Question: Kukkiwon?

Keep in mind, the Kukkiwon is not an organization, it is a building that serves as the headquarters for the WTF, issues Dan certificates for people affiliated with it, and oversees and promotes its Taekwondo curriculum. But it is a building.
And any testing held in accordance with Kukkiwon regulation must have Kukkiwon certified instructors present who sign off and verify this information.
And something the Kukkiwon has: standardization. At least with a Kukkiwon black belt I pretty much know what I'm getting, versus Joe Kim's Flying Dragon Taekwondo that teaches a mish-mosh of different things.
So all those BB certs have been signed by a building.. LOL.. amazing! :jaw-dropping:


Gives a whole new meaning to phrases like 'Your request must receive approval from this office...' :lol:
The Kukkiwon oversea's the aspect of TKD and The WTF see and maintain the complete sport aspect, I am tired of having these decussion. WTF does not issue rank or anything to do with any type of SD, the KKW does. The WTF set the standerds for OLympic sparring and also Poomsae competition with nothing in it about and of the techs. jusy movements. The KKW see's that the poomsae have viable techniques and no I do not endrose them but it is theres. Why does everybody beleive they are one and the same, if that was true then they would only need one President and one board of direstors, so why two seperate identities? Because they are two seperate pieces of the puzzle, do they work together sure and so does alot of organization.
Gives a whole new meaning to phrases like 'Your request must receive approval from this office...' :lol:

LOL.. indeed!

Why does everybody beleive they are one and the same,
Because, for non WTF'ers its bloody confusing! I know many martial arts organisations have a sport section/committee for tournaments, but they are part of the "one", not run as a seperate thing.. hence where the confusion lies. I would hazard that even many within the KKW/WTF sphere are confused as well! :confused:

Question: Did they have these 2 seperate sections prior to Olympic recognistion?

Kukkiwon was founded around 1972, the olympic recognition came way after that. Demonstration sport 1986.

Just off to check my facts...

Edited: The first bits correct. World TKD headquarters est. 1972. IOC recognition came in 1980. As Terry said though, its not really two seperate sections, as this implies they are the same org. They are completely seperate.
Kukkiwon was founded around 1972, the olympic recognition came way after that. Demonstration sport 1986.

Just off to check my facts...
I thought it was 1973!!

As Terry said though, its not really two seperate sections, as this implies they are the same org. They are completely seperate.
Eh! First you say "not really" then you say they are.. but what i really wanted to know was when these segments became fact, ie. KKW = BB certs etc, WTF over-seeing sport side?

I thought it was 1973!!

Eh! First you say "not really" then you say they are.. but what i really wanted to know was when these segments became fact, ie. KKW = BB certs etc, WTF over-seeing sport side?


Stuart here is the line up from the World Tae Kwon Do Federation

May 25-27, 1973The 1st World Taekwondo Championships organized by the Korea Taekwondo Association were held at the Kukkiwon with participation of 200 competitors and officials from 19 countries.
May 28, 1973The World Taekwondo Federation was established at the inaugural meeting held at the Kukkiwon with participation of 35 representatives from the world. Dr. Un Yong KIM was elected President for a four-year term.
June 3, 1973The Secretariat of the WTF was placed at the Kukkiwon and began operation.
Oct. 18, 19741st Asian Taekwondo Championships were held in Seoul, Korea.
Oct. 8, 1975The WTF was affiliated to the General Association of International Sports Federations [GAISF].
April 9, 1976The International Military Sports Council [CISM] adopted Taekwondo as its 23rd official sport for the World Military Championships.
May 22-23, 1976European Taekwondo Union's inaugural meeting was held in Barcelona, Spain on the occasion of the 1st European Taekwondo Championships.
August 5, 1976The World Taekwondo, English quarterly magazine, was first published as the official organ of the WTF [Later changed the name to the WTF Taekwondo on March 10, 1981].
October 17, 1976Preparatory inaugural meeting of the Asian Taekwondo Union was held in Melbourne, Australia.
Sep. 17-22, 1978Inaugural meeting of the Pan American Taekwondo Union held on the occasion of the 1st Pan American Taekwondo Championships held in Mexico City, Mexico.
April 10-12, 1979African Taekwondo Union was inaugurated in Abidjan, Ivory Coast on the occasion of the 1st African Taekwondo Championships.

I hope this helps.
Stuart here is the line up from the World Tae Kwon Do Federation

May 25-27, 1973The 1st World Taekwondo Championships organized by the Korea Taekwondo Association were held at the Kukkiwon with participation of 200 competitors and officials from 19 countries.
May 28, 1973The World Taekwondo Federation was established at the inaugural meeting held at the Kukkiwon with participation of 35 representatives from the world. Dr. Un Yong KIM was elected President for a four-year term.
June 3, 1973The Secretariat of the WTF was placed at the Kukkiwon and began operation.
Oct. 18, 19741st Asian Taekwondo Championships were held in Seoul, Korea.
Oct. 8, 1975The WTF was affiliated to the General Association of International Sports Federations [GAISF].
April 9, 1976The International Military Sports Council [CISM] adopted Taekwondo as its 23rd official sport for the World Military Championships.
May 22-23, 1976European Taekwondo Union's inaugural meeting was held in Barcelona, Spain on the occasion of the 1st European Taekwondo Championships.
August 5, 1976The World Taekwondo, English quarterly magazine, was first published as the official organ of the WTF [Later changed the name to the WTF Taekwondo on March 10, 1981].
October 17, 1976Preparatory inaugural meeting of the Asian Taekwondo Union was held in Melbourne, Australia.
Sep. 17-22, 1978Inaugural meeting of the Pan American Taekwondo Union held on the occasion of the 1st Pan American Taekwondo Championships held in Mexico City, Mexico.
April 10-12, 1979African Taekwondo Union was inaugurated in Abidjan, Ivory Coast on the occasion of the 1st African Taekwondo Championships.

I hope this helps.

That is excellent Terry. It really lays out the development and spread of the WTF. But the question I asked before remains - where does the BB certification organ we know as the Kukkiwon gets it authorisation from? It is obviously not the WTF because, while associated, they are not the same. I figure it must be the World Taekwondo Academy, but no one seems to be sure about this.

Sorry to ask again, but the situation intrigues me.
Thanks Terry. According to your info, 1973 seems the correct date of the KKW formation, as I said. With 1981 being the official formation of the WTF! The question now is why.. if prior to the Olympics?

Sorry to ask again, but the situation intrigues me.
It intrigues me too!

Where does any organization gain its authority from? If you're part of the ITF, the Kukkiwon has no authority; ITF is its own organization. Same goes for the ATA; it is its own organization.

But if I had to answer where the KKW gets its authority, I'd say it comes from the WTF, albeit indirectly. The WTF is affiliated with the GAISF and is recognized by the IOC. The WTF (to my knowlege) recognizes only KKW dan certifications. The KKW is affiliated with the WTF, thus has the backing of not only the WTF, but the GAISF and the IOC by association. The authority is not granted by an outside body, but inherent in the association with and sole recognition of specific outside bodies.

Because the world at large sees the Olympics as the penultimate example of what athletes and sports should be, simply being associated with the Olympics lends credibility, regardless of how 'pure' or true to its roots a sport may or may not be. Once a martial art transitions into the realm of sports and is brought into the Olympics, history and tradition become the storied background of a modern sport, which will be spectator friendly and geared towards being a sport.

How often do we see boxers demonstrate at the olympics how their fighting techniques can be used in self defense? Never. Self defense isn't a part of sports. In truth, neither is history or tradition. Those are replaced with modern rules and sponsorship dollars.

These are my observations, so if I am off base, feel free to correct. But that is how I see it.

Thanks Terry. According to your info, 1973 seems the correct date of the KKW formation, as I said. With 1981 being the official formation of the WTF! The question now is why.. if prior to the Olympics?

Oh, I'm sorry, Un Yong Kim and I must be mistaken about the date of the 'formation' of said building.
just to add a side note for an Instructor to promote a student to first dan the instructor must hold a min of 4th dan through the KKW. After that the instructor may promote to 1 level below his current rank.

Example I hold a 5th dan KKW and can promote to 4th dan.
FD no disrespect Sir all I did was take the info. off of the WTF website:banghead:

None taken Master Stoker. I was going from Un Yong Kim's intro to a book, and the KKW website!

1971 Nov. 19 Ground-breaking ceremony of Kukkiwon
1972 Mar. 01 Enactment of Regulations
1972 Nov. 30 The ceremony for the completion of Kukkiwon

It was named KKW in Feb 73.
The Kukkiwon is the building and is also a private institution/corporation. It derives it's authority to issue dan rank and instructor certification through the Kwan Unification Act which unified the methodology of instruction of Taekwondo as well as the standardization of techniques/poomsae. Each Kwan Jang, or head of school, signed a proclamation making/recognizing the Kukkiwon as the official organ for certifying rank.

The Kukkiwon is the building and is also a private institution/corporation. It derives it's authority to issue dan rank and instructor certification through the Kwan Unification Act which unified the methodology of instruction of Taekwondo as well as the standardization of techniques/poomsae. Each Kwan Jang, or head of school, signed a proclamation making/recognizing the Kukkiwon as the official organ for certifying rank.


I knew you couldsay it so much better than I.
Oh, I'm sorry, Un Yong Kim and I must be mistaken about the date of the 'formation' of said building.

LOL.. apparently so according to their own site! :jaw-dropping:

Still, no need to get shirty.. I just said what I (thought) I knew and the KKW site says coonfirms that.. if I and that are both wrong.. great.. its not the end of my world as I know it! (And hopefully wont be for you either)


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