Mod. Note--"I quit!" thread.



So I started Kenpo at Downers Grove Karate when I was fifteen. What I was really interested in was something that would keep me safe when I finally got to prison. Don't all gasp at once, but I was hanging around some pretty shifty cats and I figured sooner or later, I'd get sent to the pokey. It was time to learn how to fight.
So I started. My first group class I was so out of shape I threw up during the first fifteen minutes. But I wouldn't stop...this stuff was so cool!
So by the time I graduated high school, I was a big bad purple belt. And all I wanted to do was study martial arts, commit crimes (notably theft and drug dealing), and "hang out" with a series of young ladies possessed of a loose moral character.
I kept training. I'd be at the dojo waiting for my instructor to get there, and I'd stay until he left. Unlike him, I never spent any time just sitting around...I was busy practicing. Learning.
I'd get jobs, and then they'd start to encroach on my training, and I'd quit. Ah, fraud was easier anyway, wasn't it? My instructor didn't pay any attention to me beyond bumming me the occaisional cigarette. No asking me what I was up to, no trying to encourage me to get into school, NOTHING. I'd relate tales of street violence, including how I brought the violence upon myself, and did he ever admonish me? Tell me I was going to end up dead? No; he'd gruffly laugh as I told him about how I sent some gangbanger to the hospital and mutter something about his school being able to kick the rice out of all the other schools.
I was getting pretty damn good. In a year or so I became a green belt and began teaching. What a gratifying feeling! I was also getting into a lot of trouble at this point. I got a DUI charge, and a couple months later I got a battery charge when I beat up my girlfriend's brother. My instructor didn't care. After a couple of months, he gave me a key to the school. I treated it like my child.
I kept passing people in rank, getting better and more knowledgeable (sp?) until the two highest ranking brown belts at the school were myself and a guy who got his brown belt the WEEK I STARTED! Between myself, this brown belt, and my instructor, we were teaching pretty much everyone in the school.
In terms of total hours, I was there the most though. And I grew as a person, too. A girlfriend of mine, along with my fellow brown belt, convinced me to get into school. And I did, and I did pretty well for someone who had no aspirations to higher learning. I took an anthropology class that taught me about the theory of violence: violence not as a physical act, but violence as a violation of another being. I came into a greater understanding of humankind.
And I gave up my criminal inclinations, and not a moment too soon. My old "road dog" is now serving six years for armed robbery and aggravated battery. We write sometimes and I try to help him.
So time went on. I kept working hard in the dojo, still spending five-six hours a night. Most days I'd get there before my instructor. The other brown belt and I kept working and working. It became clear to us that our instructor had no intention of promoting anyone to black belt. After he taught you Long 4, you got Long 5 to deal with. Then Long 6. Then Long 7. Finally I expressed that I didn't think a black belt was attainable at our school. This drove my instructor INSANE and he finally gave these requirements for black belt: all 124 techniques off both sides, Short 1, 2, 3, Long 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Setting Sun, Mass Attack, Book-Set, Tiger, Crane, 2-Man Set, Finger Set, Moving Finger Set, Staff 1, 2, 3, 4. Since 1981, when our (well, the school, now) opened, over 10,000 people had joined. Three got their black belts. My fellow (ah, let's call him Jim) and I were rip-snortin' to be the next two. We set a date for October.
Jim had to leave for his federal cop training in Fletsie (sp?) Georgia. The test date got pushed back.
My instructor had hernia surgery. The test date got pushed back again.
Finally, my instructor was ready to push the test date back some more, and I pleaded with him to let us test Nov 3, because Jim's (the other brown belt's) wife was due to give birth to their first child in later.
I was told that this wouldn't be a black belt test, that we were testing for 1st degree brown.
The test was a joke. Jim was breathing like a steam engine after the the first or second kata we did, his form slipped mightily(he's a typical fat cop). Mine didn't; I'm in good shape and I was better able to regulate my breathing and "connect" my breath to my movements. Jim goofed on a technique he was faux-teaching as well. I didn't goof on mine.
After a couple hours, it was over. It was so anti-climatic I was certain there'd be no black belts coming out of that.
I was wrong. Jim, he of the fat *** and the flubbed techniques, recieved his black belt. I was promoted from 3rd degree to 1st degree brown.
Which is why I quit. I have a life to get started on. I have to do well in school so I can transfer into a good university, so I can have a shot at feeding myself. I could use those hours ordinarily spent at the dojo WORKING and maybe actually making some money.
I started because I didn't want to lose fights. Now I'm quitting because I am sick and tired of my instructor's ego and bulls**t, I could make decent money waiting tables, I'm perfectly secure in my ability to take people out, and well...I didn't think I'd cry, but I am. All I really needed was someone to show me how to be a good person, help me because my dad left and my mom was always too stoned to help me with anything, and I got NOTHING! No help...that's all I wanted, really. It's sad that I realize this now, I feel like I'm wasted so much of my life. Six more months of training the way I have, teaching as much as I have? No. I was being walked on and I didn't even realize. Oh, this hurts so bad.
Anybody who wants clarification can go ahead and ask. It's funny, but I don't think I'll actually stop training...I am addicted now. But I also don't think I'll ever go back to an Asian martial arts school...maybe I'll just box. But I'll keep on reading MartialTalk (sobbing and laughing)!

i'm sorry.

boxing and asian martial arts... Practically no difference if you claim you were working hard. There are always better teachers or individual groups where you can train. you get what you put in
I wish I could say this is the first time I've heard a story of an instructor taking advantage of a student like this but I've heard the exact same story many times before. As to the role model issue, one always hopes that an instructor will provide this.

You may find that your training transfers to another martial arts school. Boxing is great but you might be able to pick up more-or-less where you left off at another Kenpo school.

I believe that focusing on your acadmeic studies is important--financial security is a way of protecting your health and safety (health insurance, safe neighborhood, etc.).
Once I wanted to quit boxing. I told my coach. He said, "So quit. But remember no one cares if you do. Only you are losing out. If you really want it, find a way."

Smooth Seas Never Made Skillful Sailors...
I sign my posts with a quote "It's not the destination, but the journey that builds character". You are an example of this quote. The journey has changed you from a person that would be called a loser to a winner. Your experiance with that particular instructor was unfortunate, but the character that was created can not be measured or taken from you. Continue moving forward and the future will be bright.

" It is better the aim for the stars and miss, then to aim for a cowpie and hit."
So what?

You want sympathy???

Bite me...

You are copping out and blaming someone else...

In the end YOU know who's responsible...

Good luck in Prison...


I started studying when I was 16 or 17 (back in 1986). I got my black belt in 1998, 12 years after I started.

Personally, I don't think I deserved it, but that's neither here nor there.

So how long have you been studying? No offense intended (mostly), but if you haven't taken at least a decade to get your black belt, I don't think you really earned it... Not just because it took me that long to get mine (though that does help ;) ), but because after taking that long I feel like I earned what little I do know. It is mine - I worked hard for the knowledge, and it can't be taken away.

Get over it. Find someplace else to train. Good luck with it.

Chufeng, that isn't the most positive way to respond is it? I don't know that I would respond the same way, regardless of whether you felt that way or not, but come on..."bite me" is a little juvenile, isn't it?

Kenposcum, you learned some valuable life lessons that probably saved your future from that school. Take the knowledge and continue to progress through your life with it. Find a new kenpo school and keep working at it. So you don't like your instructor, that's fine. Find a new one, and keep training. You must enjoy the art, so why not further your understanding and learning by continuing to study it. One bad apple...;)

Seriously, good luck with whatever training you decide to continue with. Whatever you do, you know where your skills are and what you should be training, so follow your heart. Don't let one bad instructor or multiple years of LEARNING get in the way of that.
Ah, I was just whining.
Too bad but then again c'est la vie.
I'm thinking it will be kind of nice to work around and try to innovate things for myself a little bit.
And it will be nice to finally have some dough.
When one door closes, another opens, or something to that effect.
And up yours Chiduce, the whole point was that I learned and evolved. So I'm not even close to offended by you...
Originally posted by kenposcum

And up yours Chiduce,

Might want to get your names right... Chufeng is who replied; Chiduce hasn't even posted on this topic yet...

Chufeng is my senior in Yiliquan, and I have known him for 14 years. While he doesn't need me to defend his actions, I think you take/took his comments in a way other than the way they were meant...

His harsh attitude is like a stick being applied to the back of a sleeping monk... It serves several purposes, and may wake him up in more than one way.

Again, good luck with whatever you do. Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience.

Originally posted by chufeng

...Bite me....



Hey Nurse Hachey, why don't you show a little respect for another human being or don't nurses in the Great Northwest USA practice compassion?

I don't know about anyone else but I am not a member of MartialTalk so I can read disrespectful posts from "keyboard warriors" who hurl barbs across space and time that they probably would not say to someone's face.

In my opinion being rude over the Internet marks you as a coward. Are you like this in person? I know you would not say this to someone in my school on my mat. Your are a rude SOB and I hope they suspend your account. I just chastised a student at my studio this week for being disrespectful but at least he had the opportunity to mouth off in person to someone's face and suffer the consequences.

I think kenposcum has related a valuable story. I think he is not alone. I doubt if there are not others on this website who have seen and heard the same thing. I think he needs to remember that he may well have some good skills and he can probably transport them to a good school, under a good teacher. If kenposcum has learned the material properly it sounds like he should have no trouble finding an instructor to take him on and train him through the Black Belt ranks.

He needs to remember that no one can take away his skill and this is why he was there to begin with. If your instructor employs a belt ranking system in a commercial school then he has a responsibility to train you through the ranks "as advertised" in my opinion. If he does not, then why does he use a graduated system? If he is taking your money and not promoting you then he may well be misrepresenting what he is selling.

I wish kenposcum well. I appreciated his post and his positive attitude toward his future and his current situation in life.

I wish you would apologize and act like an educator and a health professional and be more constructive. He is not asking for your sympathy, he is not coping out (he can't promote himself), he is not responsible for his teacher training 3 in 10,000 people to Black Belt. If this guy ran a public school there is no way he would not be penalized for only "graduating" 3 people in 10 years.

You also don't seem to realize that he is no longer likely to go to prison. You are on the other hand are likely to get your butt kicked if you mouth off like that to someone in person.

You are a disgrace to common courtesy, civility, the martial arts and the health profession. Reality bites doesn't it? Go away. Get out. Leave. Don't come back. Apologize. You are an irritating distraction to anyone trying to use this website for a constructive purpose. I hope I have made myself clear.
Hey there, Dougie, why the wild hair up your backside? :angry:

How do you know Chufeng, and how do you presume to know him well enough to bark out such libelous comments?

If anyone here has been insulting it is you...

Kenposcum has admitted in a public forum that he has committed crimes - theft, drug possession with the intent to distribute, introducing controlled substances, and who knows how many more. Somehow I see the "Good luck in prison" comment as not too far off the mark...

Sure, Kenposcum is relating a common story. But his remaining a student with his former teacher is nobody's fault but his own.

If he is taking your money and not promoting you then he may well be misrepresenting what he is selling.

You bet. And Caveat Emptor to anyone, anywhere. If he didn't feel he was getting what he was paying for, Kenposcum should have hit the road instead of trying to tough it out in order to get a black belt from someone who apparently didn't approve of the illegal activities Kenposcum was indulging in... Funny how the overweight cop got promoted while the in shape miscreant didn't...

I would love for the self same hater of insulting keyboard warriors to practice what he preaches... You flatly called Chufeng a discompassionate coward. Chufeng simply denied Kenposcum's request for sympathy. You made insulting comments, called insulting names (unless you appreciate being called an SOB; do you?) and then acted like you were someone who mattered when you uttered "I hope I have made myself clear."

Whatever. While Chufeng's comments were abrasive, yours were abusive. If anyone should be making apologies, it should be you Mr. Hall... As for accounts being suspended... I thought that only people who were openly insulting, derogatory, and called names got that treatment... Mods? Care to comment on this?

And by the way Dougie, nice use of Chufeng's profile information in launching your personal attack on him... Pulling his info for just such a purpose seems to really mark you as one of those you detest so much... Are you this insulting in person? Perhaps we will never know...


Who the "f" is he?

Well let's see who Mr. Hall REALLY is:

Seems to be a Boy Scouts of America, Capitol Area Council, Cub Scout Pack 140, Trained and Registered Adult Leader Oct 1999-Present.
He also claims to be a devote Christian, although from his post it's difficult to realize it.


I would like to give you some words of advice.
If what you are saying is true about you criminal activities...............make no mistake you will get caught. Maybe not today or tomorrow but you will get caught and if you don't you might just wind up dead. Needless to say both would suck.
Sooner or later you will come to realize life can be a real ***** and you can do two things..........cry about how unfair it is or deal with in a proper (lawful) way to make yourself a better person in the community. Everyday is a test to make you better than yesterday.
We've locked this thread while we consider the complaints we've received about some of the posts in it. We expect to unlock it once we've resolved those complaints. Thanks as always to those who use the "Report to Mod." feature to help us keep MartialTalk a friendly place.

-MT Admin-
This is a general warning. Direct warnings are being sent to specific individuals where deemed appropriate. Keep the discussion polite and professional. Personal attacks will not be tolerated here. Please re-read the forum rules if necessary.

-MT Admin-
-On behalf of the MartialTalk Moderation Team
hey there, kenposcum

i interpreted you as saying that you are no longer involved in illegal action. that's good, between putting long hours in training and school, i cant see how you could have time to screw around.

i was alot like you im sure. ill pm ya. its unfortunate that your teacher is a loser, he doesnt seem to give much of a crap about you or what happens to you. there are plenty of people in the world like that. here's a little advice that might help; find another kenpo teacher, but dont just join the club. ask that person to spend some time with you and exchange stories. find someone you like alot. dont even limit yourself to kenpo, that's not what's important. bottom line is: you need a role model, a real one. it's that simple.
Send me 49.95$ USD and I will send you your black belt certificate custom done in crayola by myself. A value by any stretch.
Originally posted by theneuhauser

hey there, kenposcum

i interpreted you as saying that you are no longer involved in illegal action. that's good, between putting long hours in training and school, i cant see how you could have time to screw around.

i was alot like you im sure. ill pm ya. its unfortunate that your teacher is a loser, he doesnt seem to give much of a crap about you or what happens to you. there are plenty of people in the world like that. here's a little advice that might help; find another kenpo teacher, but dont just join the club. ask that person to spend some time with you and exchange stories. find someone you like alot. dont even limit yourself to kenpo, that's not what's important. bottom line is: you need a role model, a real one. it's that simple.

Of all the posts in just this one particular firery thread, this is the best piece of advice that could ever be given to Ken-scum or anybody in his predicament for that matter! :asian: Thank you for that, and why didn't I think of such kind words of wisdom? :idunno:

I just hope that Kenpo follows through, and lives a proper, honorable life, and becomes the utmost positive role model that's demanded of us martial artists. :angel:
Compassion comes in many forms.

Sometimes, lending an ear and a shoulder to lean on is appropriate.

Sometimes, however, compassion comes in the shape of a boot planted firmly on one's backside.

When one is feeling sorry for oneself...a good jolt sometimes helps...

To FEED the behavior with things like "Oh, it's alright...yes so and so is being's not your fault..." ENABLES the individual to continue in a funk and reinforces the "victim" mentality...

Most people in martial arts don't want to be viewed as victims...
Many start martial arts to PREVENT being a victim in the future...

For those who thought my comment was out of line; clearly, you do not understand the motivation behind it...Yiliquan1 figured it out and I think RyuShiKan could see where I was coming from...

I won't apologize...
The individual who started this thread admitted that he was just whining.
That self-assessment was what I hoped would happen.

I may have been wrong...maybe the individual needed to vent and was simply using us as a sounding board...

...then again, maybe he needed a boot in the butt...

Only HE can answer that.

Just to clarify my point…………….

...and to CD might want to read up a little on different approaches to certain behaviors before your next attack on someone's character...have a nice day.

chufeng, its fairly obvious what the intention of your first post was. i agree that sometimes tough love is necessary. i think people may have been offended by your choice of words.
but more importantly, i know where the kid is coming from. i spent most of my teenage years in the company of the horrible dirtbags that most folks only get to see on television. i had noone that i could depend on except myself, not my family, not faculty and defenitely not the murderers that called me their friend. this is important, so i hope you are reading this: that hard knocks crap is all i got growing up and ive got a feeling that our thread starter has gotten plenty of it too. it never did a damn thing for me except to tell me that yes, there is one more person out there that doesnt give a **** about anyone but themselves. now i dont think thats you, but thats how it comes off to someone who sees and hears negativity all the time. i think that he just needs a role model. someone that provides a good example and cares enough to want him to change. his teacher was obviously an *** hole that didnt give a damn about him. if he wasnt, then we probably wouldnt be discussing this matter at all. kenposcum finally realized it and hes venting to this community as if to ask, "please tell me i havent been wasting all this time and commitment".
and no dude, you havent.