Proof of English Imperial Aspirations Found!!!!

Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational war machine! You may invade when ready, commander ...

... where to start? :D
Y'all could burn Buffalo again. It would improve the place, really.
Hmm ... methinks that the States might not be a good place to start ... I hear they all have guns there?

We much prefer to fight people who have only pieces of sharpened mango to defend their natural resources ... okay, admittedly the odds might have been mighty unbalanced in terms of numbers but it's amazing what you can achieve with disciplined ranks.

Of course, someone had to go and spoil it all by inventing machine guns - rassin frassin Dr. Maxim :grr:.

Bloody hell chaps, get it right! that was the Irish Guards, a regiment in the British army. They lost several brave soldiers in Afghanistan last year. they also distinguished themselves in Iraq.
They may look funny to tourists but they are not called the "Fighting Micks" for nothing.

Have some respect gentlemen.
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This just in.

France has surrendered.

Seems, they heard about the mangos....or maybe the soap.
Now, see, Irene, there ya go getting all serious again. ;)

As for the sharpened mango, Mark, what about someone attacking you with a banana? :)
Now, see, Irene, there ya go getting all serious again. ;)

As for the sharpened mango, Mark, what about someone attacking you with a banana? :)

Er? Have you ever tried calling an Irishman English?

I'm serious because all these guys going through my garrison in training. Too many familiar faces I'm afraid and too much sorrow to be amused, sorry.
Actually, I just noticed this was in the Study. Maybe a shift to somewhere more appropriate might be in order?
It's just the inaccuracy of the titles on the U Tube that are annoying lol, They aren't the Buck House marching band, they aren't even English. The thought of the Irish having Imperial Aspirations though could prove an interesting talking point lol!
I put it here to be a smart *** for a little bit....the whole "made ya look" thing. Yeah, Im feeling juvenile today...must be that whole 1 week until I have to grow up thing, lol!
Imperial Aspirations?

When does the US and UK join forces and take over the world? The New Iron Curtain?