Q an A

This should be easy. What's the difference between the underhand heel of palm and an upward claw? Is it the height of the strike or what?
Jason Farnsworth
originally form seven was a double knife fom. why was it changed to a double stick form. how do you think this use of weapons in kenpo compares with the filipino systems. kenpo seems to lack counter to counter drills when it comes to the weapons, i feel this is a big gap in training and is necessary if you areto be realistic. what are your thoughts on this subject.
If you had to pick 10 things to pass on in the kenpo curriculum what would they be? They can be anything from specific techs. to particular concepts to general ideas.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
What's the difference between the underhand heel of palm and an upward claw? Is it the height of the strike or what?

A underhand heelpalm is a heel palm thrown as it rises from a low region upwards ..... and hits strictly with the palm heel

A upward Claw is a maneuver similar to the upward heelpalm but also uses the fingers in a "clawing" fashion .

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

anywhere or during the Sal?


I said what do you have- not what I already said:rofl: No cheating:p

I looked at the underhand heel of palm as a strike to the groin stopping on a lower plain. The upward claw on the other hand I execute as a strike going towards face level on a higher plain.
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by eternalwhitebelt
originally form seven was a double knife fom. why was it changed to a double stick form. how do you think this use of weapons in kenpo compares with the filipino systems. kenpo seems to lack counter to counter drills when it comes to the weapons, i feel this is a big gap in training and is necessary if you areto be realistic. what are your thoughts on this subject.
Well, the knife form was finished first and initially dubbed Form 7

When the stick form was done.. Mr. Parker decided to move it to the higher position and change it to Form 8.

It is different from the fma because Ed Parker had differing views on the use of the knife in certain circumstances.

I think the realization of your question is proof of the product. If you realize, thru the use of Kenpo Logic that there is a necessity for a different drill to emphasis a weakness..... that's how we evolve and plug holes.... how do you think we arrived with several of the Forms, sets, techniques, and drills.

Originally posted by eternalwhitebelt
If you had to pick 10 things to pass on in the kenpo curriculum what would they be? They can be anything from specific techs. to particular concepts to general ideas.

1) Analytical study of motion....
2) Short 1
3) Long 1
4) Short 2
5) Long 2
6) Short 3
7) Long 3
8) Long 4
9) Long 5
10) Long 6

Originally posted by Rainman
I said what do you have- not what I already said.

From the 2nd hand signal (at right) as you raise your elbow and hand (warrior & Scholar)] the right hand blocks as the left heel palm strikes......

Now I'm not gonna let go all of these ........ mister....... lol

Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I looked at the underhand heel of palm as a strike to the groin stopping on a lower plain. The upward claw on the other hand I execute as a strike going towards face level on a higher plain.
Jason Farnsworth

You CAN look at it that way also..... but they are two different strikes..... :) an upward heelpalm can also be to the chin, likewise an upward claw can be delivered upward to the groin.

The difference being the fingers are used as the secondary back up weapons!:D
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Ok.... Ask a Question and I will try and answer it.....

Who is first........

If it is true, that AK techniques will continue to evolve, but then, why not the forms as well? Just Curious!:asian:
Originally posted by RCastillo
If it is true, that AK techniques will continue to evolve, but then, why not the forms as well? Just Curious!:asian:

Remember the 1st 4 Forms are considered the Dictionary's of Kenpo...... then short 3 up are considered the Encyclopedias...... and the sets are the appendices....

Think of the forms as the head of the Octopus and the techniques are the tentacles.......

If a train left New York at noon going to Los Angeles, and at
the same time on the same track a train is leaving Los Angeles
and headed for New York, both trains are going a speed of 98
miles per hour .. at what time will the emminent collision happen?

I have seen this technique, but this one I beleive would not work in a real life situation. I have try doing this technique, it hurts my shoulders to reach up like that and grab. Second if they have a tight squeeze on your neck you got on seconds to get it off. Third I have heard of people trying to do a thumb lock with the back of the neck. thats B.S also. It is easier for the attacker to pull you back then is for you to pull him forward. I beleive in have a couple base techniques that work really well. Then having many that may only work occasional.
Bob :asian: