PC, Mac, meet Linux.

They should have given her a "Red Hat" to wear.

I liked it.
I first saw these the other month and I think they get their message across very effectively. The touch of humour and the attractive 'avatar' don't hurt either :D.

A few years back it looked as if we were going to get a real Linux/UNIX revolution but, sadly, the Micro$oft monolith still stood, like some evil version of the intelligence expanding monoliths of 2001 :(.

The irony is that many games and apps are still developed on UNIX platforms first and then ported over to the Windoze environment.
Was anyone else waiting for a little red smiling daemon to pop in on Mac's shoulder in clip 3? :D

Perhaps they should throw in the 50 year old guy with a beard, buttondown, and large cup of coffee to be UNIX. :p
A few years back it looked as if we were going to get a real Linux/UNIX revolution but, sadly, the Micro$oft monolith still stood, like some evil version of the intelligence expanding monoliths of 2001 :(.

I still think it's gonna happen. These things take time...

... for example:

The irony is that many games and apps are still developed on UNIX platforms first and then ported over to the Windoze environment.

Exactly—Exhibit A being the use of a unix core for Mac's hot OS X platform. Jobs had wanted to do something like that back in the 1970, and eventually got to try it out with the NeXT experiment, but he got too hung up on the physical box and the production problems killed him. But he learned his lesson and in his Second Coming he focused totally on getting a robust operating system based on Unix. It took around twenty-five years for Apple to go from whatever it was they were doing before to a Unix basis, but it was worth it, and I think eventually that's what's going to happen throughout the computing culture.

Don't know if any of us will be around to see it, but I can hearing it coming down, up the road... :)
Me too. In the end "open" stuff wins.

I think it really does. We're approaching an era where `proprietary' is a dead-end. It reflects a business model that is unlikely to be effective in the electronic IT era we're still just at the beginings of....
Exile and Andy, I oh so hope that you are right in your opinions on this one.

I concur that in an IT world the old business model (that has made Micro$oft such a giant) does not really have a future.

Copyright that lasts a century is a perversion of its original intent - it used be a much shorter period and was intended to allow the 'inventor' to make their rightful profits from a development without crippling or stangling further development.

We shall keep our digits (Yeah! Computing pun :D!) crossed that the open source revolution has its day :tup:.
Copyright that lasts a century is a perversion of its original intent - it used be a much shorter period and was intended to allow the 'inventor' to make their rightful profits from a development without crippling or stangling further development.

100% agreement on that. Monopoly wasn't the intention.

We shall keep our digits (Yeah! Computing pun :D!) crossed that the open source revolution has its day :tup:.

Sigh... why can't I think of 'em like that any more? :( First-class word play, S—would rep you, if I hadn't just done already... you'll just have to settle for an IOU till you cycle off my rep stack. :wink1:
First time I had seen those...they are great :)...I especially liked the 2nd one..."that vinyl, no pleather....".....hehehe