No Training ... got laid off. Help!

That sounds great! Congratulations. And just remember... teaching is the best way to learn, because you have to understand what you're doing - it's a great testing prep, too.
Hey guys.

I haven't posted in a while ... again. But the Shotokan thing didn't work out. Long story.

But I did go back to my old system (WTF TKD) thanks to advice from some of you guys, but at a different dojang. My old instructor (at the main dojang where I trained) in that system doesn't like me (eventhough I still visit there to see my better half train/test), but my best friend as a seperate dojang from him, and I'm going to train with her.

The down side is I can't test, because I would have to test under the old instructor at the main dojang. But then again, she is a 3rd dan. She can test me if she really wanted to. The upside is, she also asked me to help her teach. She is getting a lot of new students and she needs the help. So, I said ok (that's what started the whole thing with training with her). And it's free (if I help her teach, which I will).

So this might be better in the long run. I don't have to relearn anything. And I can't go wrong with free tuition ;)

I'll let you know how it works out. I start tomorrow (friday).

KarateKid I would test you if needed to be, we can always work something out
Thanks Master Terry. I may take you up on that offer, but not for a while. I'm really rusty. I also have to get my conitioning back. But I'll keep it in mind. Thanks again.
Hey guys.

I haven't posted in a while ... again. But the Shotokan thing didn't work out. Long story.

But I did go back to my old system (WTF TKD) thanks to advice from some of you guys, but at a different dojang. My old instructor (at the main dojang where I trained) in that system doesn't like me (eventhough I still visit there to see my better half train/test), but my best friend as a seperate dojang from him, and I'm going to train with her.

The down side is I can't test, because I would have to test under the old instructor at the main dojang. But then again, she is a 3rd dan. She can test me if she really wanted to. The upside is, she also asked me to help her teach. She is getting a lot of new students and she needs the help. So, I said ok (that's what started the whole thing with training with her). And it's free (if I help her teach, which I will).

So this might be better in the long run. I don't have to relearn anything. And I can't go wrong with free tuition ;)

I'll let you know how it works out. I start tomorrow (friday).

Hi Laurie—I am so glad that you got back into TKD and that you're actively thinking about testing for dan, and that you're getting to teach. I hate to see people shut down just when they're about to reach a major milestone... good luck with your teaching and your `underground' training with your pal. You've had a long enough run of bumps in the road with your training program; sounds like it's about to smooth out now—and about time!
Thanks so much, exile. Yes, so true.

I do have to thank you guys. I have had hard times in the last 6 months. But you have been so supportive. You guys mean so much to me. MT people rock. It brings a tear to my eye ... no, seriously. It's true. I love you guys. I'll keep you all updated. And Master Terry when Im ready, I'll come down to you. Or pay your way up here.

Have a safe an Happy New Year all.
Thanks so much, exile. Yes, so true.

I do have to thank you guys. I have had hard times in the last 6 months. But you have been so supportive. You guys mean so much to me. MT people rock. It brings a tear to my eye ... no, seriously. It's true. I love you guys. I'll keep you all updated. And Master Terry when Im ready, I'll come down to you. Or pay your way up here.

Personally, I think it would be so outrageously cool for you to test with Terry! It would have... I don't know, a kind of `poetic justice' quality. I'm not articulating it very well... `elegant solution'? Something like that.

Have a safe an Happy New Year all.

You too, Laurie!
Hey Laurie
I hope things are still working out for you. I must say you're giving me some added hope/inspiration. I'm in a similar situation as you - I'm a 2nd Gup in TKD with all the desire in the world, but with little free money to spend towards training. I haven't put on a Dobak in over a year! I'll get back someday though I'm sure of that, and until then I'm working out by meself when I can - mostly poomse and sparring drills. But it keeps me sane. And actually, my 2 year old son LOVES to kick with me so I guess you could say I have a workout partner! :)

Anyhow - good luck moving forward. I wish you all the best in your training. It sounds like you've (finally) got a good thing going.
Thanks. It's a good thing to have a workout partner ;) I have one myself. My other half is teaching me Koryo finally. Plus with the weather being bad lately, I couldn't make it to class (I train an hour away), so he's been filling the gaps for me. It's nice to have a (almost) 2nd dan as a boyfriend ;)
Thanks. It's a good thing to have a workout partner ;) I have one myself. My other half is teaching me Koryo finally. Plus with the weather being bad lately, I couldn't make it to class (I train an hour away), so he's been filling the gaps for me. It's nice to have a (almost) 2nd dan as a boyfriend ;)

Through this whole scenerio playing out and unfolding I see you having one quality..."Perserverance". Without that there is nothing else. All the talent in the world is useless if not taken advantage of. Some of the most talented people I have met quit as soon as it gets difficult for them. Not just in MA but all facets of life.
Hey KarateKid,

Since you are so close to dan rank you may ask your instructor about opportunities to teach. You don't need to be that advanced to teach your students will be underrank anyway. If your instrcutor would support you teac to pay for your training. Then you can pay your teacher and support yourself as well as increase the membership of your parent school. Im sure your instructor would love to have more students because of his students.He would have to keep you trained to continue to train what would in essence be is students.

Good luck!
hey Renshi I,

I'm kinda in that situation anyway. I'm the only advanced rank at my dojang. I help my instructor teach and stuff. She doesn't charge me (afterall, she is one of my good friends ;) ).

But rumor has it that we are getting another red belt from a sister school. YAY! Someone besides my instructor to work with on my forms and sparring (I haven't sparred in ages. My instructor has an injured arm. She can't spar). But we do have some white belts moving up to orange in Feb, so I'll have more sparring partners soon :)
hey Renshi I,

I'm kinda in that situation anyway. I'm the only advanced rank at my dojang. I help my instructor teach and stuff. She doesn't charge me (afterall, she is one of my good friends ;) ).

But rumor has it that we are getting another red belt from a sister school. YAY! Someone besides my instructor to work with on my forms and sparring (I haven't sparred in ages. My instructor has an injured arm. She can't spar). But we do have some white belts moving up to orange in Feb, so I'll have more sparring partners soon :)

Laurie—have you any idea, even a very general time frame, of when you can expect to be testing for Dan?
No, I can't test. I used to attend the main school, but I had a falling out with the head instructor. All dan and high red belts HAVE to test there. But, for me, he doesn't even know I am still training in his system still.

I mean, my instructor now is a 3rd dan (almost 4th ... if all goes well, she'll receive her 4th in Sept). She can test me privately if she really wanted to. But as far as when ... I don't know. That will be totally up to her.

Plus Master Terry offered to test me. But when? I still don't know (and if I can get the money to travel to Texas LOL).
No, I can't test. I used to attend the main school, but I had a falling out with the head instructor. All dan and high red belts HAVE to test there. But, for me, he doesn't even know I am still training in his system still.

I mean, my instructor now is a 3rd dan (almost 4th ... if all goes well, she'll receive her 4th in Sept). She can test me privately if she really wanted to. But as far as when ... I don't know. That will be totally up to her.

Plus Master Terry offered to test me. But when? I still don't know (and if I can get the money to travel to Texas LOL).

OK, right... I remember now—sorry about that, I forgot that your friend, who I knew you were training with, was in his system... she'd have to basically go up against him in order to test you, right? And that puts both her and you in a bad spot...

Not really. If she gets her 4th dan (which I know she will), she can test me AND get my kukki-cert (under KKW rules ... if I choose to do so). The old instructor doesn't even have to know. Without her 4th dan, she can still test me (but she can't get the cert for me ... or order it, that is).

We (or her) can still make it happen "under ground" ;)
Not really. If she gets her 4th dan (which I know she will), she can test me AND get my kukki-cert (under KKW rules ... if I choose to do so). The old instructor doesn't even have to know. Without her 4th dan, she can still test me (but she can't get the cert for me ... or order it, that is).

We (or her) can still make it happen "under ground" ;)

Well lets all prayer she gets her 4th so it can happen/
Here here. I agree. Let's keep her in our prayers!!! She really does deserve it. She is an awsome martial artist, and a great teacher.