Police also have the right to take photos

I dont get that either...a attorney/ADA isnt allowed to go out and get a little crazy every now and then? While it is embarrassing and not something to be proud of, whats the REAL issue here (unless this is a symptom of a recurring problem)? If thats the worst this guy has ever done then BFD. At least he wasnt driving...

Much ado about no big deal all the way around here as Im seeing it. Everybody should get a pee-pee slap and go about their business.

There is obviously some political gamesmanship going on here.

Oh i'd say there was definitely some political gamesmanship going on here.
Short version:
You and your wife goto the local burger joint for dinner. You as private citizens expect to eat in peace.
The Obama's go to the same place. They will be photographed 100 times. As public citizens, there is less of an expectation of privacy.

This -may- fall into such a gray area.

The attorney here isn't just a rank n file 1 in 10,000 lawyer, he's the city's top lawyer. As such, he's a public person. So a picture of him, passed out drunk in a garbage can, could classify as news.


Also, a long excellent read with several case law examples is here

Good points, and thanks for the clarification. I posted an article, not long ago, in the LEO section, about the use of video during the booking and interview process. The link had shown an intoxicated town rep and her antics and comments towards the officer. Even went so far as to make threats about the fact that the town rep pays the officers salary. This video was shown on tv, so in a way, this is kinda the same thing.

I still think that at times, things are done out of spite. Going back to the Pam and Tommy sex tape. I highly doubt that the person that made that tape public did so, to show that the couple have a healthy sex life. They did it for 1 reason, and 1 reason only....to make some $$$$$$.
Can you imagine in this day and age actually hearing someone say 'He's an excellent police officer, what he does in his personal life is his personal life'?

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