Okinawan Weapon - Tichu

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Usually, 'tichu' only have one prong on the side, not two. I'm actually repurposing a pair of so-called 'ninja keychains' sold on Century's website.



This is one of the weapons I am beginning to learn to use, part of Tokushin Kobudo. Fun so far!
Hey, Bill, is that sucker legal? Nasty looking thing, that. Glad I never came across it as a cop, probably would have confiscated it.
I've never seen it before. Knowing as many Okinawan stylists as I do, makes me wonder what else I haven't seen from them. (The bastards!) :)

I think I want me one. Just to mess around with.
The okinawans fought dirty with their karate. There is move in kusanku kata that some have changed that has you holding your hand palm up to the side/rear of your head. Many have said it is a block or chambering motion for the strike after it. Was reading an interview with an older master (sorry name escapes me), but he said the application originally shown to him by his master was using the hairpin (jiffa) and pulling it out of your topknot and stabbing the attacker with it.

Even in their empty hand, they considered weapons of some kind.
I've never seen it before. Knowing as many Okinawan stylists as I do, makes me wonder what else I haven't seen from them. (The bastards!) :)

I think I want me one. Just to mess around with.

Tokumura Sensei is reviving many of the older Okinawan weapons and creating new kata for them. Fascinating stuff.
I've not seen that before, it's interesting, thank you. I have seen very similar Indian weapons though which look equally vicious.