Super Hero For Hire


Master of Blades

Hey y'all, Just thought I would tell you all about my new role as Martial Talks friendly super hero :D Some say I was struck by lightning, some say I fell into a test tube in school but ONLY I know how I got my powers and what they are. So from now on if anyone needs any protection from anyone on Martial Talk (The resident super baddys such as Rich, Jason or Seig :rolleyes: ) then please do not hesitate to turn on the MOB sign or just shout out. My charge fee's are $59.95 per hour :shrug: and that covers insurance and the chance that you may die while I'm saving you. Before I am hired you must also sign this form which states that if in the likley chance that you will die then you must leave me your house, wife, children and car :rtfm: Thanks for your time ladys and gentlemen, I have no set up office in the Locker room. So in other words

:wah: !!!HIRE ME!!! :wah:
Your thinking too far ahead, hire me and then we will figure that out :shrug:

For you my friend a discount, only $29.97 per HALF AN HOUR. Now is that a discount or what! :D
Sounds great just let me bend over and grab my ankles so you can have my paypal account. Oh dear friend of mine.:p I get cash on the spot? :rolleyes:
I know i'll give you my worrd it;s better than caash sorry it's hard to type while I'm laughing.
Originally posted by D_Brady
I know i'll give you my worrd it;s better than caash sorry it's hard to type while I'm laughing.

Oh come on.....I'm not THAT funny :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Rob_Broad
Do you own a mirror?

Yes, but I wasnt talking about what I look like, just how funny I was, remind me of Seig, always thinking the wrong thing! :rolleyes:
Isn't that position already filled by Luke Cage?

wondering who actually catches the reference.
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Hey y'all, Just thought I would tell you all about my new role as Martial Talks friendly super hero :D Some say I was struck by lightning, some say I fell into a test tube in school but ONLY I know how I got my powers and what they are. So from now on if anyone needs any protection from anyone on Martial Talk (The resident super baddys such as Rich, Jason or Seig :rolleyes: ) then please do not hesitate to turn on the MOB sign or just shout out. My charge fee's are $59.95 per hour :shrug: and that covers insurance and the chance that you may die while I'm saving you. Before I am hired you must also sign this form which states that if in the likley chance that you will die then you must leave me your house, wife, children and car :rtfm: Thanks for your time ladys and gentlemen, I have no set up office in the Locker room. So in other words


You are just padding your total here.

Get a real job.

Or go play with your Action Figures AKA Dolls! :rofl:

I will be on work travel next week and so you can catch up then.

Also you have not PM'd me yet about teh Mi Trip you have planned.
Originally posted by Rich Parsons

You are just padding your total here.

Get a real job.

Or go play with your Action Figures AKA Dolls! :rofl:

I will be on work travel next week and so you can catch up then.

Also you have not PM'd me yet about teh Mi Trip you have planned.

LOL....Ok ok, The Michigan trip looks promising but were just waiting for my uncle to propose! Hes such a coward :shrug:
Originally posted by Cthulhu
Isn't that position already filled by Luke Cage?

wondering who actually catches the reference.

Nice Hero for Hire reference Cthulhu.

As for MOB's powers we may not know what they are but I am sure we can all figure out that he got them from being dropped on his head one to many times!

Your friendly neighbor hood MOB antagonist
Originally posted by Seig
MOB, if you are defending someone from me, who is defending you?

I dont need defense......your all harrassing Chaos now, I'm just gonna attack you all while your not looking :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Chaos
So no one here likes me?

Never said that, just that they were harrassing you, they do it to all the n00bs. Big Bullys :p (or short in Jasons case ) :rofl:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Big Bullys :p (or short in Jasons case ) :rofl:

Doesn't matter I'm fine with my height. :mad: However young one we may have to meet on the mat and then get a little midevil and figure out who the dominant male is!:D

I am not a newb

You are new here.