Sugino Sensei Katori Shinto Ryu Demonstration.

Here is a demonstration by the late Sugino Sensei.

Thanks for sharing that Brian,
I have always found the KSR stuff very nice, and I find their method of koto (returning the sword) quite interesting...They did a demo in KC about a year ago, and had some VERY impressive naginata stuff...
I know that there is a lot of controversy surrounding Katori but I always enjoy seeing their techniques performed.

Thankfully I don't have to fret about it as I just train alongside a Katori class of the Sugino Ha rather than being a part of that class (and I certainly don't want to ignite one of the periodic flame-fests which pass for discussion of the issue on Net fora :eek:!).

My only complaint is that I just wish they didn't kiai so much - though it is good practise at ignoring distractions :lol:.

Short version of this post - cheers for the link Vid-meister Brian :D.
That is the most fluid i have seen him do the moves there are a couple other vids of him out there on Youtube.
Some more Katori Shinto ryu then.
An English documentary about the Shihan (Otake Risuke)
of the school who is the protector of it's satus as a national treasure.
It was made in 1982 but aired in 1983 on BBC 2.

There are four parts to it.
Here is the first one:

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Stately, elegant, precise, masterful, what more can I say about it

Thank you for this link
ROFLKLITA! It's so not fair :D. Our only defence is to do the Toho kata series ... it's the only one in MJER with kiai :).
Aye, Toho is an amalgum of kata from several schools gathered together by the All Japan Iaido Federation to give a flavour of other styles:

Mae Giri (MJER)
Zengogiri (Mugai-Ryu)
Kiriage (Shindo Munen-Ryu)
Shihogiri (Suio-Ryu)
Kissaki Gaeshi (Hoki-Ryu)

I have to say tho' that we're not convinced that these techniques are very 'true' to their roots, going by the differences in Maegiri compared to Mae (from Seiza No Bu), the kata that it's supposed to be :D.
Aye, Toho is an amalgum of kata from several schools gathered together by the All Japan Iaido Federation to give a flavour of other styles:

Mae Giri (MJER)
Zengogiri (Mugai-Ryu)
Kiriage (Shindo Munen-Ryu)
Shihogiri (Suio-Ryu)
Kissaki Gaeshi (Hoki-Ryu)

I have to say tho' that we're not convinced that these techniques are very 'true' to their roots, going by the differences in Maegiri compared to Mae (from Seiza No Bu), the kata that it's supposed to be :D.

I'm a yondan in the ZNIR and believe it or not, never had to learn these kata. When I was in Japan, I went to the dojo and the headmaster of the ryuha I was specialising at the time (a ninth dan in the ZNIR) just had me do koryu. He had a dislike for both ZNKR Seitei and ZNIR Toho since they encouraged bad habits for trainees learning the mindset of the koryu studied.