Running Up a wall



It all started when my freinds and I we repelling off a wall. We ran toward it and jumped and repelled. We did this for a while. And Then i started to run up it. not completely but like 3-4 steps up. Thats pretty high. we were stunned. I was freaked out. My friednds tried it but the couldnt. I just want to know if anyone else can do this
As of yet, no although I do have a picture of my dad running up and backflipping it. Hes promised to teach it to me once I have reached black belt in Hapkido and Kali. That his way of saying that he wants me to learn all the stuff I can use first or that he's waiting till hes too old to show me :rofl:
Never tried- hmmm...

I suspect that I'm just a shade too old to try a stunt like that. :miffer:
I have never tried it either....and since my nickname in the dojo is 'Crash', I don't think I ever will try it. :rofl: :redeme:

Hi, you know the only way i can do that is if i have a big red S on my chest and a red cape than maybe??
Now that i think of it that would hurt really bad if you slipped.
But i got one for you see if you can do this (i do this with my new students) take your finger and stick it in your eye real hard,
now i want to know can YOU do that??
think about it.
yours in kenpo:asian:
Originally posted by lonekimono
Hi, you know the only way i can do that is if i have a big red S on my chest and a red cape than maybe??
Now that i think of it that would hurt really bad if you slipped.
But i got one for you see if you can do this (i do this with my new students) take your finger and stick it in your eye real hard,
now i want to know can YOU do that??
think about it.
yours in kenpo:asian:


No Thanks?
Originally posted by lonekimono
But i got one for you see if you can do this (i do this with my new students) take your finger and stick it in your eye real hard,
now i want to know can YOU do that??
think about it.
yours in kenpo:asian:

Good one ;)