No Smoking Laws


Black Belt
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Kingston Cow Hampster
I'll tell you what... I am going to have to stick to the 1 post rule on this one. That is, 1 post and I am done.

This is because I cannot express the level of frustration this issue brings me. This is because I am not a selfish person, and I am not a dishonest person. My point of view may not always be right, but you can bet that I am at least being honest about it, and that I am at least not being selfish.

But because most people do not operate that way with issues like this, I therefore get extremely angry. If I post on this much more, I will likely get really pissed, and probably get myself suspended or banned. That said, I apologize in advance for the borderline offensive but honest point of view that is about to ensue. Don't take it too personally, as I am speaking in generalities here...

I strongly feel that most people are stupid, selfish, oppressive muther ****ers when it comes to issues like this. It all comes down to the fact that far too many people are happy to oppress others freedoms if it is with something they don't agree with, or they don't like. Sadly, many of you (and if the shirt fits wear it) are selfish ****s, and are crybabies. And it is people like you that I hope to the god I pray too that our countries constitution will deliver us from.

Here is my point of view on Second Hand Smoke (SHS) and this issue adequately expressed in another thread:

My full opinion had been detailed in this thread:

Now, if after reading all that, you still strongly believe that smoking should be banned, then here is food for thought:

I'll agree on your smoking ban, if I can get you to agree on federally mandated nutrition programs. See, because statistically speaking, many of you posting and reading this thread are fat asses. This is just the statistical probability based on the obesity numbers in America. And we all know that obesity is actually approaching tobacco as the top cause of death:

You see, obesity is not just a danger to those who are, but it is a danger to society as a whole. My insurance premiums and health care costs skyrocket because those of you who are fat asses can't seem to live a healthy lifestyle. You, with all your health problems associated, are a strain the system. And of course, you are a nussiance. I mean, nobody wants to sit next to you on a plane or a bus, or even be near you at a restaraunt, or stuck behind you in the grocery isle as you slowly meander along on your motorized cart. And lets face it; most fat people smell weird, and are not just unsightly, but are lazy as well. This all is extremely bothersome to the rest of us who not only have to witness obesity daily, but who have to pay for it too.

So no more trips to the fast food joint for you, fatty Mcfat. Because I pledge that if you ban smoking, then by golly the same should apply here. We need to publically outcry and mandate healthy diets for fat asses once and for all!!

Or... we can simply worry about ourselves, let people live their own lives, and work to maintain individual rights, even if it doesn't always benefit us. But that require us to not be selfish, now wouldn't it?


PS. Obviously, I have nothing against people who are overweight; I am simply making a point, because the ridicules logic is identical.

PSS. Incidently, I am not a cigarette smoker, and I don't like cigarettes. I do enjoy the occasional cigar. So, this really isn't about me needing or wanting to smoke. It really is about principles.

PSSS. Interesting link on this topic:

:cheers: :highfive:

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
Reaction score
Sanger CA
The thing about second hand smoke, though, is there is no way to prove it. Because everyone has been exposed, if not to tobacco smoke than to car exhaust, etc.


MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2003
Reaction score
Oneonta, NY
Just a note to the rabid anti-smokers. If you get in my face and ***** about my smoking while I am outside a bar obeying the NY public smoking ban, I am far more likely to kill you than second-hand smoke.


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