Petition raised to Introduce personal safety & criminal action awareness training in schools in UK.


White Belt
Sep 10, 2016
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We are teachers & self defence instructors that work with children of all ages and last year we surveyed a number of pupils in secondary schools in South Yorkshire. 6/10 freely admitted that they had a fear of violence from other pupils. 4/10 pupils freely admitted being attacked in the community.

violent Crime figures are rising year by year and from 2015-2016 grow by 27%. Our survey showed that the fear of physical violence, harassment or abuse was making 2/10 children severely depressed and had a dramatic effect on the learning of others. The fear of peer pressure and threats of violence had a dramatic effect on Girls taking part Physical education. Only 2/10 children surveyed said they would know or be confident in what to do to protect themselves against aggression or violence

The aim of the Program is to stop our kids being victims and prevent the horrible videos of our kids being attacked and then Posted on social media

Please sign the Petition and start to end violence in our schools

Petition: Introduce personal safety & criminal action awareness training in schools in UK
Well, no. I'm afraid not because this is I believe a business opportunity for your company (Active Sports Education Limited) rather than a genuine wish to help children. I can also find no mention of your martial arts activities.
I can't imagine why any school would let a business come and survey the children nor can I see any school letting a business come in and start teaching children. There are a number of very reputable martial arts schools and clubs in south Yorkshire who do sterling work with children.
We are teachers & self defence instructors that work with children of all ages and last year we surveyed a number of pupils in secondary schools in South Yorkshire. 6/10 freely admitted that they had a fear of violence from other pupils. 4/10 pupils freely admitted being attacked in the community.

violent Crime figures are rising year by year and from 2015-2016 grow by 27%. Our survey showed that the fear of physical violence, harassment or abuse was making 2/10 children severely depressed and had a dramatic effect on the learning of others. The fear of peer pressure and threats of violence had a dramatic effect on Girls taking part Physical education. Only 2/10 children surveyed said they would know or be confident in what to do to protect themselves against aggression or violence

The aim of the Program is to stop our kids being victims and prevent the horrible videos of our kids being attacked and then Posted on social media

Please sign the Petition and start to end violence in our schools

Petition: Introduce personal safety & criminal action awareness training in schools in UK
While the idea of such a program is laudable, I have a few problems with the material presented here. How, in a petition, do you diagnose 20% of the children as "severly depressed" (and the precise cause) or determine the learning impact of fear? How does peer pressure get lumped in with threats of violence in a single statistic? And are you arguing that 40% of all children in the area have suffered a violent attack?
And for 'teachers' the English spelling and punctuation is laughably inept. 'Program' surely you are British and it should be 'programme'.
Well, no. I'm afraid not because this is I believe a business opportunity for your company (Active Sports Education Limited) rather than a genuine wish to help children. I can also find no mention of your martial arts activities.
I can't imagine why any school would let a business come and survey the children nor can I see any school letting a business come in and start teaching children. There are a number of very reputable martial arts schools and clubs in south Yorkshire who do sterling work with children.
Who are Active Sports Education. For starters this is a genuine post by a Vetted Genuine member who sits on the committee of the British Martial Arts and Boxing association and is also a member of The International Martial Arts against Bullying program. Yes we have delivered paid sessions in Schools but we have 2 instructors not 100. Any Martial arts clubs as well as ours is also paid for they time. We have also given 100's of Hours of free time teaching combat sports including Fencing and Archery as well as Self defence programs. We also work endlessly to promote the well being of children in Yorkshire. As for making money this is mine and the wifes full time good and teachers do get paid ??? please feel free to do your research.
Who are Active Sports Education. For starters this is a genuine post by a Vetted Genuine member who sits on the committee of the British Martial Arts and Boxing association and is also a member of The International Martial Arts against Bullying program. Yes we have delivered paid sessions in Schools but we have 2 instructors not 100. Any Martial arts clubs as well as ours is also paid for they time. We have also given 100's of Hours of free time teaching combat sports including Fencing and Archery as well as Self defence programs. We also work endlessly to promote the well being of children in Yorkshire. As for making money this is mine and the wifes full time good and teachers do get paid ??? please feel free to do your research.

The person who made the petition is a director of that company, ( Companies House) what does 'vetted genuine' mean, vetted by whom? The British Martial Arts and Boxing Association is one of many organisations which you can pay to join, it's a commercial enterprise which can broker insurance and provide other services, it's like Nakmas, ASMAA, AMa etc etc.
Sorry you aren't selling it, besides I don't think American ( it's an American site) signatures will count.
This thread is not going well... so I will be short.

While self-protection, prevention, is (or can be) a consensual "procedure" largely acceptable and logical, self-defence is quite controversial. To keep safe, or restore it quickly, is a basic survival skill. "Self-defence", in practice, raise many questions. What is the right "procedure"? Kids understand the self-defence concept when adults do not? How many hours a week? Why not just more staff for safety? Why not put the "self-defence" money on staff specialised in difficult kids (learning, behaviour...)... and the time on something else...?

I think the most important, easy, consensual and effective is prevention. "Self-defence" is always riskier. And finally, kids and teenagers will fight, inevitable. All mammals do. And we are not so special...

(It could be an interesting topic, regardless the interests behind [if any].)
We are teachers & self defence instructors that work with children of all ages and last year we surveyed a number of pupils in secondary schools in South Yorkshire. 6/10 freely admitted that they had a fear of violence from other pupils. 4/10 pupils freely admitted being attacked in the community.

violent Crime figures are rising year by year and from 2015-2016 grow by 27%. Our survey showed that the fear of physical violence, harassment or abuse was making 2/10 children severely depressed and had a dramatic effect on the learning of others. The fear of peer pressure and threats of violence had a dramatic effect on Girls taking part Physical education. Only 2/10 children surveyed said they would know or be confident in what to do to protect themselves against aggression or violence

The aim of the Program is to stop our kids being victims and prevent the horrible videos of our kids being attacked and then Posted on social media

Please sign the Petition and start to end violence in our schools

Petition: Introduce personal safety & criminal action awareness training in schools in UK
Okay cool you said /what/ your going to do but I'm asking /how/ are you going to do it. Teaching a 1 hour self defence class isn't going to do anything for anyone kids will learn a few basic moves and think they're Bruce lee and that could result in more fights. You want to stop kids being victims? How? What will you do you haven't even said what you'll do. Sadly bullying will always exist it'll never stop it's a sad part of life that it happens but I don't see what you can do to stop it and you certainly haven't told us. Those videos will still exist even with kids knowing self defence if that's what your even suggesting.
The Self defence element of this is just that an element. It is not the Program that is being petitioned and it is not just one company or group trying to take over the world. It is to give kids the skills they need to first and foremost avoid conflict.
As the title of the petition title includes criminal action awareness training, this is to make kids aware that if they carry out a crime against person there are long lasting effects if they are cautioned or charges on their futures. We are then wanting to teach kids how to be aware of the signs of aggression and How to walk away safely through avoidance techniques and how to be assertive to change they mind set the self defence training should be targeted to groups who need it. This should then feed into martial arts clubs for continuity. As for Teachers should be able to control behaviors and manage discipline this year results where published by the BBc that 4/10 out of teachers in the UK had been attacked by pupils. This is mirrored by the ATL and NUT. I am not saying we have all the answers but people can sit back as more and more videos are posted on social media and young people being attacked then there is something wrong...... We are not about EGOs we are trying to Do something.

Just to address the comments made by the Guy or Girl who is more interested in my Grammar than the content of the post. I have chevked the company house database and looked at Active Sports Education and I can 100% tell you That Jonathon cotterill Bolsover has Nothing to do this project. His organisation Grassiva England is not linked to this. As regards to Vetted by who. Any member that wishes to Join BMABA has to prove they have Recognised Qualifications I myself am a fully qualified level 3 btec self defence instructor...This is a vocational qualification. I am also a British Fencing association Foil coach. As well as holding a Level 3 assessors award, Level certificate in education and Training and I am doing more.... Has for being British Yes I am, I am also British Armed Forces Veteran......,I am also an expert witness with Thomas Reuters Expert witness Services

However I do completely thank you for pointing out American Signatures dont count


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Just to make your point clear Are you stating that the above qualification and the people who take the course with NFPS are not fit For purpose as i am sure that the guys and girls who sat on my course with me included,Black Belts, Ex armed Forces, police officers and Prison service would love to hear your thoughts. Btec is an awarding body and not just recognised via NFPS but it is a recognised qualification across the country. To be able to take this course you need to have a strong martial arts background or service with the police or Military.

In Fact service personal now take among-st overs Btec qualifications when training ...... What service did you serve in as you are starting to sound like a bit of a Muppet ?
Just to make your point clear Are you stating that the above qualification and the people who take the course with NFPS are not fit For purpose as i am sure that the guys and girls who sat on my course with me included,Black Belts, Ex armed Forces, police officers and Prison service would love to hear your thoughts. Btec is an awarding body and not just recognised via NFPS but it is a recognised qualification across the country. To be able to take this course you need to have a strong martial arts background or service with the police or Military.

In Fact service personal now take among-st overs Btec qualifications when training ...... What service did you serve in as you are starting to sound like a bit of a Muppet ?

Well I wasn't saying anything about you before qualifications wise or calling you out on anything but I certainly am now. You want to stop bullying yet you insult someone online when they disagree with you nice example you're setting there my friend.
Just to make your point clear Are you stating that the above qualification and the people who take the course with NFPS are not fit For purpose as i am sure that the guys and girls who sat on my course with me included,Black Belts, Ex armed Forces, police officers and Prison service would love to hear your thoughts. Btec is an awarding body and not just recognised via NFPS but it is a recognised qualification across the country. To be able to take this course you need to have a strong martial arts background or service with the police or Military.

In Fact service personal now take among-st overs Btec qualifications when training ...... What service did you serve in as you are starting to sound like a bit of a Muppet ?

LOL, I said nothing about that qualification so why are you so defensive? I put up a link and said others can decide, we have some very well qualified knowledgable people here who will give an honest assessment, if they come back and say, yes it's a great course you will then look silly for making those comments. Fairness is everything don't you find? With others endorsements your post gains more credibility but of course if you want to gob off and get a strop on, fine.

the qualifications I am talking about are the martial arts ones, they are only relevant to the organisation you grade in. I'm sure you'll agree. Dan grades from McDojos aren't the same as those from other places are they?
Guys I totally appreciate your points of view however this is exactly the point I am trying to make. You comments show far throughout this post have been Insulting. Picking on mistakes made in Grammar, intimating that the qualifications taken by what i class as some very experienced Instructors are second rate. I have recently delivered training in a time served Ju Jitsu club when a came across a black belt that was awarded his belt on a honorary grade and quite frankly wasnt even a 1st Kyu. So lets not start with the age old agruement,,,,,, The post is about a genuine course and it seems you would rather try to slag of the author.

As regards to being called out again this is wher EGOs seem to kick in I work and teach kids on a Day to Day Basis and work with a number of NGBs. Frankly Guys your attitude and your somewhat superior attitude and the Previous Insult made by you posts earlier........yes they where Insult, Poor Grammar and am I British is the kind of things I am trying to get rid of .....If this was in a School I think Bullying springs to mind..... So as regards to the post about anti bullying would you say that to one of pupils so never mind your statement and Tut Tut....... I think you need to take a look at yourself before you Instruct......
In regards to you said nothing about the qualification thats exactly what you did by posting what you did...........I am happy with who i am, the training I have and what I do and so are the people I work. Ask yourself my friend in the real world and not on here, are you making a difference or are you putting up walls.
In regards to you said nothing about the qualification thats exactly what you did by posting what you did...........I am happy with who i am, the training I have and what I do and so are the people I work. Ask yourself my friend in the real world and not on here, are you making a difference or are you putting up walls.
That's very nice for you and I'm happy with who I am and no I'm putting up walls I'm not a builder now have a nice day
Guys I totally appreciate your points of view however this is exactly the point I am trying to make. You comments show far throughout this post have been Insulting. Picking on mistakes made in Grammar, intimating that the qualifications taken by what i class as some very experienced Instructors are second rate. I have recently delivered training in a time served Ju Jitsu club when a came across a black belt that was awarded his belt on a honorary grade and quite frankly wasnt even a 1st Kyu. So lets not start with the age old agruement,,,,,, The post is about a genuine course and it seems you would rather try to slag of the author.

As regards to being called out again this is wher EGOs seem to kick in I work and teach kids on a Day to Day Basis and work with a number of NGBs. Frankly Guys your attitude and your somewhat superior attitude and the Previous Insult made by you posts earlier........yes they where Insult, Poor Grammar and am I British is the kind of things I am trying to get rid of .....If this was in a School I think Bullying springs to mind..... So as regards to the post about anti bullying would you say that to one of pupils so never mind your statement and Tut Tut....... I think you need to take a look at yourself before you Instruct......

The point about the English is that you said you were teachers. It doesn't look very professional for teachers to be writing the way you are.

As for the rest, you wanted a favour from people here, and those people will question before putting their names to anything. They want to know it's genuine and not a scam for their info which surely you can understand. If you don't, well, you have taken insult where none was given, yes there's scepticism, this after all is the internet.
I teach Sports, Self defence and Motor Mechanics in Sixth form college and I have dyslexia, so wouldnt make a great English teacher. So I see you point and to be fair I see you other Point. However this is a genuine cause hence the defense of It, and my passion. I have feel this is not about a pissing contest but its about a real problem. So people can support it or they dont that should be there choice. I do feel though is there is some knowledgeable people on hear they should try to do something about the problem and not kick people who are genuine and try.
I teach Sports, Self defence and Motor Mechanics in Sixth form college and I have dyslexia, so wouldnt make a great English teacher. So I see you point and to be fair I see you other Point. However this is a genuine cause hence the defense of It, and my passion. I have feel this is not about a pissing contest but its about a real problem. So people can support it or they dont that should be there choice. I do feel though is there is some knowledgeable people on hear they should try to do something about the problem and not kick people who are genuine and try.
Some of us genuinely asked about the claims made in the original post. When you post claims like that, if you cannot back them with legitimate research, they detract from the credibility of the program. The program deserves to get proper attention, and not to have that attention derailed with what appears to be over-reaching claims. Perhaps there's sufficient research involved to back those claims, but you haven't responded to those questions.
The research is Legitimate and was carried out via feedback forms that where completed in a number of secondary schools and Girl Guides groups we have worked and are not over reaching.