
Shirt Ripper said:
How heavy?

1-2 Starbuck's Venti size. I've cut down over the past year from 2, or even three LARGE, finished to the last drop, to usually 1, with some left. Two or three days a week I will have two large cups - with the second unfinished. Enought to cause calcium problems in someone like myself who hates milk.
7starmantis said:
Yeah I take a protein shake that includes a huge blend of vitamins and herbs, plus the partner vitamins. It contains alot of green tea and ginsing type herbs so I've really seen great results from it, I'll be using it indeffinitely.


Just started something like that this morning - to replace my cofffee - and BOY DID IT WORK! Like you, I'll be using it indefinitely. What a change.
It looks like the main ones have already been brought up (nice work everyone :) ).

If nothing else at least a good multivitamin is a great place to start. Protein is also a good choice to help heal all the wear and tears. And although its not a supplement, don't forget to drink lots of water. A lot of people allow themselves to get dehydrated and that puts a lot of stress on the body.
Jonathan Randall said:
1-2 Starbuck's Venti size. I've cut down over the past year from 2, or even three LARGE, finished to the last drop, to usually 1, with some left. Two or three days a week I will have two large cups - with the second unfinished. Enought to cause calcium problems in someone like myself who hates milk.

I am unfamiliar with the sizes of coffee purchased from Starbuck's, etc. but when approaching upwards of 7 or 8 cups (as in servings) a day there is evidence to support negative effects...

Flinstone Vitamins certainly wont hurt anything...better than nothing, you know?
I used a weight gainer powder to help me bulk up 30 pounds. I've been right around 180 for more than a decade since then, despite periods of inactivity, sickness, poor eating, heavy training . . . everything. My body doesn't seem to change weight, it just moves it about.
When I was younger I thought that beer and wiskey where the main supplements
and anything that killed or lessened the pian I was in
Couple beer & a tequila shot or two. No kidding. I'm old, and when I train, I train hard with a bunch of young punks with something to prove. About half the time is spent practicing throws and breakfalls on hard surfaces (indoor/outdoor carpet on hard garage cement floor?). The old bones don;t seem to rattle as painfully when I crash into the planet off a guruma.

Additionally, I also do protien shake, lotsa condensed green stuff, and oils.


GNC MegaMan Vitamins; Amino Fuel amino acid supplements; NOX2 Nitric Oxide supplement and a LOT of water. Kinda speeds my recovery time and rebuilds muscle mass.
I used to manage a supplement store guys....I am here to tell you it is all about how you eat. If you take whey protein and a multivitamin you will be good. Anything more and you are wasting your money.

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