On Israel, Guns, Terrorist, and Defense

Deaf Smith

Master of Arts
Apr 25, 2008
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These are Israeli bloggers. Most are in the IDF as reservist. They do not soldier as a profession, but are called up as needed.
Glock and Daven
I count seven Glocks and two M16's. There is, undoubtedly, more firepower in shul, but these men are not vain, wild west gunslingers. Most sidearms are concealed under shirt tails, or, as in the case of my brother-in-law David—who dresses for Shabbos like he's still back in Monsey—his Glock 17 is hiding under his nicely tailored suit jacket.

It is comforting to daven in a room with armed and well-trained citizen soldiers. We know from experience that in Israel, it is armed citizens who are the first line of defense against the Arab-Muslim terrorists who have been killing Jews since time immemorial.

One of the most irrational and shameful political positions taken by Liberal American Jews is the demand for the abolition of the right to bear arms.

If Jews in Europe owned guns there would be several million dead Nazis and their collaborators—and far fewer dead Jews.

The Killing
Again, Larry and I go over the killing of the terrorist. Details are all important in counter-terrorism.

“The Glock is a good weapon when every millisecond counts,” says Larry.
There's no safety, which can take precious time away from shooting. You can keep a round in the chamber, then just draw and fire.”

Larry totes his Glock in a Fobus speed holster.

“What kind of rounds did you use?”

“I keep hollow points in the Glock, but my spare magazine has full metal jackets. The day I killed the terrorist, I put him down with the hollow points. Don't want to use full metal jackets in a crowded supermarket, they'll go right through and kill an innocent bystander.”

“The Efrat supermarket was crowded?”

“Very. Look, the terrorist was here,” Larry demonstrates using his body and mine, “and behind him were several women and children.”

“How close were you to the the terrorist?”

“About fourteen feet.”

I shiver.

Most gunfights, contrary to popular mythology, take place within seven feet. Fourteen feet can seem like a yawning chasm when the adrenalin is pumping, innocent bystanders are all around, and a determined terrorist has his finger on the detonator.

“The full metal slugs would have gone right through him and there's no telling...”

Larry's voice trails off.

My childhood buddy is a sweet man, a devoted husband, father, and grandfather. There is no bravado in Larry. He's fine with killing the terrorist, but it does not define who he is.

Me, I'd write and produce a self-glorifying movie, play hero on talk shows, try and cash in.

It's time to go home. It's time for leave taking.

There is an entire culture and religion bent on eradicating Israel and Jews.
We are so few; we are so vulnerable.

But there are, Baruch HaShem, many Larry's.

An associate of mine calls himself a “Never Again Jew” and goes armed. I believe he got the term from “Crafty Dog” of the Dog Brothers but got his spirit from his Grandmother.

Thanks for the link sir.

Brian King
Thanks for posting. It is good to see that the Israeli people are taking the right steps to keep themselves protected.
How different the attitudes toward firearms in Israel vs. the USA. IMO the phrase "wild west gunslinger" is key-- over there, it is never for entertainment, shooting and guns are serious business.

Yes, thank God Israel has many Larrys.
<sarcasm> curious...armed good guys are the solution to bad guys? who would have ever guessed. </sarcasm>

thanks for posting that.
"If Jews in Europe owned guns there would be several million dead Nazis and their collaborators—and far fewer dead Jews"

You really have hit the bottom with this haven't you? You have absolutely no idea what went on in Europe duing those years have you?

This statement may be your opinion but basically you are sayng that it's the Jews fault they were killed because they didn't have guns to shoot the Nazis.

I take great exception to this and I would suggest you do some historical research before making such a hurtful, horrible and misleading statement.

Oh and incidentally Arabs haven't been killing Jews since time immemorial, something else I think you should look up.
"If Jews in Europe owned guns there would be several million dead Nazis and their collaborators—and far fewer dead Jews"

You really have hit the bottom with this haven't you? You have absolutely no idea what went on in Europe duing those years have you?

This statement may be your opinion but basically you are sayng that it's the Jews fault they were killed because they didn't have guns to shoot the Nazis.

I take great exception to this and I would suggest you do some historical research before making such a hurtful, horrible and misleading statement.

Oh and incidentally Arabs haven't been killing Jews since time immemorial, something else I think you should look up.

Easy, Tez3. He should have used the "quote" function. The words aren't his, they belong to the fellow who wrote in the linked article.

About Me
Robert J. Avrech
Los Angeles, California
I'm an Emmy Award winning screenwriter. I'm also an observant Jew, a religious Zionist, a fierce conservative Republican, and a member of the NRA. I've been writing and producing in Hollywood for over twenty-five years.

I tend to agree with them, though, in spirit if not in fact-so do a lot of other people. You can read an interesting, and pretty old, article by David Kopel, called
Hitler's Control:

Writing in The Arizona Journal of International & Comparative Law Stephen Halbrook demonstrates that German Jews and other German opponents of Hitler were not destined to be helpless and passive victims. (A magazine article by Halbrook offers a shorter version of the story, along with numerous photographs. Halbrook's Arizona article is also available as a chapter in the book Death by Gun Control, published by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.) Halbrook details how, upon assuming power, the Nazis relentlessly and ruthlessly disarmed their German opponents. The Nazis feared the Jews — many of whom were front-line veterans of World War One — so much that Jews were even disarmed of knives and old sabers.

The Nazis did not create any new firearms laws until 1938. Before then, they were able to use the Weimar Republic's gun controls to ensure that there would be no internal resistance to the Hitler regime

Further on, the article states: Simply put, if not for gun control, Hitler would not have been able to murder 21 million people. Nor would Mugabe be able to carry out his current terror program

And, as the article notes, here in the U.S. we have Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

And we have a movie in theaters right now, Defiance, based on the story of the Bielski Partisans
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Elder, it's still hard to read, that Deaf can post up that it's the Jews fault they were killed.

The Bielskis are legend and it's taken a very long time for the world to acknowledge their story. There was more Jewish resistance to the Nazis than is perhaps realised. However studying what happened in those times would show a greater understanding rather than just posting up, hey having guns would save the world.

For the record, as a gun carrier, I'm not against weapons, just it's horses for courses. There is no blanket solution, what works in Israel doesn't work in Iceland for example. Different countries,different problems, different people, different mindsets.
Elder, it's still hard to read, that Deaf can post up that it's the Jews fault they were killed..

He didn't post that-he posted that if they'd had guns, they'd have been harder to kill-and would have taken a few Nazis with them in the bargain. I tend to agree.

After all, it wasn't their fault that they didn't have guns.....
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As ever when we are dealing with issues or history that have a high emotive quotient, it is beholden upon us all to deal with such issues with a degree of sensitivity.

That includes taking care that what we write is not needlessly inflammatory by dint of how it is presented. It also includes keeping a grip on our responses to things that ignite our passions.

You'd be surprised what can be discussed by people of widely differing views if we all maintain the degree of civility that we'd expect when sitting down at the dinner table together - which is in effect what we are doing when we are guests here at MT.
What makes you think they died easily, that they went quietly into the night?

Nothing. I'm pretty aware of what resistance there was. One of my best friend's parents were in the resistance in Holland as teenagers. Just think what might have been accomplished by European Jews if they'd had more guns from the onset.

This isn't a statement-or judgement-about "Jews in Europe," but one about gun-control and disarmament in general, using "Jews in Europe" as a prime example.
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Nothing. I'm pretty aware of what resistance there was. One of my best friend's parents were in the resistance in Holland as teenagers. Just think what might have been accomplished by European Jews if they'd had more guns from the onset.

This isn't a statement-or judgement-about "Jews in Europe," but one about gun-control and disarmament in general, using "Jews in Europe" as a prime example.

Well however it was meant to be it comes across as being judgemental and hurtful. I'm sorry but I'm extremely upset. It's such a naive and simplistic thing to assume that having guns would have saved people, all this just to make an argument for everyone having guns.
I don't believe it's a good comparison, how would having guns stop a family from being killed when the soldiers, their neighbours, work colleagues, fellow students and everyone walking past in the street was against them? How could people who had fought in the First World War for Germany ( as Anne Franks father had), lived as German citizens for generations and been good patriots know that just about every non Jew wopuld be against them?
How exactly would having guns have aided people? Tell me exactly how having guns would have saved my grandparents, my aunts and uncles? I want to know exactly how they could have saved themselves in the Netherlands when the Germans came for them. I don't want to be told blandly oh if they were armed they would have survived.

Emotive subject, yes very.
Well however it was meant to be it comes across as being judgemental and hurtful. I'm sorry but I'm extremely upset.

I don't think I need to apologize for anything, but I'm sorry you're upset.

It's such a naive and simplistic thing to assume that having guns would have saved people, all this just to make an argument for everyone having guns.

History shows-in many instances besides this one-that having guns did save people. No one is making an argument for "everyone having guns"

I don't believe it's a good comparison, how would having guns stop a family from being killed when the soldiers, their neighbours, work colleagues, fellow students and everyone walking past in the street was against them? How could people who had fought in the First World War for Germany ( as Anne Franks father had), lived as German citizens for generations and been good patriots know that just about every non Jew wopuld be against them?

In some ways, you're right-in others, one has to wonder why Hitler not only enforced existing gun control measures, but made certain that Jews, and Jews specifically could not have large knives or sabres as well?

I live in cattle country, and a few of my neighbors have a little ritual where they remove the horns from calves when they do branding. Why do you suppose that is?

How exactly would having guns have aided people? Tell me exactly how having guns would have saved my grandparents, my aunts and uncles? I want to know exactly how they could have saved themselves in the Netherlands when the Germans came for them. I don't want to be told blandly oh if they were armed they would have survived.

Emotive subject, yes very.

No one is saying that. What they are saying is that they very well might have, that they'd have had a better chance than the one that they did have, which, face it, was no chance at all.

Again, I'd suggest that you look closely at the sources in the OP, and mine. The first is a Jewish American author, living in Israel. The other is an American author, also Jewish. One site I posted is for a Jewish organization that is centered on this very issue, with exactly the reasoning that you reject-in fact, at times they're more than a little over the top.Bottom line though, while you might not agree with it, and I can understand your being upset with it, it's a logical opinion shared by quite a few people, and supported by other historical examples.In fact, in the 20th century, every government that committed genocide disarmed their victims first.

The book Lethal Laws, published by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, details how in Armenia, the Soviet Union, Guatemala, Uganda, Cambodia and Germany, genocide was preceded by extensive gun-control.

This article,, for the Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law by Stephen Halbrook (a constitutional attorney with a 3-0 record before the U.S.Supreme Court), details how German firearm laws disarmed the nation's Jews.

You might not like it, you might not want to accept it, but it's the simple truth-and not meant to cause any offense or upset. If we're going to learn from history, it's details like these that we need to pay attention to if it's really never going to happen again.

The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow
the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all
conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms
have prepared their own downfall by so doing.
Adolph Hitler

How exactly would having guns have aided people? Tell me exactly how having guns would have saved my grandparents, my aunts and uncles? I want to know exactly how they could have saved themselves in the Netherlands when the Germans came for them. I don't want to be told blandly oh if they were armed they would have survived.

Emotive subject, yes very.

I would ask you to direct that question to my Former boss, who's parents were alive and able to escape to freedom.

And while it is trite to say "oh if they were armed they would have survived" It is certain not everyone would have survived, just as not every armed soldier who enters a conflict survives... but, and this is just my opinion, right or wrong... a fighting chance is better than than being rounded up and murdered in the most horriffic ways.
I fear this thread is wandering off the tracks somewhat.

It was, as far as I'm concerned, a not terribly good choice of exemplar to fuel yet another pro-gun thread but if it is intent on wending it's way down the actual discussion of whether an armed population would have saved the European Jews, then we need a new thread targeted on that investigation.

As an aside, not meaning to aid and abet the derailment, why is this topic so burning hot that we simply must have what feels like a thread-a-day on it? Honestly, even I've had enough of it now and I'm all for open and full debate of almost any non-reprehensible subject. Such relentless drum-banging is counter-productive as it actually begins to turn peoples opinions the other way.
As an aside, not meaning to aid and abet the derailment, why is this topic so burning hot that we simply must have what feels like a thread-a-day on it? Honestly, even I've had enough of it now and I'm all for open and full debate of almost any non-reprehensible subject. Such relentless drum-banging is counter-productive as it actually begins to turn peoples opinions the other way.

Are you in referance to the pro-gun/anti-gun debate?

If that is what you are asking, itis due to the political change that has happened here in the US. Many of us feel that the new administration have the agenda of ridding the population of personal ownership of frearms. Many of us feel that this is the first step in a socialist agenda and attempts to control the populace due to an inability to defend ourselves from our own government.

This is just what many of us feel is going on.
Sad to say, you picked up in the wrong half of the paragraph, Searcher. That was the rhetorical part that formed an introduction to the subject.

Even tho' I might be thousands of miles away, via the miracle of the Internet I try as best I can to keep apprised of what's going on in the world. So I'm well aware of the fears that you express.

What I was trying to get across is that the relentless tirade has a counter-productive effect on rational peoples views on the issue. We here at MartialTalk really do not need every straw-man that can be fastened to a stick to be raised up in the field of debate to brow-beat all and sundry into understanding what is going on.

One thread will do. Preferably one that can put forward intelligent discourse of the pro's and con's of general ownership of firearms in a population that tends to congregate in overcrowded urban areas.

To put my own opinion forward as to the reality of the argument that an armed populous can prevent oppression, I have to say that if that is truly believed then those that believe it are kidding themselves.

I'll willingly take anyones money, at any odds, against the notion a group of ordinary people, armed with non-miltary weapons and with none of the other kit that makes up part of a modern infantrymans gear, could successfully take on even a squad level engagement with army regulars.

It's an illusion. A comforting one perhaps but an illusion nonetheless. The idea comes from a couple of centuries ago when the disparity between a 'civilian' with a gun and a soldier with a gun was largely a matter of discipline and formation. That no longer holds true.
Sad to say, you picked up in the wrong half of the paragraph, Searcher. That was the rhetorical part that formed an introduction to the subject.

Even tho' I might be thousands of miles away, via the miracle of the Internet I try as best I can to keep apprised of what's going on in the world. So I'm well aware of the fears that you express.

What I was trying to get across is that the relentless tirade has a counter-productive effect on rational peoples views on the issue. We here at MartialTalk really do not need every straw-man that can be fastened to a stick to be raised up in the field of debate to brow-beat all and sundry into understanding what is going on.

One thread will do. Preferably one that can put forward intelligent discourse of the pro's and con's of general ownership of firearms in a population that tends to congregate in overcrowded urban areas.

To put my own opinion forward as to the reality of the argument that an armed populous can prevent oppression, I have to say that if that is truly believed then those that believe it are kidding themselves.

I'll willingly take anyones money, at any odds, against the notion a group of ordinary people, armed with non-miltary weapons and with none of the other kit that makes up part of a modern infantrymans gear, could successfully take on even a squad level engagement with army regulars.

It's an illusion. A comforting one perhaps but an illusion nonetheless. The idea comes from a couple of centuries ago when the disparity between a 'civilian' with a gun and a soldier with a gun was largely a matter of discipline and formation. That no longer holds true.

Thank you for the clarification.

I am sorry you feel upset about the post.

My intention for posting it was the facts 1) in Israel they carry guns for very serious survival and are not shy about it 2) The combat is close range and very fast 3) and they are happy they have civilians that can shoot! They don't say, let the cops handle it!

The bloggers, all Jewish, do feel if the Jews in europe before WW2 had been armed and as agressive as the Israelis are today, that the terrible told of death the Nazis did would have been much much less.

Yes some Jews did resist. Partisans behind German lines in Russia fought quite well. But on the whole many felt if they just obeyed the Nazis and did what they told them to then they would survive (and that kind of reminds me of armed robberies and being told to not resist.) They even went so far as to give the Nazis list of all registered Jews and used Jewish police to keep them in line. Said but true.

Tez3, I am not anti-Jewish. In fact, being a Texan I'm 110 percent behind Israel! Never have understood why people hate the Jews. My family doctor for many years (he's dead now) was Jewish (I'm Catholic myself.)

I just want you to understand I did not mean to upset you in any way.
