Quotes, Proverbs, and Maxims

LOL. what does that even mean, Buka??? :)

I coined it in high school. My friends, and many co-workers over the years, still occasionally use it to this day. But it is rude and socially unacceptable, so I'm going with CB's Putting boot leathers in the oven, don't make them biscuits. Which I really like.

Keep my butt out of trouble.
Same as:

Putting boot leathers in the oven, don't make them biscuits.
Reminds me of a joke my son told me about 15 years ago (when he was about 6):

Two biscuits were in the oven, baking on a cookie sheet. One biscuit turns to the other and says, "Jeez buddy. Is it getting really hot in here?"

Other biscuits says, "OHMYGOD! A talking biscuit!!!"
If youth only knew and age only could.
Robert Louis Stevenson
These are two I like a lot.


and this one.

“Do you know the parable about the frog in the cream? Two frogs landed in a pail of cream. One, thinking rationally, understood straight away that there was no point in resistance and that you can’t deceive destiny. But then what if there’s an afterlife – why bother jumping around, entertaining false hopes in vain? He crossed his legs and sank to the bottom. The second, the fool, was probably an atheist. And she started to flop around. It would seem that she had no reason to flail about if everything was predestined. But she flopped around and flopped around anyway . . . Meanwhile, the cream turned to butter. And she crawled out. We honour the memory of this second frog’s friend, eternally damned for the sake of progress and rational thought.”
Dmitry Glukhovsky, Metro 2033