Signs of the times


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
If you have been in MA for a long time what signs have you seen over the years to make MA a better means for humanity?

How has it efeective humanity and the growth of all Martial Arts?

What have been some of the mosy important discovery in MA?

Who have been the most influencial to the Arts?
The first three questions will require some more "pondering" time before I answer. The last one though I can give my answer right away.

Who has been been most influential to the Arts? I am going to step out on a limb and give an answer that I know will catch some flack. But it is the true answer for me anyway. The most influential to the Arts? All of us; no big names, no movie stars, no Heads of Systems. Just the everyday average dedicated, Martial Artist that lives what he believes and trains, and trains with the hope they never have to use what they know. The ones who if asked during a party, get together, or any special event "How do you know _____?" Will answer proudly, I train with them at <Name of your school>, and wouldn't miss supporting them anytime. The one who forgets they have to stop by and get a gallon of milk on the way home and isn't put-off by walking into the grocery store in their Gi or Dobok, because that is what they have on. The person who when they walk into a public school, some of the students shout out across the hall "Hi Sensei ______" just because they are truly happy to see you there.

I think without the day to day people doing the arts, they would just be a faceless entity to most people. One without much appeal and draw to others. With quality students and Instructors in most towns, people can put a personal face to the Arts and THAT is what influences them to want to take up the MA's.
As a student I have discovered more that I had ever expected. I have gotten so much from my training.

As a teacher I have learned that I can not only make a student a better fighter, but a better person.

My most important discovery... there will always be someone better.

My students and fellow martial artists have been the most influential in my training.
If you have been in MA for a long time what signs have you seen over the years to make MA a better means for humanity?

How has it efeective humanity and the growth of all Martial Arts?

What have been some of the mosy important discovery in MA?

Who have been the most influencial to the Arts?[/quote]
I recently met up with Bill Lasiter. Bills a Kung Fu San Soo legend in my opinion. The man has a great attitude,is in great shape and moves like a man in his 30's (he's 70). I walked out of there a better man than when I walked in because of him. He's the Jack Lalaine of Martial Arts.