One High School Band's Inaugural Quest & trip


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
May 27, 2004
Reaction score
Not BC, Not DC
My daughter plays for the Evergreen High School Marching Band and Color Guard. They are an award-winning campaign and have been working for a year and a half to make it to the parade this year - which they did.

Video of their 30 seconds. Keep in mind they went through Secret Service screening at 5am, stood in sub-zero temps for twelve hours with lots of water, few port-a-pottys with LOONG lines, no food and last-minute shuffles with foreign-born students and a stolen trumpet. The secret service is good ... they got the horn back. ;)

Twenty-four schools across the nation sent campaigns to this parade out of over 1,400 applicants. In our case, the outpouring from the community was incredible - alumni, neighbors, associations, credit unions, elected officials, teachers ... even other schools gave money so our kids could make this trip.

The parade was not the only accomplishment, these kids visited Arlington, the Tomb of the Unknowns, Vietnam Memorial, National Archives, Smithsonian ... many others. The chaperones reported the most boring part of the trip for them was the Post Office ... but all other locations had them rapt.

What an opportunity for all youngsters who attended this event!
That's wonderful! What an experience for them to cherish. I hope you got to pick out your daughter on the video? They'll be talking about this for a long while I think.
Wow, for a high school band they are REALLY good!!

Congrats to your daughter and co. - I'm sure they will remember this for the rest of their lives.
That's wonderful! What an experience for them to cherish. I hope you got to pick out your daughter on the video? They'll be talking about this for a long while I think.

Yes! As the band marches toward the camera, the presidential viewing area is to the immediate right of the camera, hence the band's left. Meg is in the second row all the way on the outside on the band's left, playing trumpet. Feet from Obama. :D :D :D

Wow, for a high school band they are REALLY good!!

Congrats to your daughter and co. - I'm sure they will remember this for the rest of their lives.

Oh, I have no doubt! And we'll always be there to remind her lest she forgets. :lol2:
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They did a great job! And sounds like they had a great trip.
My daughter plays for the Evergreen High School Marching Band and Color Guard. They are an award-winning campaign and have been working for a year and a half to make it to the parade this year - which they did.

Well done! Congrats to your daughter and her classmates!

I went to De La Salle College in Toronto for middle school and high school. Our Drum and Bugle Corps was among the finest in North America at the time. Watching and hearing a marching band that performs at this level is quite breath-taking.