Parents Defend Bombers

I dunno. Channel 7's cam (which of course was carried by CNN and who knows how many other news channels) was showing Naked Guy surrounded by officers at gunpoint and speculating that it was the suspect. A friend of mine in Texas was watching and was insisting to me on Facebook that it was him...even though I had heard at least twice over a BAPERN radio channel that he wasn't the guy. They said he may be a person of interest, but he wasn't the suspect. I wasn't watching TV when I was listening, but apparently the visuals of manpower involved had a lot of people thinking he was the suspect.

Wasn't long after that was shown that MSP was saying he was a guy that...didn't get out of the way. That never, ever happens in Boston...

Ahh, there is no timeline so I want sure, this must have been what the father was referring to. Was the first time had heard of or seen.

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In the way of an apologist reply, these are people from an area of the world with an entrenched distrust of government (yet conversely with a sense of entitlement), that never assimilated and carrying a boatload of cultural baggage. Disenfranchised, with too much time on their hands, and ripe to get themselves into trouble. I've found that the younger ones assimilate quickly, but the older adults usually have no real desire to change, and issues of control of identity and family structure are commonplace. (Witness the refusal of immigrants to relinquish identity ties by insisting keeping native language skills.) Often, the women take it the hardest, as being unskilled they end up out of the workforce and socially isolated. The men, they are here for the financial opportunities...but don't mind the welfare handout they get for one year as it is 'just like home'.

On the other hand, having worked with East European immigrants, this particular family doesn't seem all that desirable as an addition to the American workforce. They way they are probably looking at it, America failed them, 'the big lie', and will fall back on decades of anti-American rhetoric instead of understanding their part in this radicalization.

Like the uncle said, 'Losers'.

Yes, clearly they don't trust the govt, and that's evident by the responses of the parents. They just can't believe that their kids could do such a thing. As time is going on, we're learning more and more about the bombers. I find it hard to believe that nobody noticed the changes, but then again, if the changes were noticed, they probably didn't take anything serious.
The older one sounds like a real piece of work. Knocks up some weak-minded girl, abusive, living off of welfare, and then 'babysitting' while his wife supported them all working 70-80 hours. Lied all the way up to the end, on the phone to mama basically saying he wasn't doing anything.

Controlling, manipulative, abusive, anti-social liar. Had to have someone to believe in his lie...and he cultivated mommy. If they DO pin the murders of his fellow wrestlers on him it's certainly going to show a pathology she won't be able to accept.

Agreed, and you gotta love how the surviving POS, clammed up once his 'rights' were read to him. I'm curious about your last comment. His fellow wrestlers were murdered? I didn't hear about that.
I think I would defend my kids no matter what. But it's such a unique situation, I really don't know how I'd react.

But it's definitely not a surprise, sometimes family always comes first. Maybe over time.

I don't have kids, but if I did, as much as I loved them, if the evidence was as overwhelming as it seems, well, IMO, I think it'd be a bit hard to defend them. If there wasn't all the evidence that there is, well...of course, I'd be more inclined, at that moment, to defend them, until I say otherwise.
I don't have kids, but if I did, as much as I loved them, if the evidence was as overwhelming as it seems, well, IMO, I think it'd be a bit hard to defend them. If there wasn't all the evidence that there is, well...of course, I'd be more inclined, at that moment, to defend them, until I say otherwise.

Yeah, I'd leave no stone unturned. But until then, innocent until proven guilty, appealed 5 times, 5 years of denial, then come to terms.

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Agreed, and you gotta love how the surviving POS, clammed up once his 'rights' were read to him.
A question for the LEO's around:
Seriously? From the news reports about the surviving POS, (great description, btw) he was the brother who was most assimilated into American culture. Did he really NOT know his Miranda rights? Are these rights ONLY in effect after you are informed of them? I don't think that is how rights work...
Yeah, I'd leave no stone unturned. But until then, innocent until proven guilty, appealed 5 times, 5 years of denial, then come to terms.Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
Points taken. I'm just wondering, with all of the apparent evidence, I'm just wondering how the parents can still sit and say that their kids were set up. I mean, that'd be akin to me robbing a bank, having eye witness accounts, video footage, and my parents still turn around and say, "No, it wasn't my son!"
Points taken. I'm just wondering, with all of the apparent evidence, I'm just wondering how the parents can still sit and say that their kids were set up. I mean, that'd be akin to me robbing a bank, having eye witness accounts, video footage, and my parents still turn around and say, "No, it wasn't my son!"

They may get some closure when the father gets here (if not already). I must say, even being here and having seen the site, hear the blast, been in lock down. There are aspects of the events reported I took for granted and just took at face value that seemed insignificant and are now coming out that it went down very different to what I thought. Miss information by media etc, multiple that by 100 and being so far away, that must be what the parents are feeling. And I can only hope they were not instrumental in the plotting.
And forgotten in all of this...was the eye-to-eye contact, absolute 100% ID, of Mr. Baumann and one of the brothers. You know..the boy with no legs left.

Whenever I feel an inkling of compassion for baby-face, I put that image in my mind. Of the 8 year old now gone.

There is NO way these parents had no inkling of their son's temperament, or ability to act violently. They spoke constantly, from a close family unit. One knows one's child...for better of worse. And while I'm not one for witch-hunts (MA resident!), sounds like there is a lotta blame to go around - from mother not reporting to agencies not willing/able to moniter this level of subversion.