right into the crotch


We use the crotch strike as part of our close range defense in Kun Tao. It is used as a secondary strike and in some cases as a diversionary strike. We mostly use an open hand strike and then continue on to other strikes. At no time do we assume that only this strike will stop anyone, male or female. As others have posted, the body was designed to take shots there and delay the reaction to the strike for a while. That doen't mean that it shouldn't be used, just not depended on to stop anyone.
what a load of bo***cks......sorry couldn't resist:)
the groin is a viable target but most folks nowadays realise that its value as a target is overstated. Every male on the planet instinctively covers their groin so the chances of a successful strike are minimal and the pain numbing effects of adrenalin, alcohol and recreational white powder make it unlikely that you'll stop someone in their tracks. However it is still a valid target and the mere act of moving towards the groin is normally enough to elicit a response. At range it can bring the hands down or the head forward, whilst in clinch range it can be useful for creating a bit of space. Grab for a person's groin (male or female) in an agressive way and the natural response is to pull away which can be just enough room to get your hands free or body turned etc.
Here was Me about to link a Superserious Science show thingy about someone being lifted off the ground by a groin kick then just standing there unphased, then You Anticipated My Attack, Blocked, Countered, and Finished in this one fell swoop.

Bravo Bill.

You mean this one?.....

Just 5 Years of 'combat ki' training and 1 x pair iron undies required.
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Just to add a quick note, over 45 years I have attended and judge at many many tournaments. I have been on the giving end, as well as the receiving end of a misguided "right into the crotch" technique. They don't make it mandatory for groin protection for nothing. I've seen many a person hit the deck and not get up for a while, which made me a believer.
Some here have said that the groin is hard to hit because it is so well protected. I will humbly disagree. A well executed front snap kick has a lot of power and speed.

I would not stake my life on it, but what technique would you anyway. A front kick anywhere in the pelvic griddle area will bring someone into a bent over position very fast leaving them very vulnerable for what ever...................
No strike anywhere should be relied on to stop an attacker. To do so is niave. Just as bad an idea is to limit your options, deciding that a groin strike is never effective so those techniques are never taught. Niether approach is valid when it comes to actual self defense training.
No strike anywhere should be relied on to stop an attacker. To do so is niave. Just as bad an idea is to limit your options, deciding that a groin strike is never effective so those techniques are never taught. Niether approach is valid when it comes to actual self defense training.
Exactly, once you have decided to attack,it is sustained, with no let up, until the opponent is down and out...........
Just to add a quick note, over 45 years I have attended and judge at many many tournaments. I have been on the giving end, as well as the receiving end of a misguided "right into the crotch" technique. They don't make it mandatory for groin protection for nothing. I've seen many a person hit the deck and not get up for a while, which made me a believer.
Some here have said that the groin is hard to hit because it is so well protected. I will humbly disagree. A well executed front snap kick has a lot of power and speed.

I would not stake my life on it, but what technique would you anyway. A front kick anywhere in the pelvic griddle area will bring someone into a bent over position very fast leaving them very vulnerable for what ever...................

Afront snap kick to the pelvic girdle will snap the pelvic girdle if you do it right. snap that pelvic girdle and they fall down and CAN NOT GET UP!! with a snapped pelvic girdle the pelvis will not be stable or able to allow that person to stand! I do not care how tough you are, if that is snapped, you can not stand!
A good front snap kick to the groin may very well put them down hard, and if it does not will distract them as you close and get really serious about dispatching this attacker.
Afront snap kick to the pelvic girdle will snap the pelvic girdle if you do it right. snap that pelvic girdle and they fall down and CAN NOT GET UP!! with a snapped pelvic girdle the pelvis will not be stable or able to allow that person to stand! I do not care how tough you are, if that is snapped, you can not stand!
A good front snap kick to the groin may very well put them down hard, and if it does not will distract them as you close and get really serious about dispatching this attacker.
Great add on's.............
It should be noted that pelvic fractures are uncommon and usually require *significant* force.
Just to add a quick note, over 45 years I have attended and judge at many many tournaments. I have been on the giving end, as well as the receiving end of a misguided "right into the crotch" technique. They don't make it mandatory for groin protection for nothing. I've seen many a person hit the deck and not get up for a while, which made me a believer.
Some here have said that the groin is hard to hit because it is so well protected. I will humbly disagree. A well executed front snap kick has a lot of power and speed.

I would not stake my life on it, but what technique would you anyway. A front kick anywhere in the pelvic griddle area will bring someone into a bent over position very fast leaving them very vulnerable for what ever...................

Funny you should mention this. This past Dec., while at a Kyokushin belt test, a brown and black belt were sparring. The brown belt ate a kick to the groin which did drop him. It was a spinning kick that, as far as I could tell, was intended for the stomach, however, it went a tad bit lower...lol.

Given the high ranks, I'd say that the adrenaline was flowing very high that day. So yes, I agree with your assessment.
Funny you should mention this. This past Dec., while at a Kyokushin belt test, a brown and black belt were sparring. The brown belt ate a kick to the groin which did drop him. It was a spinning kick that, as far as I could tell, was intended for the stomach, however, it went a tad bit lower...lol.

Given the high ranks, I'd say that the adrenaline was flowing very high that day. So yes, I agree with your assessment.
It's funny that you mention this. In my hay day I hit this guy with a side kick which he redirected into his own hip. He went down like a ton of bricks, and had to be helped out of the ring. That is not an area I would have ever considered as a target, but down he went.
My instructor was an old school marine who used to always say " the only secret to karate is, you gotta hit um hard".
Boy I sure miss him, may he RIP. :asian:
In the Yoseikan (Chito-Ryu) free sparring was uncommon but when we did it we did it with bogu and face shield and it was always full contact. I squared up with one of my sensei, we gauged "energy" and I struck out (pardon the pun) with a lovely sidekick...answered immediately by a back kick. His heel hit me square in the pelvis just below the junk and I flew a good ten feet before I landed and slid into the bench. Everyone ran to my aid. One of the luckiest moments of my life as I wasn't wearing a cup. I've developed a lot of respect for the back kick.

I sat out for about ten minutes and was sore but I rejoined the class. One of the hardest hits I've ever taken and I could've been ready immediately if it was necessary. One hit can never be assumed to be effective on its own.
Because this technique wouldn't work as effectively if you got attacked by a female.
Because this technique wouldn't work as effectively if you got attacked by a female.
Think again, My Good Man.
If You need Me to, I can try and drag up some Videos of Females being kicked in the groin, and being dropped on the spot in pain.
as far as I can tell, it's a very sensitive area on everyone, but due to the contraction of the scrotom literally into you as well as the sensitivity, it hurts even more for men and requires less force to do so. But it stil hurts alot to women.

I heard that a man recieving a full force kick to the groin feels pain comparible to giving birth ( you just feel it in a different way...you obviously aren't having to push out a baby ). It's definately a valid target.

the way I see it, the groin should only be struck by three methods. A) using a knee strike or bent front kick while in close range, B) punching/palm striking/squeezing it again while in close range or during a strikeing combo or even as a mid range counter, and C) Front kick ONLY AFTER DISTRACTING THEM FIRST. AKA: punch em in the face.

Also, one can use the innate male response to protect that area to your advantage. Kick at the area with no intention of making contact ( just enough to make it look real ) and then go in while they are distracted. That second or so that they are distracted may give you the chance to punch or grab their head and bring them in for a knee to the face or elbow or what have you

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