My Lesson in Kenpo at the LMA



Hey all,

Well my trip to the LMA was awesome!! Bryson, Kenpogirl, and Lifewise.. are extremely nice and fun people (and im not just saying this because Bryson made Kenpogirl go easy on me in the sparring) I participated in a begginers class, and then stayed on to the advance class.. were Bryson let us practically beat on him.. using our Knees and Elbows (but he was using protector pads, so no damage I think?????) and in the last 20 min of our class we did get in some "light sparring". IT was so much fun.. And yes i got my butt whooped.. I'd kick or punch once.. get hit 3 times in return.. i have alot to learn!!! :rolleyes:
Bryson, Life, Kenpogirl.. I can't thank you enough for the opportunity to come up and meet all of ya's and take in a lesson in Kenpo. You have a very nice school and I look forward to a second visit in the future!! (See!! I do really want to come back!! hehehehehehe :D )
I hope one day you can all come up (or is it down??) to windsor and visit my school where I train!! So i can some how repay for all those push-ups and crunches.. that I so gracefully plowed my way through!!! hehehehehehehehehehe

Thanks again!!
All the best with your school!!!:asian:
It's a set up. Kenpo Girl is looking for her next knockout!:eek:
Naw.. im not worried about dot.. she was nice to me.. but im sure she can do some damage.. RIGHT life?? (her light contact punch to the head) rofl..
Actually.. it was bryson who kept trapping my hands..that got me more frustrated (but all in a good way :) ) I had no way to retalliate.. couldn't even get a kick in.. lol..
BUt it was a learning event as well!!:D
Originally posted by Eraser

Naw.. im not worried about dot.. she was nice to me.. but im sure she can do some damage.. RIGHT life?? (her light contact punch to the head) rofl..
Actually.. it was bryson who kept trapping my hands..that got me more frustrated (but all in a good way :) ) I had no way to retalliate.. couldn't even get a kick in.. lol..
BUt it was a learning event as well!!:D

Yes Eraser that "light contact" punch to my head was a humbling experience! Up until that point I thought we were going to play nice. :rolleyes:

I wasn't too sure about the footwork that followed. I was more worried about releasing the chin guard from it's position under my nose. I am sure it was entertaining to all those who were watching from an angle OTHER than the one I was at.

All I heard was a CRACK... not sure if it was my neck or my facemask (which I am very glad that I had btw) :shrug:
Are there any photos or video clips from the night?
No Rob, there will not be any photos or video posted.

I got the impression from the other thread we had running some people didn't think much of our photos and jokes.

Originally posted by lifewise

No Rob, there will not be any photos or video posted.

I got the impression from the other thread we had running some people didn't think much of our photos and jokes.


You should post some pics from the night, those that have a problem with it, screw em.
Originally posted by lifewise

I got the impression from the other thread we had running some people didn't think much of our photos and jokes.

Tatses differ. I say, post 'em!
Originally posted by Eraser

the last 20 min of our class we did get in some "light sparring". IT was so much fun.. And yes i got my butt whooped.. I'd kick or punch once.. get hit 3 times in return.. i have alot to learn!!! :rolleyes:

You did a great job Eraser, and you jumped right in too, even after all the teasing we did. Thought you'd be a lot more hesitant, but I was impressed. I'm serious, you will kick butt in the sparring ring one day.

It was great fun and I really hope we can come down and visit your school in the future.

BTW how are your shoulders after all of those push ups? ;)

Originally posted by lifewise

Yes Eraser that "light contact" punch to my head was a humbling experience! Up until that point I thought we were going to play nice. :rolleyes:

I wasn't too sure about the footwork that followed. I was more worried about releasing the chin guard from it's position under my nose. I am sure it was entertaining to all those who were watching from an angle OTHER than the one I was at.

All I heard was a CRACK... not sure if it was my neck or my facemask (which I am very glad that I had btw) :shrug:

:( I'm sorry LW, that jab wasn't even suppose to make contact. I was totally surprise when it did. I've gotta learn to be a little more careful.

If its of any consolation you got in two of your famous hook punches left and right, that had my ears ringing.

It must have been some sight for Eraser as that was our first match of the night. But, with the constant warnings to "Go Light", I think Bryson was a little worried we'd be too hard on her?

Speaking of which, Eraser got in some really good shots as well. You just were not use to our nonstop sparring style, where we just keep hitting/kicking until someone backs off or gets trapped in the clinch, and Bryson likes to do so much. ;) No point sparring for us. :D
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

:( I'm sorry LW, that jab wasn't even suppose to make contact. I was totally surprise when it did. I've gotta learn to be a little more careful.

yes you could tell you were sorry by the laughter ;)
hehehe oh yes.. i will admit.. i was as stiff as a fish stick.. the next day.. I really think it was .. umm the push-ups, crunches, and oh yes those lovely squat kicks.. that i was starting to feel on my drive home.. but ya wanna know somthing... i would do it all over again..
YEAH it would be great if you gals and guys came down for a visit..
THe sparring was fun.. way much better than i expected!!!
I think i may come addicted to it.. well as long as I get better!!
Thanks again for such a wonderful time..
Please tell Bryson for me Thanks for the games of pool afterwards..

See ya around!!