Ninja Vengance


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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I just saw (for the first time can you believe it?) The Stephan K Hayes flick "Ninja Vengance."
Despite the fact that the movie was AWFUL, It was kinda cool, in the "Damn that ninja is a wimp" kinda way. Basically meaning it was cool to see a Ninja move where the ninja was like, you know, a real ninja, Not some black Pj wearing super assassin immune to pain and bullets and etc etc.

Some of the stuff in it was pretty hokey, like him rubbing himself with dirt to make him more in touch with the earth... but still much more believable than most ninja flicks.
Originally posted by arnisador
This was fiction?

Yeah It was fiction. Stephan Hayes played himself, and it was about one of his students on his way to a Ninja seminar seeing some KKK guys murder a Black Kid who spoke out against them, and he (the Ninjutsu student) tried to stop them...
where did you get that movie or see it? how can i go about seeing it.sound interesting...
Genin Andrew said:
where did you get that movie or see it? how can i go about seeing it.sound interesting...

I borrowed the movie from my Instructor, I don't think its in print anymore. Im sure you could find a copy on Ebay, or maybe at a video store for rent tho. Its pretty bad... but hey.
I have a copy that we watch after consuming mass ninja tonic. You forgot to mention that he rides into town on a kawasaki ninja. WOW, that movie is horrible.
SKH definatly plays himself too, lots of "deep ninja wisdom". I'm just not sure that I would've put that kihon on there...not so great...

Steve Kovalcik
I remember the only cool thing in that movie was the counter for counter free-response training SKH and an uke were doing in the beginning...haven't seen the flick in ten years so can't remember if it was really good, or it was good at the time(the training clip I mean).

I also remember the Sherrif's son(?)--the TKD expert...
r erman said:
I remember the only cool thing in that movie was the counter for counter free-response training SKH and an uke were doing in the beginning...haven't seen the flick in ten years so can't remember if it was really good, or it was good at the time(the training clip I mean).

I also remember the Sherrif's son(?)--the TKD expert...

That's the kihon I was talking about....bad...real bad...
stephen said:
That's the kihon I was talking about....bad...real bad...

That's what I thought:)--still don't remember it well, though.
The movie was soooooooooo bad............ I remember the first time I saw it I thought that kid was going to roll through the whole movie....

In a way it was cool to see something other that Sho Kogusi runnining around at that time , especially when I was new to the training. the movie was filmied in Texas in & around Galveston and some of my former instructor are in the movie during the beach training scenes. I would love to get a copy of that movie for the hell of it though......