In the martial arts, I don't think about the long-run only. You can't just set a goal so far away. I know a thousands of teens who set their goal to be the state champion in high school wrestling, or the NCAA champion. There can only be one champion (per weight class but you can only compete in one weight class and can't switch in the middle of a tournament) annually. I've known some who've done it, and dozens that didn't. But the ones who did achieve such a feat, did not just think about the championship. Of course, it was a driving force, but they had enough knowledge to assess themselves and know what they have to work on, just then saying I want this and that. My goal again, like like the ones above; improve every day. Very easy to achieve every day if you put your mind to it, and it adds up so you can reach your high goals.
I was 4th in state in wrestling my junior year long ago, and I never would've guessed I would have gone that far, especially since it was only my 2nd year wrestling. My senior year, I got 8th because I was so excited for the state tournament, that I forgot about improving every day and I knew I was the cream of the crop and stopped working. Not everyone stops once they reach the top, but I unfortunately am one of those people.