photos of the fallen


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
All of the news organizations are posting photos of some the soldiers and sailors killed in the helicopter crash. I think this is a mistake. It is not to say they don't deserve recognition but many of these men are associated with the killin of Bin Laden even if they didn't actually take part in the raid. This fight is not like a regular war, and exposing the families of these soldiers and sailors could be a mistake. I wish they would have kept their identities more private.
All of the news organizations are posting photos of some the soldiers and sailors killed in the helicopter crash. I think this is a mistake. It is not to say they don't deserve recognition but many of these men are associated with the killin of Bin Laden even if they didn't actually take part in the raid. This fight is not like a regular war, and exposing the families of these soldiers and sailors could be a mistake. I wish they would have kept their identities more private.

No link????!!!!

An opinion of your own????!!!!

No link!

An opinion of your own!
You just need to read all of my posts elder, I have quite a few opinions on topics, and people, that I have posted, look around a little, I think I did an exemplary job on my view of taxes, you should look it up.
You just need to read all of my posts elder, I have quite a few opinions on topics, and people, that I have posted, look around a little, I think I did an exemplary job on my view of taxes, you should look it up.

I'd have to look it up too. The problem is, of course, that many have quit reading anything you say for the reasons aforementioned. As is often encouraged; if we don't like what the person is saying just do not click on their thread posts. Now, if you're going to be more like this, then I think there is a basis actually clicking on your posts.
Just in from work, but appreciate the OP, haven't thought about it yet but I will. :)
All of the news organizations are posting photos of some the soldiers and sailors killed in the helicopter crash. I think this is a mistake. It is not to say they don't deserve recognition but many of these men are associated with the killin of Bin Laden even if they didn't actually take part in the raid. This fight is not like a regular war, and exposing the families of these soldiers and sailors could be a mistake. I wish they would have kept their identities more private.

One of the Seals was from CT. His name was in the paper. This article says:

The Defense Department has not released the troops' names. Officials said it is taking time because there were so many killed. Others said privately there is hesitancy to release the names because the majority were from secretive special operations forces.

IMO, it has nothing to do with the number killed. I'm sure the people that need to know, knew who was on the helicopter. I'd say its more because of their position in the Seals. I can see both sides really side feels that its best to not say anything for the reasons you already said. One the other hand, I think some would like to see the names, as a way of honoring the fallen.
I had to conduct raids with Special Ops ( Seals and Army SF ) troops on a weekly basis in the war. Those guys were AWESOME. To lose a platoon size element in one moment. I am very sad about this.
Let's just say that I am glad some of you aren't C.S.I's at my crime scene, I might be spending a lot of time in jail.
All of the news organizations are posting photos of some the soldiers and sailors killed in the helicopter crash. I think this is a mistake. It is not to say they don't deserve recognition but many of these men are associated with the killin of Bin Laden even if they didn't actually take part in the raid. This fight is not like a regular war, and exposing the families of these soldiers and sailors could be a mistake. I wish they would have kept their identities more private.

The brave men and women who give their lives should be honored, but I don't think any of them would ever want their famillies put at risk. I think the CIA has an annual memorial service for those agents killed in the line of duty who remain anonymous years later. Something similar maybe fitting in cases such as this.