cfr said:
. . . should you bother with techs that are very difficult to get good at?
All techniques are difficult to get good at. So why even try at all? Usually one enjoys the training for a reason or two. And yes all techniques are hard to get good at. How many people just walking in off the street never trained in anything in their life, can block or pass, or step out of the way of a telegraphed incoming strike?
This leads to a couple of theories I have heard/discussed/used. Every technique is basic. You keep practicing your basics, and eventually your basics improve as you discover more of what could or should be. By these little steps these "Hard" or "difficult" techniques are not so hard or difficult to learn.
All techniques are designed by masters to be used by masters. (* I use the term in the mind set of an Apprentice/beginner, Journeyman/Advanced, and Master/Skilled. And the Master still can make mistakes and still learn *). So, until one is skilled at a techinique one does not understand the technique in full, and it would seem hard as you have to work at it to get better.
Now some techniques may require more effort to learn than others, and one has to determine if it is worth ones time for the gain for investment. If it is a traditional like art, then I would say if one wishes to stay with the art, they should learn it. Or understand they will not be a skilled practitioner or instructor in said art. This does mean you have to perfect it and be the best person in the world at that technique either. This same person could set aside the technique and determine what works for them and move on and only worry about themselves for application. This is good for the individual, and not for the "art". It depends upon the individuals goals and desires. Neither is correct nor wrong.
cfr said:
Are techs like these easily forgettable?
All techniques are easily forgetable, if not practiced and maintained into muscle memory for reflex, otherwise, your mind will be looking through a filling cabinet of techniques, while the opponent is acting or reacting on ones' person.
Just my thoughts