politics, history, who, what, where and why?


Courtney's Dad

Hi everyone,

I'm new to kenpo and would like to know more about ed parker and his schools. many of his students have gone their own ways. i know no one can speak for another but if it is general knowledge, why did the Tracy's leave?, what happened in the 70's? somewhere i read that many instructors left at one time, why? many black belts i met at the international tourney recently seemed very friendly with each other but i often feel an undercurrent of unease for some reason. is it just the way a family grows up? what happened after mr. parker passed on? who stayed and why, who left and why?

i know this is a lot to ask at one time and hope this question doesn't offend anyone. just curious.

thanks for the time and consideration
This is a question that can get many heated. Someone will answer you, then someone else won't like the answer and post a reply, then another person will come along and say both are wrong. Follow same pattern until the mderators have to lock the thread.

Jump around on the net. You'll find some answers. Just remember, everybody, and I mean everybody, is biased. That includes me.:)
It appeared to me when some broke away, they were just looking for any reason to do so. I have asked some and read about others and most said that Mr. Parker was the only reason they stayed at all.

I have read Mr. Parker had a partner in the 60's, Jimmy Woo and when they split alot of his black belts went with him. But I think the good ones stayed with Mr. Parker if you ask me.

Zoran is right though, it could cause some heated responses but I don't think it would happen in this forum. They seem pretty civilized here, except for Gou, he's da big dog with the big bark!!

Originally posted by Klondike93
Zoran is right though, it could cause some heated responses but I don't think it would happen in this forum. They seem pretty civilized here, except for Gou, he's da big dog with the big bark!!

That's a lie! I never touched nobody! You can't prove anything!
This is a loaded question...

There are many political divides in the Kenpo community these days, and none of them can be addressed in a manner that wouldn't cause massive problems (especially on an internet forum). It is probably something better left alone, but if you are having problems, or something strikes you as funny, drop me a line and I will be more than happy to talk. My e-mail is [email protected]

Take Care,
Billy Lear, 3rd Degree Brown Belt
United Kenpo Systems
Originally posted by GouRonin

You're all against me aren't you?

I stand behind you, Lord Ronin, sword ready!:samurai:
Originally posted by Courtney's Dad

Hi everyone,

I'm new to kenpo and would like to know more about ed parker and his schools. many of his students have gone their own ways. i know no one can speak for another but if it is general knowledge, why did the Tracy's leave?, what happened in the 70's? somewhere i read that many instructors left at one time, why? many black belts i met at the international tourney recently seemed very friendly with each other but i often feel an undercurrent of unease for some reason. is it just the way a family grows up? what happened after mr. parker passed on? who stayed and why, who left and why?

i know this is a lot to ask at one time and hope this question doesn't offend anyone. just curious.

thanks for the time and consideration

We're (Tracys) that way because of:

1. Goldendragon 7
2. Billy Lear

And the untruths they spread about me, and others, but, you cannot undermine GREATNESS!:2pistols:
And we have voted unanimously to quell this uprising before it gets started...


Gou there is still some good left in you... It's not too late...
Originally posted by WilliamTLear

And we have voted unanimously to quell this uprising before it gets started...


Gou there is still some good left in you... It's not too late...

You're too late , He belongs to the "Darkside" now! Leave, while you still can! :2pistols:
PLease stop smoking dope.

Your friend...

You know I don't do that S.......! Neither do you! so dont e..v..e..n suggest that. Now Ricardo "close to the border and speaks the Language" Castillo......... now he is a different song!

Ok, that one made me laugh right out loud and I just spilled my drink all over my keyboard at work.

Stop it.
If I break the keyboard I gotta pay for it you know...