Japanese Jujutsu and Sambo...an interesting combination that would give you excellent standing and ground-based grappling skills. Sambo (a.k.a. Sombo) is a great system--BJJ with more takedowns and extensive leg locks. "
Training stresses avoidance of injury to self and others" I like that philosophy, though you may find it too pacifistic. "At the same time, you will be taught to control your own responses, to recognize that you are (however noble your intentions) a person in a fight and that hysterical over-response makes you every bit as ethically (and legally) responsible as any other aggressor." Encouraging words.
American Kenpo. "
IF YOU WANT SELF-DEFENSE, KENPO IS YOUR ONLY WAY." This kind of hyperbole makes me leary. Kenpo is
not your only way! "
HURRY! Classes fill up fast!" It looks quite commercial. But, if one is trying to make a living teaching, one does what one must.
Karate, Jujutsu, and classical weapons. The weapons are great fun but less applicable (e.g. iaido, which studies the samurai sword). "[FONT=trebuchet ms, Arial, Helvetica]
We are the ONLY dojo in Virginia to cover the Martial Arts spectrum included in our curriculum.[/FONT]" Again, hyperbole. This has some interesting systems but I wonder if it's too many mixed together.
Based on your expressed interest in groundfighting and self-defense, the Jujutsu/Sambo school seems like a good choice. Sambo is a relatively rare art in the States, and you might be well-served by investigating it. As always, though, the instructor makes a bigger difference than the style--checking out all three is the optimal path!