combination of self-defense and sparring, and uses forms
slightly older than those used by the WTF.

The American Taekwondo Association is a smaller organization similar
in some ways to the ITF. It is somewhat more insular than the ITF and
WTF, and is somewhat unique in that it has copyrighted the forms of
its organization so that they cannot be used in competition by

There are numerous other federations and organizations, many claiming
to be national (AAU TKD has perhaps the best claim here) or
international (although few are), but these three have the most
members. All of these federations, however, use similar techniques
(kicks, strikes, blocks, movement, etc.), as indeed does Tang Soo Do
(another Korean art, founded by the Moo Duk Kwan, that remained
independent during the unification/foundation of Tae Kwon Do).

Sub-Styles: None(?)
ive been doing tae kwon do for a year, atm im on my green tag, tae kwon do has improved my fitness and has helped me in ninjitsu, it is pretty good compitition
whoops, i posted it to soon,ive been doing tae kwon do for a year, atm im on my green tag, tae kwon do has improved my fitness and has helped me in ninjitsu, it is pretty good compitition and alot of hot girls (if ya know wa i mean) well, i must go now as im tired, cya guys
Bob I wpould suggesting to update the listing there is no USTU anymore it is called the USA Taekwondo. Thanks
yeah, even though many people get really good at taekwondo, some don't devolop a true taekwondo attitude, if ya know what i mean, i'm still working on mine, but i'll get there sooner or later.
agreed. Tae Kwon Do is a way of life, and I love it. for me it greatly improved my fitness, balance and self discipline.

Personally, I live for the training and the lasting bonded friendships in the Dojo.

Best Regards,
Thank you for the info on Tae Kwon Do. Being new to it, it's nice to know it's history and philosophy.
I have concerns about how long you can actually be proficient in tae-kwon-do. What happens when you get to a age where you can't do what you could do when you where younger? Ie. Chin-Na (Chinese grappling), which could be done from a wheelchair and still be effective....?
You need to train with someone who is an expert in training people over 40. In all martial art it goes in stages of unlearning what you have learned.

After 40 you will benifit from strength training 4 times faster than younger people but you will deteriorate 4 times faster when you stop. You must never stop training but change how you train based on age and health conditions. One of the worst things I see nation wide is the Ego of sport TKD forcing out of shape people or older people to do unhealthy or unecessary techiniques because the instructor has no real education in medical/health related issues and true self defense which are the two main reasons for any martial art training for life Health and self defense.

Analyze your diet and health. All training should be to build you up not tear you down, slow deliberate low impact movements with balance. Most TKD public classes because they are money oriented warm ups are rediculous with maybe 5 to 15 minutes devoted to stretching and breathing and much of that totally wrong for older or out of shape people. A good class will be two hours or more with at least 45 minutes dedicated to stretching, breathing and strengthening the joints, skeletal and neurological. I spent many years developing a self healing part of our TKD that uses Chi gong, Hap Kido and other methods. Getting older has nothing to do with pain. If you have pain you can fix it many times with out drugs or surgery. You have to have the ego of why do I train? not to look like some bouncy adolecent but feel good and that could mean you get to learn something the young ones don't. Find a better instructor or you may need to cross train in something else.

I trained with people that were still putting young boys down at 90
Hello Everyone, hows it going?

I'm new to this form, but not to TKD. I myself am a second degree black belt and have been studying for quite some time.

I would like any here on this form to check out this website that I found. It has SIX (6) brothers and sisters who are all 2nd degree black belts. Their forms are from the old style ( before the most recent changes), but to music they look pretty cool. They even have some Korean on their site.

I'd like to know what every one else thinks about it.

Let me know what you think. Best wishes to everyone.
Hello Everyone, hows it going?

I'm new to this form, but not to TKD. I myself am a second degree black belt and have been studying for quite some time.

I would like any here on this form to check out this website that I found. It has SIX (6) brothers and sisters who are all 2nd degree black belts. Their forms are from the old style ( before the most recent changes), but to music they look pretty cool. They even have some Korean on their site.

I'd like to know what every one else thinks about it.

Let me know what you think. Best wishes to everyone.

My best friend founded the WCTF World Christian Taekwondo Federation I sent this to him suggestig they should do something like this enjoyed the music and scripture. However I am a Hanmadang referee if they were going to compete or want to do more they should get all the video from national and World Hanmadang competitions lots of good stuff for them to do.

thanks for the post

My name is Markku Parviainen and I have been training Taekwondo around 30 years, I actually started with Karate but after 4 years training I burn myself! ( Too much training ) I did compete international level about 10 years, coached some elite level fighters. I currently live in Sweden, Huskvarna.

Now I will be more at home so I can write more!

Here is some pictures from past! You can see my skinny self 1985 before world championships in Korea ( at the bottom of the page ) Click here!

Yours, Markku