Pretty depressed.

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
Mar 21, 2002
Reaction score
Bangkok, Thailand
As some of you know I have a big trip planned. I'm supposed to leave Christmas day for Thailand and train at a Muay Thai camp for a few weeks before going to Korea to train in Tae Kwon Do for 2 weeks and then Japan and Hong Kong for a couple of weeks to train in whatever I can find that is serious and lets me train all day.

Welp, I got a hairline fracture in my foot the other night sparring in the ring and it will take at least 4 to 5 weeks to heal. The whole point of the trip is to train, seriously train all day every day. Even if my foot heals by the time I get there I'm not supposed to use it too much after that for awhile. Certainly not run 16km and then spar and kick the heavy bag for hours on end. There doesn't seem to be a reason to go on my trip at this point and I'm pretty depressed about the whole thing. I can't afford to just go for a vacation, this was money I was sacrificing for the training alone so going to just see the sights at this point in my life is out of the question.

Guess I'll postpone the trip until next year and go alone instead of with my friends. Sorry for complaining to you guys, just wanted to vent to someone and can't show my students how upset I am so you guys get to hear me feel sorry for myself haha.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I know you've been planning this for a while! That's tough luck. Well, you'll be ready when you go next year, I suppose.
Really sorry to hear that...I can see how much you must have been looking forward to it! Oh well theres always next year...And plsu it gives you time to reflect on everything and if you want to change any of you're plans
What a bum deal. I'm sorry about your misfortune. BTW, are you're friends martial artists as well? If they are'nt, maybe they would have distraced you from your real purpose of going which is to train. If this is the case, maybe the injury was a good thing. Look at it this way; at least you did'nt break it. That would have set you back big time, at least eight weeks minimum.
Mr. Mavis,

That sucks the Big One...

I had the opportunity to spend thirty days in Thailand (courtesy of US Army) and trained twice a day for 90 minute sessions (118 degrees) I drank 6 liters of water with each session.

Hopefully, you will be able to organize a similar trip in the future... it is well worth the trip. Good Luck.

Yes I was going with a group of Muay Thai people. We would have all been training at the camps but after that I would have been on my own for Korea and the other countries.

Thanks for the nice words guys.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Sorry to hear about the disruption of your trip. On the bright side, the injury didn't happen while you were already there. At least at this point, it is only deferment to a later date. First thing first, full recovery before serious training. Invest your budgeted funds. By next year, you would have more to budget for the trip. So all is not lost. lol
Everything happens for a reason you know....

Maybe its best that you didn't do to that part of the world right now with all that is going on.

Call it your guardian angel looking out for you.
Sorry to hear the news. It sounds like you were really looking forward to going on your trip. Keep your dream alive and plan to go next year.

Here is an athlete's best friend... Tape. Tape your wrists (unless you practice wing chun and other arts that emphasize wrist movement) for boxing, muay thai, etc. Tape your ankles.
Well, my mobility is pretty good. It hurts but it seems to be getting less painful everyday. I may just do my best to get into shape riding the stationary bike for an hour a day and other excersises that don't need alot of mobility and hope for the best when I go to Thailand. I'm hoping at the worst I can just avoid kicking with this foot while I'm there. And I don't think I will do the running....but who knows! I've got a month so here's hoping it gets better in time.

Thanks for everybodies words of support. Keep your fingers crossed that my foot heals enough for me to do this trip after all.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
If you're still going on your trip, make sure you tape your your foot up good when you train. Nobody wants to see you agravate your injury

I reakon you should just go.( I can tell you are anyway) I had a fracture in my foot and the doctor said 6 weeks. After 4 weeks I used it tentatively, but magically after 6 weeks I was completely back to training. Don't forget you are fit and so the downtime for a healed fracture won't be as long as quoted necessarily. Besides, even if you can't do as much in the first couple of weeks you're away doesn't mean you'll still be out for the last 4 weeks. And you'll still enjoy it and pick up lots of stuff just being at training with your friends.
Good luck and have fun.

You've still got 2 hands and another foot to train with!

Desiree McNie
The trip is still on, I'm training as best I can every day and hope I will be sufficiently ready by the time I'm in camp. Don't know if I will be able to kick or run with this foot by that time but I'm thinking positive! Thanks for the encouragement.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
What part of your foot did you fracture Damian? Most common is the thin bones of the instep, if this is so then you should be o.k. If its the heel or such you could be out of luck.
I just read your responce to a round kick thread in the TKD forum. You said you have never injured you foot , round kicking with the instep.Don't you know to never say never!
Hope you heal up in time, if not - tape the hell out of it and kick with the other leg!:EG:
Originally posted by Damian Mavis
The trip is still on, I'm training as best I can every day and hope I will be sufficiently ready by the time I'm in camp. Don't know if I will be able to kick or run with this foot by that time but I'm thinking positive! Thanks for the encouragement.
Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

I would lay off the training until about a week before you leave. That way, you won't agravate the injury and you will give yourself time to heal

BTW, if you practice visualization excercises while you mend, it won't even be much of a layoff
Fissure, I got the hairline fracture doing a sidekick and my opponent did an elbow destruction. (slams the point of his elbow down on the ridge of my foot as I'm kicking.)

"BTW, if you practice visualization excercises while you mend, it won't even be much of a layoff"

Kenpo Wolf, it's not the techniques I'm trying to get ready for the trip it's my cardio. We wake up at 7am to do a 16km run followed by 2 hours of sparring and padwork, then we eat breakfast followed by another 2 hours, then we nap followed by another 2 hours. Then you eat and go to sleep and do it all over again every day for as many weeks as you want. That is why this injury is such a problem, it is interfering with getting my cardio ready for the training so I'm not spending the first 2 weeks just getting into shape to learn. I want to start learning the very first day.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Fissure, I got the hairline fracture doing a sidekick and my opponent did an elbow destruction. (slams the point of his elbow down on the ridge of my foot as I'm kicking.)

Damn those elbows - they were the bane of my WTF/USTU sparring carrer!

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