Returning After 3 Years


Black Belt
Jan 14, 2016
Reaction score
Hello Everyone,

It's been a while. I stopped training TKD in 2019, then the pandemic hit, and I was never really able to get back into it. I recently moved, and there is an ATA school down my street. I took the free class and remembered how much I loved the training. I am signing up Thursday and am super excited to start my ATA journey.
Awesome, go getup', bro!
Ah so great to have ya back here!! And just awesome about getting back into training, enjoy every moment!!!
Hello Everyone,

It's been a while. I stopped training TKD in 2019, then the pandemic hit, and I was never really able to get back into it. I recently moved, and there is an ATA school down my street. I took the free class and remembered how much I loved the training. I am signing up Thursday and am super excited to start my ATA journey.

Welcome back and I wish you the best in your training.
All the best in your training. The MA’s are for a lifetime.
Having a lot of fun training thus far. One thing I had forgotten is how expensive it can be $$$$$$$$. I was spoiled training the majority of my time at a non-profit club.
Welcome back.....glad you found a school you like. Keep us in the loop as you progress. :)