Super Hero For Hire

Originally posted by Seig
Once you have it proper, I can *Boot to the Groin* you properly.

:cool: , I'm going to stand at the 90 angle so then when he bends over from the boot to the groin i'm going to axe kick him on the head. :eek:
Originally posted by KenpoTess
ohhhh yeah I like stomping the stuffing outta things :EG:

All this trouble for little ole' me :rolleyes:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
You are the not so liked fella around here to knock around. :D :cool:

Nah, y'all like me, you just dont wanna admit it :D
Originally posted by Seig
It's no trouble:)

Well thats good :asian:

Now Jason....Seig is an example of a person who likes me but just wont show it :D
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Now Jason....Seig is an example of a person who likes me but just wont show it :D

Young one, Young one. :rolleyes: He said it was no problem to keep giving you boots to the groin. :shrug:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Young one, Young one. :rolleyes: He said it was no problem to keep giving you boots to the groin. :shrug:

Nah you dont say! :eek:

I was using Seig the person as an example.......not his post :rolleyes: