I don't think that to create a form you should grab techs randomly. I have seen too much stuff like like in open tourneys with people copying movements from movies or anything that looks like it could get them the next Sharkboy movie contract (LOL), and if it helps to gain a trophy, so be it. Creating a form for testing requirements, I believe is a different situation. When representing yourself to a board of testing Black Belts, represent your art based in as much sound principle as possible. Grab any tech randomly and you may inadvertantly undermine some base principle of the art. Forms can tell a story so to speak (And I like that) but I believe a form is more than a catalog of techs, right side tech left side tech etc... That is what learning skill drills are for. This is my suggestion, take a base sequence of a form and address it to say for example rear defenses. After each sequence, consider the next attack to be coming from behind, angle off, or spin step out and follow with a good sequence that the testing instructors will recognise. Also as a suggestion, set sequences to follow with a takedown and finish, or alternate finishes from sequence to sequence like, striking finish standing, striking finish opponent on the ground, choking or breaking finish standing, or on the ground, once a takedown is done with you on the ground, follow up with ground defense like kicking from the ground, striking as you rise to a knee and achieve a standing position again. Use all the directions of the compass, not just turn left=sequence, turn right=sequence, up the middle kick=sequence. This is my opinion, that form should follow function, meaning the form should be sequenced based on function of technique, not just randomy sequence and come up with how it may be translated. I have seen forms where people will throw a block in one direction and then follow another direction of sequence never addressing that opponent/direction again as if that one block finished him, or that the opponent was forgotten. All of this is just my opinion and not meant as an attack on someone elses advice. If I see spinning backknuckle, jump spin cresent, jump spin cresent, drop spin sweep and drop into the splits with a loud Kiai, I will not be impressed as if that persons understands. On the other hand, if I see evasion step, block and counter strike takedown and a finish followed by awareness to a rear attack and the next sequence responds with a side kick from the ground, rising ridge hand to the groin while rising to kneeing, then pivoting with punches and kicks to ward off surrounding attackers and achieving a standing posotion to finish yet another opponent standing, that would get my attention. End Rant. LOL. Again, JMHO. PEACE