Saps, coin purses, blackjacks - any experience?

Russian Whips

Orange Belt
Aug 4, 2016
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What do you think of such type of weapon? How effective do you think it is for self-defense?

Had a mate who was mad keen for punting guys he did not like in the side of the head with a radio. Dropped them pretty good. Did generate a bit to much blood for my liking.
The items used in the video you linked are very useful, although I've never used them in self-defense (I use them for more....recreational purposes). They are great for providing pain in an efficient manner without doing any serious or permanent damage.
The items used in the video you linked are very useful, although I've never used them in self-defense (I use them for more....recreational purposes). They are great for providing pain in an efficient manner without doing any serious or permanent damage.

Good grief that sounds more risqué than my post did!
The items used in the video you linked are very useful, although I've never used them in self-defense (I use them for more....recreational purposes). They are great for providing pain in an efficient manner without doing any serious or permanent damage.
Serious or permanent damage is exceptionally easy with a sap or blackjack, that is why they are no longer standard issue for most(all?) police forces.

The sap maker I got mine from has bumper stickers that say "Stealing childhood memories since 2005"
Serious or permanent damage is exceptionally easy with a sap or blackjack, that is why they are no longer standard issue for most(all?) police forces.

The sap maker I got mine from has bumper stickers that say "Stealing childhood memories since 2005"

Yep. When I was a youngster I briefly worked as a civilian employee with the Highway Patrol and later with the Sherriff's Office. Back then officers often carried them. Not any more ...for the reasons you stated. And there's a perception that such weapons are used by thugs.

Another problem with a sap or blackjack is that they are illegal for civilians to carry most places. In my state you can carry a firearm openly or concealed without a permit, so if you really are in danger, why would you carry something like that if it's illegal and can get you into a lot of trouble?
The saps I collect and have custom made are genuine leather pouches I fill with lead shot.
Lately I've tried new design you'll see demonstrated by my friend in a video below. I took a piece of gargen hose, glued in a lead 12" bullet in the tip, filled it up with buckshot and had it wrapped up and stiched up in leather, added a strap and voila - a "sausage" sap appeared. It combines the advantages of a sap and short whip or a baton but in a good way

Some of the techniques he uses are not typical of sap proper, but rather are of short whip arsenal

Sausage sap is shorter then nagaika whip (although i have one 50 cm sap and can order even longer ones) but it can be used pretty much in the same way as nagaika

Yep. When I was a youngster I briefly worked as a civilian employee with the Highway Patrol and later with the Sherriff's Office. Back then officers often carried them. Not any more ...for the reasons you stated. And there's a perception that such weapons are used by thugs.

Another problem with a sap or blackjack is that they are illegal for civilians to carry most places. In my state you can carry a firearm openly or concealed without a permit, so if you really are in danger, why would you carry something like that if it's illegal and can get you into a lot of trouble?

One way to go around it would be to connect some key on a ring to the strap and this way it could pass for a keychain, or at least one would have an explanation )))
What do you think of such type of weapon? How effective do you think it is for self-defense?
I don't like them. They are bulky and are illegal to carry just about everywhere. They are specifically designed to injure people, very much like trying to arm yourself with a sword except with less blood.
If someone really feels the need to carry a weapon for self-defense (the vast majority of people have no need), then a concealed carry firearm makes much more sense in my opinion.
What do you think of such type of weapon? How effective do you think it is for self-defense?

Similar a little and but not quite the same thing I have a paracord monkey fist on my keys. Good thing is you can make it your self. Can be wrapped around a nice old BB or can be wrapped around just a stone or some thing lying around. It can be extended to give it more of a whip or even a garotte.
One way to go around it would be to connect some key on a ring to the strap and this way it could pass for a keychain, or at least one would have an explanation )))
Walk into a police station, and show them a sap with keys, see if they agree with you. If I attached keys to a .45 caliber revolver, do you think I could pass it off as a key chain, because I always have trouble finding my keys?
Got a pair of SAP gloves for a gift back in the day. Pretty cool to play with, but I wouldn't use them on the job, too much downside.

But great for challenging friends to a dual. :)
Sausage sap? Why carry an illegal sausage sap when you could protect yourself just as well with a perfectly legal dildo??? See below at about 1:26 --

That was funny, thanx! Well, a dildo can work too, especially big and heavy one (huge black one looks almost perfect for the job ))) but I'd still prefer something more old school, something I can put in the pocket without attracking much attention. Exposing dildo in publick in Russia will get one in trouble sooner than walking around with a sap in one's hand for sure!
Walk into a police station, and show them a sap with keys, see if they agree with you. If I attached keys to a .45 caliber revolver, do you think I could pass it off as a key chain, because I always have trouble finding my keys?

Well that's whole other subject. I'd rather discuss sap's effectiveness as a self protection weapon than the leagal impications. I am not a lawyer.