Are some people just born natural athletes?
You know the one's, they see a movement, tec, form, once.. and are able to repeat it smoothly right off.
Who has an inborn ability to move fluidly in Kenpo?
I know in our school and at the college I've seen a myriad of males and females each semester and as I watch them go through the tecs, there are some that tend to have a harder time grasping onto the 'drop the power and work on fluidity' concept.
We have quite a few in the college Karate class that come from other styles..and have to keep at them.. work on your form.. Technique and Speed = Power.. They come from styles that use Power and strength and it's a difficult mind-set to move them from.
eg, Delayed sword - Explaining .. Each block is a Strke.. each strike a block..
I go through the tec line and block each punch .. they stand with their arm tingling and mouths hanging open, grinning.. Saying.. gee you didn't block hard.. that's cool..
The woman love it because they don't have to 'muscle' their way through a tec..
So once we get through the power issue we work on the fluidity of motion.. rounding the curves off .. having them work isometrically and that does wonders.. Course we have the speed demons who frantically fly through a tec because they wanna be like some Karate dude they saw in a movie.. They are harder to slow down at times.. but when they are reined in.. and continue down the path.. they are awesome..
Of course on the other side of the spectrum .. we have the plodding along group that should be playing shuffleboard instead.
Now those plodding groups.. they keep at it.. they try and try and try.. guys and girls, I applaud them.. they have to work at it.. nothing athletic comes naturally to them..
Is it a matter of lack of Self Confidence that seperates them from their counterparts? Or maybe the way they are built? Why can one person move so gracefully and one built bout the same.. doing the same tec.. blunders through it.. at 1/4 speed.
I'm not really asking questions.. just putting down some thoughts.
with respect,
You know the one's, they see a movement, tec, form, once.. and are able to repeat it smoothly right off.
Who has an inborn ability to move fluidly in Kenpo?
I know in our school and at the college I've seen a myriad of males and females each semester and as I watch them go through the tecs, there are some that tend to have a harder time grasping onto the 'drop the power and work on fluidity' concept.
We have quite a few in the college Karate class that come from other styles..and have to keep at them.. work on your form.. Technique and Speed = Power.. They come from styles that use Power and strength and it's a difficult mind-set to move them from.
eg, Delayed sword - Explaining .. Each block is a Strke.. each strike a block..
I go through the tec line and block each punch .. they stand with their arm tingling and mouths hanging open, grinning.. Saying.. gee you didn't block hard.. that's cool..
The woman love it because they don't have to 'muscle' their way through a tec..
So once we get through the power issue we work on the fluidity of motion.. rounding the curves off .. having them work isometrically and that does wonders.. Course we have the speed demons who frantically fly through a tec because they wanna be like some Karate dude they saw in a movie.. They are harder to slow down at times.. but when they are reined in.. and continue down the path.. they are awesome..
Of course on the other side of the spectrum .. we have the plodding along group that should be playing shuffleboard instead.
Now those plodding groups.. they keep at it.. they try and try and try.. guys and girls, I applaud them.. they have to work at it.. nothing athletic comes naturally to them..
Is it a matter of lack of Self Confidence that seperates them from their counterparts? Or maybe the way they are built? Why can one person move so gracefully and one built bout the same.. doing the same tec.. blunders through it.. at 1/4 speed.
I'm not really asking questions.. just putting down some thoughts.
with respect,