Somehow I can’t picture me saying Namasté

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
I am not sure how this fits into beating trees.. or walls.. but...

For the first time in about 15 years I did yoga for 1 hour today and I have to admit I feel great. I trained a little Yoga many years ago but stopped because to be honest, as much as I think it is a good thing and I am happy there are people that train it… it was just WAAAAY to peaceful for me.

What I was training was Kripalu but now I am training (ok any Yoga people that read this are about to cringe) Power Yoga and I love it.

I started training Yoga again a couple of month ago and I built back up to an hour and it is great. Nothing complicated, I am not nor have I ever been into the whole Yoga Inversion thing but today’s training was painful, stressful and a bit taxing but surprisingly afterwards I felt better than I did before I started.

Anyone else here ever practice or currently practice Yoga? If so what style?

Or is there some other surprising non MA thing you train that you feel helps your MA.

Tames D

MTS Alumni
Apr 18, 2006
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Los Angeles, CA
My introduction to Yoga came recently when I started a fitness training program called P90X. It incorporates a 1 1/2 hour Yoga routine into the program. I'm blown away. I would have never believed Yoga could be such a great workout. But I'm way too new at it to carry on an intelligent conversation. But I plan on staying with it and learning more.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jan 3, 2006
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Denver, CO
I took Yoga for about a year, maybe 10 years ago. I really enjoyed it - I've never been that flexible before or since - especially because it was the hour immediately before my TKD class, and in the same location. The TKD class moved, and I've never found another class that fit my schedule since. I do still do some of the Yoga stances as part of my stretching, because they work better than anything else I've ever seen or tried.


Senior Master
Nov 18, 2005
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I did one of a bout a thousand Iyengar-derived Hatha Yoga styles for some time. When the Portland Yoga Shala was four blocks away I went there. But they were a little too eager to get everyone into Sanskrit and the Gita as quickly as possible.

Now I do the Five Tibetans along with my regular training.


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
Dr. Gyi has been introducing a yoga system over the last few years. I confess; I'm not doing it as much as I should -- but I keep intending to start! He's become very concerned with the number of older martial arts who are almost functional cripples because they're training hasn't included any healing... just hurting.

And he's got a very good point... I was at a tournament today, and I couldn't help but notice how any guys who were the ones I really looked up to when I started are limping, reliant on canes, or have had one or more hip replacements -- among other things.

In fact... I think I need to break out the notes tonight, and do some of it!
Xue Sheng

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
My introduction to Yoga came recently when I started a fitness training program called P90X. It incorporates a 1 1/2 hour Yoga routine into the program. I'm blown away. I would have never believed Yoga could be such a great workout. But I'm way too new at it to carry on an intelligent conversation. But I plan on staying with it and learning more.

I did Yoga with Power 90 (not Power 90X) years ago and I do not remember if that was before or after Kripalu. And part of what I did today was from Tony Horton’s 10 minute trainer… well 10 minutes of it was anyway :D

And just for the record, I am no expert and consider myself very new and I doubt I could carry on much of an intelligent conversation about it either.

Dr. Gyi has been introducing a yoga system over the last few years. I confess; I'm not doing it as much as I should -- but I keep intending to start! He's become very concerned with the number of older martial arts who are almost functional cripples because they're training hasn't included any healing... just hurting.

And he's got a very good point... I was at a tournament today, and I couldn't help but notice how any guys who were the ones I really looked up to when I started are limping, reliant on canes, or have had one or more hip replacements -- among other things.

In fact... I think I need to break out the notes tonight, and do some of it!

I have seen and know a lot of old hurt MA men and woman. And until I meant my wife I was one of them (and sometimes I still am) but she is a TCM OMD and I get free acupuncture so I’m set:D

But I am finding my return to Yoga is pointing out areas that I never thought of as weak and helping me strengthen them and thereby stopping some of my more persistent problems. And some (not all) of the old injuries seem to be either bothering me less or certainly not as long when they flare up.


Senior Master
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
I did Yoga with Power 90 (not Power 90X) years ago and I do not remember if that was before or after Kripalu. And part of what I did today was from Tony Horton’s 10 minute trainer… well 10 minutes of it was anyway :D

And just for the record, I am no expert and consider myself very new and I doubt I could carry on much of an intelligent conversation about it either.

I have seen and know a lot of old hurt MA men and woman. And until I meant my wife I was one of them (and sometimes I still am) but she is a TCM OMD and I get free acupuncture so I’m set:D

But I am finding my return to Yoga is pointing out areas that I never thought of as weak and helping me strengthen them and thereby stopping some of my more persistent problems. And some (not all) of the old injuries seem to be either bothering me less or certainly not as long when they flare up.
OK, that's it, no more excuses I'm starting this week...or maybe next. :) Yoga is hard. But now I'm in danger of becoming one of those old has-been cripples, so I gotta do something. All you good people have convinced me it's Yoga.


Orange Belt
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
Danville, IL
Yeah, I do yoga with my wife at home. She already did some and since I'm about as flexible as iron I started with her. I really dig it. I recently purchased a DVD from Quantam Jujitsu. Its called warrior yoga and its taught by Sensei Jeremy Corbell. Its not all that different than other yoga that I have done, but the progression is set up with MA in mind.


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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I say 'Namaste' most days several times a day lol. It's the polite way to greet the Gurkhas and their families.
I can't find a yoga class near me otherwise I'd love to do it, I have a video but it's not the same is it?
Xue Sheng

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
I say 'Namaste' most days several times a day lol. It's the polite way to greet the Gurkhas and their families.
I can't find a yoga class near me otherwise I'd love to do it, I have a video but it's not the same is it?

It is not so much the word Namasté that is the problem it is the "DAMN yoga people (tend to be) are so very calm, peacful and nice" and somehow describing myself as calm peaceful and nice while I am hitting trees, walls and throwing people and getting thrown by people just does not seem to fit .... Xue applies Qinna Lock and then say Namasté :D
Xue Sheng

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
OK, that's it, no more excuses I'm starting this week...or maybe next. :) Yoga is hard. But now I'm in danger of becoming one of those old has-been cripples, so I gotta do something. All you good people have convinced me it's Yoga.

There are different styles of Yoga some harder than others and I have actually considered going to a local Iyengar school but their schedule and mine do not match. But I am enjoying Power Yoga with slight undertones of Iyengar. And much to my surprise I have seen a few Yoga lineage disputes that make our MA lineage disputes look like a pillow fight.

More on styles of Yoga
Xue Sheng

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Well I took yoga out of the workout and you know I actually missed it this time so I put it back into the workout.

:uhohh: I fear I may be becoming :eek: [gasp] :anic: ....peaceful :erg:


Senior Master
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
I did one of a bout a thousand Iyengar-derived Hatha Yoga styles for some time. When the Portland Yoga Shala was four blocks away I went there. But they were a little too eager to get everyone into Sanskrit and the Gita as quickly as possible.

Now I do the Five Tibetans along with my regular training.

I'm not very familiar with the Five Tibetans, is that the series of rites that start with spinning around as the first one? Sorry, I don't know if it has a proper name or not.
Xue Sheng

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Well I had an unexpected opportunity to train in “classical” yoga (whatever that really means) dropped into my lap and to be honest I am going to go and give it a try because I feel I really need to. Over the last few months I have had flare ups of one old injury after another to the point where last week walking was an issue as was standing upright. To be honest walking is still no joy.

A friend of mine, from taiji, that I knew did Yoga I recently found out was a Yoga Therapist and she is going to work with me to next to nothing. So for at least the next couple of months it looks like I will be training yang taiji and Yoga and getting Yoga Therapy and lots and lots of acupuncture too. Hopefully I will come out of this feeling better than going in and not being a the human pretzel I have always feared yoga could potentially make me.

All this getting reacquainted with my old injuries apparently the result of me not paying attention to what my body has been trying to tell me for lets say oh….. the last 20 or so years.


Green Belt
Jul 9, 2008
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Tipton, West Midlands
I'm a free runner and I feel that it helps my MA loads. It builds all over strentgh in the body and high level of general fitness. It helps control adrenaline stress and is excellent for training perception and foresight. It also allows me to enter into a seamless state of action that just stems from who I am, much like when I'm fighting. It's quite liberating.
Never done yoga, though I might give it a shot, so many folks seem to swear by it.


Master Black Belt
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
Southern Louisiana
I started going to a yoga/pilates class (both in the same class) twice a week since January. It is soooooo hard, but I feel so good after class. I am very proud to say that for the first time in my life (that I can remember) I can touch my toes! I couldn't even do that as a kid. I'm also excited that I'm getting more flexiable and stronger.

I have no clue what style of yoga we're doing. I wasn't aware until this thread that there were different styles. I only thought there were just the "hippy instructors" and the other ones that are more fitness oriented. Mine is more fitness and I like it that way.

Robyn :)
Xue Sheng

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
I started going to a yoga/pilates class (both in the same class) twice a week since January. It is soooooo hard, but I feel so good after class. I am very proud to say that for the first time in my life (that I can remember) I can touch my toes! I couldn't even do that as a kid. I'm also excited that I'm getting more flexiable and stronger.

I have no clue what style of yoga we're doing. I wasn't aware until this thread that there were different styles. I only thought there were just the "hippy instructors" and the other ones that are more fitness oriented. Mine is more fitness and I like it that way.

Robyn :)

First style was Kipalu second style was power yoga but I found I couldn't take the "hippy instructors" so I left Kripalu and went for the more fitness oriented Power Yoga which I have been doing a lot on my own. However my friend who is big time into yoga feels the same way I do about the "hippy instructors" and is much more serious. She has also pointed me in the direction of an Iyengar teacher. But until now Yoga has always been secondary or on the back burner as compared to my CMA

But I have discovered, much to my surprise that lineage (by style) fits in Yoga make lineage fights in CMA look like a party.


Master of Arts
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
Southern Cal.
Recently, my cardio bag class has incorporated some Yoga stretches into the warm up and cool down. It' s a particular type of Yoga which name I forget. It is challenging to hold the positions, however, the underlying sensation that I take away from it is BOREDOM.

I'm sure that for some people it is highly beneficial, but so far, not for me. I haven't noticed any diiference in my flexibility or strength. It doesn't make me more peaceful, unless you consider "sleepy" a form of peaceful:). To tell the truth, I'm a cold-blooded sort, I take cardio bag class because I need help getting my blood pumping, I've never had a problem slowing down or focusing.

Sorry, I won't be jumping on this bandwagon anytime soon.


Dec 31, 2005
Reaction score
I can see how yoga may be beneficial. I do enjoy watching Namaste on FitTV. Must be the soothing sounds.

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