Ninjustu Forum Rules?

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<font color=blue><B>Grand UberSoke, Sith-jutsu Ryu
Jan 11, 2004
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Ninjutsu Forum Rules?

1 - Must be able to talk smack about others.

2 - Must not have contributed any real meaningful content to the forum.

3 - Must look down my nose at all others doing something different.

4 - Must constantly make snide and rude comments while ignoring and disrespecting any and all authority in this forum.

5 - Must avoid the discussion of things like history, techniques and concepts while driving all other viewpoints from the arena.

Now that I know what the rules are here, can I play too?

I have the pajamas.
Jay Bell said:
Go buy the booties, then ask again.
Yup..I got those. And a widdle pwastic sword that says "Official" on it.

So, can I be in the cwub now, or do I have to go beat up some children first?

Oh No! Someone hit me with a Poison RedDot Arrow from the shadows. Must be a master assassin, based on how they left no identifying evidence. You heartless bastard you.

I'm certain I will fit in with this group. While I have no real knowledge in this area, I can pick a fight and flame away, which seems to be what you all like so much.

I mean, Hayes and Hatsumi wrote such fine works of fiction when describing the Shadow Warriors of Iga. There was history, technique, concepts and ideas. Such a powerful image.

And so invisible here where the TV Ninja is in full force.

Why describe or discuss things that may be useful or helpful when you can just talk bull-**** about some dumb kids or check that everyone's got this years ID card?

Seriously, other than 2-3 people here, it seems like little more than a whiney old ladies convention.

How about demonstrating you folks actually -learned- something, other than who can hold the most sake while wearing black pajamas and hanging upside down in the dark?

I await even more analmouse rep-point dings from those with nothing other than useless drivel to share.

Or, maybe I'll leave you children to sit in your own filth and go talk with some real martial artists elsewhere on this site?
Wow... a topic started specifically By Bester for Bester to be Troll in, bitching about how immature this forum is.

How mature.
And these threads were of course the finest the dark art can offer of course?

Where will sojobow go next ?
sojobow gift idea

I am a mirror. If the reflection is ugly, maybe those should change their own face?

Not you Technopunk.

Others like the estemed Mr. Severe, Roley, Seago however...

As I said, there seems to be little in this area other than the whining of old women.

Can you prove me wrong?

Can -anyone- point out at least 5 active threads out of the last 30 days worth that dealt with the ideas, concepts, techniques or skills of the Ninja?

I would appreciate it if they were not the ones where a few folks acted the "big Schoolyard Bully" bit.
If you aren't in the mix, best to stay out of it. From an outsider's point of view, I'm sure it seems like kids squabbing on a playground. People are passionate about what they do and their take on things...
My "sojobow gift idea" thread is among the finest the "dark art" has to offer, but you are oblivious to its significance. Do YOU know how Hanshi killed the Fish?
Hold on... I thought swearing was frowned upon on MartialTalk. So why has Bester (A fictional character from Babylon 5, not to be confused with Chekov (the real SF character not the writer)) said the B word and not had the thread closed?

So can we all swear? Can I say Wetwang* then?

*Wetwang: A small town in North Yorkshire that was singled out by Douglas Adams in his book The meaning of liff 1983.
Jay Bell said:
If you aren't in the mix, best to stay out of it. From an outsider's point of view, I'm sure it seems like kids squabbing on a playground. People are passionate about what they do and their take on things...
Is this some secret Ninja thing that only the initiates can know or is it the usual method of answering questions?

Here are a few things that I think should be required reading for the participents of this thread.

First a little article by Sharp Phil on how everyone should work together.

Ah, but if you look at the bottom of the article, one of the things he says it that the frauds should drop their silly claims and really start acting honestly.

Next, let us look at a valid question of whether an art with a silly story is probably worthy of study and discusion.

Hmmmm, doesn't sound like we should, does it?

Oh, and let us see if any of these guys sound familiar.

How about this one, which seems to fit one person here very closely. So close he sent Phil some threatening messages.

The next article is a pretty good description of Sojobow, as well as the guys who are claiming to have an active dojo in Kyoto that no one in Japan seems to be able to find.

And why are these people in the middle of so many discussions?

Oh, and let us look at some of the tactics that these types of people use. Do any sound familiar? Seen any of them recently?

I recently read a quote by William Buffet, "you can't do good business with bad people." I doubt he ever imagined it would be used in a forum about ninjutsu. But here is the facts, some of us know what we are talking about when it comes to what ninjutsu is and is not, as well as it's history. There are others who know nothing, and prey upon those that have their knowledge of ninjutsu from bad movies to prop up their egos. It is kind of hard to engage in a decent discussion while some guys are trying to say that the ninja came froma secret class called eta(neither secret nor ninja), that they were in the employ of the Mongols and wandered the globe with them (just laughable) and that the nunchaku is a weapon used by the ninja.

I would love to share good information. It is just that there is so much bunk being spread that I can't get around to sharing it. Besides, I know that the frauds will just try to jump on the bandwagon and try to gain legitamacy through association. There are guys whose teachers served time in prison, or who sent guys to kill other people, and who run little cults. If they all leave, then we can talk about what the Ten Chi Jin no maki is, good translations of the term Bugei as compared to Bujutusu, etc. But right now I just can not stand back as people talk about how there were black ninja sects and white ninja sects, etc, without saying, LIKE HELL THERE WERE!!!!
Jay Bell said:
If you aren't in the mix, best to stay out of it. From an outsider's point of view, I'm sure it seems like kids squabbing on a playground. People are passionate about what they do and their take on things...
But, other than act like primadonnas and bullys, what else do these "passionate" people do?
Bester said:
But, other than act like primadonnas and bullys, what else do these "passionate" people do?
They do budo. This is their side project.
Elizium said:
Hold on... I thought swearing was frowned upon on MartialTalk. So why has Bester (A fictional character from Babylon 5, not to be confused with Chekov (the real SF character not the writer)) said the B word and not had the thread closed?

So can we all swear? Can I say Wetwang* then?

*Wetwang: A small town in North Yorkshire that was singled out by Douglas Adams in his book The meaning of liff 1983.
Lord Kaith said "If you feel the need to swear, go ahead. The filter will catch it and **** it out."

1 word in a long post is not a cause for concern, I'm certain.
20 on the other hand, may be.
Taimishu said:
Is this some secret Ninja thing that only the initiates can know or is it the usual method of answering questions?

They are too busy playing the "No, I can not tell you that, it is anchient chineese sekret. Handed down in forbiden skrolls only available from the Master, and for 19.19 + S/H" crap.

They are afraid to answer any real search for knowledge in fear that an "outsider" may then use it and his $49 inkjet printer to destroy hundreds of years of history. So, they resort to the argument of internt blowhards everywhere - redirect, circumvent and misdirect.
Thank you Don for that lesson in Trolls and ToughGuys (soon to be a board game by Parker Brothers, no relation to Ed).

What another sites concepts and rules have to do with this is however, beyond the point.

Heres a novel thought for you Don.
You say you want to share the good information with the good people.
Why should the good folks even want to be here, when all they can find is the bullcrap? If you aren't part of the solution (meaning posting good stuff) then you are part of the problem.

The frauds, liars and morons will find it whereever/however.

I posted a challenge - find me 5 threads. So far, nothing but a direction to another site.

So, I (and anyone else reading) have a choice. Continue to *****, leave, or contribute. A good moderator here would be able to weed out the crap, enforce this excellent sites rules of decorum, and guide the discussion to focus on what I asked for : History, Techniques, Concepts, Weapons, Notables and Where to Train. Rather than the elitist, arrogent snobbery I've seen so far.'s what I'm gonna do. I'm going to create my 5 threads. Lets see what you can do with them.
Elizium said:
They do budo. This is their side project.
If they are half as good at budo as bullshido, they must be truely dangerous indeed. I am luck I only received the poison rep points. They might be hiding in my closet..though I fear they are afraid to come out.
Do a search. This subject has been discused before and after your show of attitude, many of the more knowledgeable people probably will not bother to help you. The guys that do help you are probably not worth listening to. :ultracool
Ok, I came up with 6 threads to jumpstart this.

I would honestly like to learn more about the art, as I'm certain many others would.
Either answer the question, or shut up. If you have nothing of -value- to offer then silence should be your way.

Bester said:
Heres a novel thought for you Don.
You say you want to share the good information with the good people.
Why should the good folks even want to be here, when all they can find is the bullcrap? If you aren't part of the solution (meaning posting good stuff) then you are part of the problem.

I will listen to the moderators, but not to a troll like yourself. And you missed the several good posts I have made in the last week in response to questions about the Ten Chi Jin no maki, etc.

If you don't like the way things are run on martialtalk, then no one is forcing you to stay. You don't even seem to study the art of ninjutsu, so I see little reason for you to care. Other than perhaps causing a bit of trouble and laughing at the commotion.
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