President Blames White People

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
BrazilÂ’s leader blames white people for crisis

Financial Times

By Jonathan Wheatley in São Paulo and agencies
Published: March 27 2009 00:27 | Last updated: March 27 2009 00:27

Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Thursday blamed the global economic crisis on “white people with blue eyes” and said it was wrong that black and indigenous people should pay for white people’s mistakes.
Speaking in Brasília at a joint press conference with Gordon Brown, the UK prime minister, Mr Lula da Silva told reporters: “This crisis was caused by the irrational behaviour of white people with blue eyes, who before the crisis appeared to know everything and now demonstrate that they know nothing.”
He added: “I do not know any black or indigenous bankers so I can only say [it is wrong] that this part of mankind which is victimised more than any other should pay for the crisis.”
Mr Brown appeared to distance himself from Mr Lula da Silva’s remarks. “I’m not going to attribute blame to any individuals,” he said.
Mr Brown was visiting Brazil as part of a five-day tour of Europe, the US and South America in preparation for the G20 summit to take place in London next Thursday. He made a joint appeal with Mr Lula da Silva for the worldÂ’s biggest economies to provide $100bn to boost global trade.
Oh. You meant that president. Because you know, Don, that when you see a headline or some media announcement phrased as, 'President says XYX', the normal, 99-out-a-hundred interpretation is that it means, OUR President. You know, President Obama. Why didn't you phrase your thread title as 'Brazil's President blames white people' or whatever?

Just curious...
My goodness! I'm blue eyed to! Aaaccckkkk.

So when did they have the meeting to do all this crisis stuff? They didn't send me the memo.

It is good to know that people outside the US also blame the world's demise on me and those of my skin color/eye color.

So glad I have a use other then starting trouble and making problems for our gov.
Now if only I was Blond Haired, I'd be the master race </sarcasm>
Fifty views in less than 4 hours, some, hell, a lot of you thought it might have been some other president, didn't you?
The man has a point...... if Mugabe, Kim Jong Il and Allmadjihad were in charge, the world economy would be booming. Just look at Zimbabwe, North Korea and Iran!
I didn't automatically think oh the American President as many countries have presidents including many African and Asian countries. When someone says 'the president' I do still ask 'who's?'
Anyone who is outraged at this and blames "Islam" or "the Muslims" for terrorism gets laughed at.
Look a Brazilian with Blonde hair and Blue eyes and she is a model.

So ya there are people in Brazil who have Blonde hair and Blue eyes.
It may not be very common but it does happen.
Being from Miami there are alot of Latino's who look very white with blue eyes and Blonde hair no accent and if they did not have a common Latin name you may not be able to tell if they were Latino or not.
It is amazing that the VERY FEW Brazilian people that meet that criteria can cause that much trouble. </sarcasm>
I didn't automatically think oh the American President as many countries have presidents including many African and Asian countries. When someone says 'the president' I do still ask 'who's?'
Of course, you do, you are British.
So the president of Brazil made typical blame-deflecting comments at a press conference. This is newsworthy why? Oh wait, it was just Big Don finding an excuse to take a pot shot at the US president.
Of course, you do, you are British.

President is also the brand name of a very good French butter, their cheeses pretty good too.

Over here everyones blaming firstly those American mortgage companies with the very odd names, then all the bankers.
Nothing with the name Fanny in is going to be be considered anything but rude here.
President is also the brand name of a very good French butter, their cheeses pretty good too.

Over here everyones blaming firstly those American mortgage companies with the very odd names, then all the bankers.
Nothing with the name Fanny in is going to be be considered anything but rude here.

I always have a chuckle when they say fanny packs , over here they're called bum bags . Also don't ever ask an Aussie what team they " root " for lol.
Over here everyones blaming firstly those American mortgage companies with the very odd names, then all the bankers.

Even though European banks tended to have leverage ratios that were 75% more than US banks? Hopefully the $60 billion the US taxpayers sent to European banks (funneled through AIG as part of the bailout) helps ease the pain somewhat. ;-)
President is also the brand name of a very good French butter, their cheeses pretty good too.

Over here everyones blaming firstly those American mortgage companies with the very odd names, then all the bankers.
Nothing with the name Fanny in is going to be be considered anything but rude here.
Who was it that said: "We are two nations divided by a common language"?
Yeah, we could have a lot of fun with mistranslations...
So the president of Brazil made typical blame-deflecting comments at a press conference. This is newsworthy why? Oh wait, it was just Big Don finding an excuse to take a pot shot at the US president.
Yeah, because no one for 8 years blamed Bush for EVERYTHING...