Noises in my Knee


Black Belt
Within the last month, my right knee has started cracking and popping – quite loudly – whenever I throw either a front or roundhouse kick. Generally, these cracks do not hurt (they just sound like they do), but occasionally I do feel a slight bit of pain and I end up a little stiff and sore when I’m done working out. Ironically, this is happening to my non-surgically repaired knee…go figure.

Has anyone had a similar problem? This really just started happening within the last month or so. HowÂ’d you deal with it? This is getting me nervous.

Sounds like the tendons or ligaments are snapping. I know this happened to my daughter but it was due to her growing spurts where the bone was growing faster then the ligaments and muscles could keep up. I see from your profile that this is probably not your problem. :)

I would see a doctor about it or physio and get some stretches to do to help stretch those muscles better. Also it will rule out any other problem that might not be apparent at this time. When it comes to your knees, they need to be cared for and not ignored.

Hope this helps. :)

Most people I know that have or have had noises in the knees eventually have some issue. Prevention is easier, cheaper and more effective than treatment.

I think I am going to quote myself on that last statement...good stuff.
Lisa said:
Sounds like the tendons or ligaments are snapping. I know this happened to my daughter but it was due to her growing spurts where the bone was growing faster then the ligaments and muscles could keep up. I see from your profile that this is probably not your problem. :)
HeyÂ…I could be experiencing a growth spurt at 35. LOL!
That's happened to me from time to time. It goes away after a few weeks, but there was no pain whatsoever involved. I'm not one to display common sense, so don't do what I do. If you're concerned, see a doc.

Look at the bright side, a popping in the knee is better than voices in your head. :uhyeah:

Look at the bright side, a popping in the knee is better than voices in your head.

Depends...what is the popping telling you to do?
Lateral aspect? It most likely an inflamed tendon. Don't take it too lightly, you don't want it to become a chronic condition like it is in my knee. A good sports massage therapist can do wonders for it.
Sounds like I should shut things down until I get it looked at. Of couse that also means that my horizontal growth will likely continue until I do!

Thanks to all for your input. I was hoping to write it off as something meaningless, but you're all right - it's better to get it looked at. Oddly enough, if I came across this post written by someone else asking the question I asked, my response would have been "Don't fool with your knees. Get it looked at." Guess sometimes you can't see the forrest through the trees.
An inflamed tendon is exactly what I thinking. Taking it easy for a while is a good idea. Also, after you do workout, you may want to try icing your knee down afterwards, and possibly taking a mild anti-inflammatory (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.). I have a somewhat chronic problem with inflammation in my knees, but doing knee strengthening exercises helps keep it to a minimum.
I've had/am having knee issues as well. I hurt my right knee years ago. Now I hurt my left. I'm doing the same things that I did with my right R.I.C.E. After a while, a hot bath (not shower) helps (daily to soak the sore limb). Then after a few weeks, start to strengthen it. I also wear a brace during training, just in case. But if it gets to worrysome, see a doc (I've been lucky. I took a little break from training, and it's getting better with the above treatment).
I used to wear a a prescribed knee-brace, but it kind of wore out after a couple years. Now if I wear it, it tends to slip around and hinder my knee. But I've mostly been able to keep my knee problems under control since then, so I've been ok without it.
I've been taking a suppliment to improve my joints as a preventitive measure; Glucosamine, Chondroitin, and MSM. Been taking it for awhile and it's helped my joints not get sore, especially my knees
Hey Yeti, for all of our benefit, why don't you come back to this thread in a couple of weeks and tell us how your knee is doing? I think a few of us would like to know just what's wrong with it, and what helps it.
Zepp said:
Hey Yeti, for all of our benefit, why don't you come back to this thread in a couple of weeks and tell us how your knee is doing? I think a few of us would like to know just what's wrong with it, and what helps it.
Will Do.
Surprisingly, with a few day's rest, the frequency of the popping is greatly reduced. I'll keep you posted.
So it's been a week with no training (really). Aside from the shakes from stopping cold turkey, my knee is actually a lot better. Last night I threw a a series of 10 roundhouse kicks very slowly and got nothing. This is the technique where I first noticed the popping. I'm taking this as a good sign. Maybe another week?....maybe not!
I'd still get it checked if I were you.......could be meniscus tear or roughed up (underside of) patella. I blew out my knee in the middle of my 2nd brown test in 1995.......knees making noise are nothing to mess with. Mine required surgery and a year of rehab. Keep us posted and I hope it is all better soon.
well my girlfriend twisted her knee in class awhile ago and she started to but TIGER BALM on her knee and it seemed to help but she was still having knee problems so she went to GNC and bought some herbal Pills and they work great. I woulden't worry about it to much unless it really starts to hurt just my two sence
Sure, blame it on knee pops. If a dog were around you'd blame it right?
I suggest no beans before training time.
Mr.Rooster said:
Sure, blame it on knee pops. If a dog were around you'd blame it right?
I suggest no beans before training time.


I'd make an effort to take care of it...regardless of whether you think it is "better" or not. Ice, proper rest, perhaps a supplement.

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