

White Belt
Feb 6, 2009
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When I was in Jr. High I was able to do the splits (legs going out to the sides). However, after 20 years of not doing the splits, I've come to realize I can no longer do them (shocker).

I'll try to hold it for a bit, then see if I can come down a bit...but in all, I don't think I'm getting any better with them.

Any suggestions on how to increase my flexiblity? I've been a runner and a biker for YEARS and I still can't touch my toes.
Buy a strecthing machine and work on it, everybody has got to put alot of time in it for it to stay at that level.
One of my instructors was a former gymnast, and her advice on increasing flexibility was to warm up with cardio first, then do stretching. It should be done every day, a little at a time, and you will slowly improve. Something like the splits is hard for most adults the older we get, you may never reach the exact level you left off at, but you can slowly get better.
One of my instructors was a former gymnast, and her advice on increasing flexibility was to warm up with cardio first, then do stretching. It should be done every day, a little at a time, and you will slowly improve. Something like the splits is hard for most adults the older we get, you may never reach the exact level you left off at, but you can slowly get better.

Perfect advice. This is what I do with my karate students, yoga students, and my training clients.
I am 50, and after 32 years in the martial arts and 4 years of wrestling before that, I can still go in splits, etc rather easily. As you get older, it is essential to realize a few things: I get up early before work, work out my stomach, legs, etc, sometimes do my 108 tai chi form, etc. But I always stretch for 15 -20 minutes every morning, and the same at night after training. Also, your flexibility comes as much from your waist and your hips as your legs, so maintain those areas as well and make sure you remain supple especially in the waist. Breathe normally, but breathe through the stretch and DO NOT BOUNCE!! Besides doing the stretches, also do heavy leg training where you hold the leg out in front to the side, etc, without bringing it down for anywhere between 30 seconds to 10 minutes.

Those are some suggestions.
Besides doing the stretches, also do heavy leg training where you hold the leg out in front to the side, etc, without bringing it down for anywhere between 30 seconds to 10 minutes.

10 Minutes??! Holy Crap. :asian:
Under my Shaolin master, one of my three masters I have trained with, we had to do heavy leg with a sword handle in the ground and the blade sticking up just below our leg....highly motivational not to drop the leg. I was always pretty flexible, especially wrestling for 4 years before starting martial arts 32 years ago, but needed to add strength in the hip flexor and muscles around the hip. This worked very well. I can hold it for about 5 minutes now at age 50, but it does help "guitar playing" in Yang tai chi...LOL!