words fail me

Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
Nacogdoches, Tx



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"An occupying force"....

ok. put a wall up around Oakland, pull all the cops out.
Pull the Fire dept out too.

Then lock the gate.

It's always "F the police", until it's your *** at risk it seems.
I actually heard that lunatic from the Uhuru group talk on the Kennedy and Suits radio show a night or two ago.
I have to tell you, that is one ignorant, whacko person.
He said so many things that are just wrong, and his opinions were so racist in and of themselves it was disgusting.
He actually states things like...
Police forces were originally established to round up runaway slaves....
That this guy was not a rapist, even though he was convicted based on DNA evidence...
That the Oakland Police are racist, even though its the most diverce police force in America...
He went on and on, my jaw actually hit my gas pedal I was that shocked.
It amazes me that there are still people this ignorant in America, let alone California
I stuck about a minute of the first clip and I couldn't take any more ... and it's not even my country!

Sadly, this kind of inverted Blaxploitation took root over here thanks in large part to the stereotypes of Hollywood and the songs (loose interpretation of the word) of Rap Artists.

Basically, we lost an entire generations worth of progress on racial integration and now the pendulum has swung the other way, such that ordinary people (rather than just members of the BNP) would quite happily see all the immigrant population "shipped back where they came from", regardless of the fact that many are completely legitimate British subjects, having been born here.

It's quite simple really, if you want to be American or British then be just that, don't try and play this hackneyed "oppressed minority" nonsense any longer, it lost its effectiveness a long time ago. If there are elements within your 'ethnicity' who bring that group into disrepute, then deal with them, don't glamorise them. Following that path only promulgates and prolongues divisions that should be long gone.
The news media does not tell the whole tragic situation, of what happened in the gunning down and execution of these officers. What is happening to out country.

Happening? Sorry to say, its been this way for a while.....
What century are these people in?

Slaves and in the hands of Slave Masters?....

Umm, my American History is a bit rusty ... but wasn't it abolished, slavery I mean? Wasn't the Civil Rights Law passed by a racist-bigoted president? Aren't hate crimes a federal offense? Don't we have a BLACK president in office?

Am I missing something here?
How eles can you rationalize supporting a piece of trash that killed 4 people to avoid going back to jail?
I thought an earthquake was supposed to drop California into the ocean? Well what happened? Where is Global Warming when you need it?

Now for all those in favor of gun control, do you see what happens when the lunitics start getting control? YOU will be the one without the gun, the nuts will have plenty of 'em. And the liberals, with Pelosi leading, will just look the other way.

What we ought to do, we ought to take all the scumbags, and plop them right down so that they live right next to all the soft middle class milk toasted people so that they finally do appreciate the necessity for a person to provide for their OWN defense.