Just when you though Ashida Kim could not get anymore ridiculous!

:rofl: :rofl: :shrug: :rofl: :rofl:
Idiot. Are there any people who actually pay for this stuff?
OOOH. Sign me up for one of those. Im supprsied he doesnt have a section for Yellow Bamboo!

If I win the lotto Im gonna take him up on his 10,000 dollar challenge and help to cleanse the gene pool.



*wipes tear from eye to read again*




Well, I am glad I have the choice to train, sweat, bleed and become a proud Ninja, OR I can just buy the patch. I hope this man enjoys his life as a man, before he comes back as a slug.
Another case of someone needing a retroactive abortion!
If you go to the website above and then click home, then Steal this book, you can download an electronic version on Ashida Kim's book "Secrets of the Ninja" FOR FREE!! :eek:

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

It's pretty funny. I saved it so I can have a good laugh whenever I want. :D :rofl:
Is also listed as a link. I believe his story more than Ashida Kims fantasy.:eek:
Cummon guys, this isn't funny.

heh..... :)

It's a joke, but it aint funny.....

hehehe...... :D

i mean this is the sort of stuff that is making a laughing stock of the martial arts...

bdahahahahahahaha :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The forum is the best thing there.......Just watch for the bad langauge from Mister Kim himself! Its funny how all he does is insult you instead of giving a valid reason or anything :D
How did you find this guy?!? I certainly hope he didn't come up as one of the top 20 on a Google search. What a travesty. A mockery of the warriors path! Still, it is funny as hell.....
How did you find this guy?!? I certainly hope he didn't come up as one of the top 20 on a Google search. What a travesty. A mockery of the warriors path! Still, it is funny as hell.....

Ashida Kim (aka Chris Hunter) has been around for ages, kind of like a bad case of foot-fungus that you just can't get rid of.

And yes, he's always been as whacky as he is now.
BDNS ID Card, Certificate of Membership in the Koga Hai Lung Ryu BLACK DRAGON SCHOOL at the rank of Genin. You will become one of Ashida Kim's Agents, like dozens of others, all over the world. No training is required but that which you already know. Includes BDNS History and Ashida Kim published interviews. As well as Ninja Puzzle. ONLY ASHIDA KIM CAN MAKE A NINJA VANISH AND RETURN FROM THE PRINTED PAGE. Defies explantion!
No training required to be a real life koga ninja!? Awesome! Where do I sign up? Before you know it, I'll be fighting ALL the time, chopping heads off with my ninja sword, and I'll be able to totally uppercut any kid who opens a window...without thinking twice about it, of course.:rofl:

This is such a sad rip-off of the Marines that it's not even funny.

Oh, wait, yes it is!
Well for fun I went on his forum and invited him down to Martial Talk for a good ole' chat. But while saying that I was reading his forum and apparently he must be the real deal! You know why...Cuz FRANK DUX said so in an interview! :eek:

Have we been wrong all along? :rolleyes: Lets see if he accepts my invitation :asian:

Sorry Guys, I tried :(

But here is a message from Ashida Kim himself! :eek: He got a bit peeved I spelt his name wrong (AIshida) lol! :lol:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

His Reply,

Thank you for your kind invitation. Regretably cannot oblige.

First, I don't want to register for any other board.

Second I don't dare appear anywhere else on the web because as soon as I do, there will be a hundred *******s impersonating me, talking **** and making bogus challenges in my name. The only way to protect myself from that is for it to be known that I DO NOT APPEAR ON ANY OTHER BOARDS EVER!

Third, IF I did come there all I'd get is the chacne to defend myself against the same old ********. Like how no one can be named Kim unless the they come from Korea, or how some smartass is going to kick my butt to "prove" himself in battle like this was some Goddamn Klingon/Kung Fu movie; and then accuse ME of being a liar when it is obvious who is out of touch with reality and trying to pick a fight.

Thanks, but no thanks. None of you people has ever shown me any respect, you didn't even take the courtesy to see that you spelled my name right, and you have pissed in my messkit too many times for me to trust any of you.

Ashida Kim

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Seriously, though, what it is up with with Ashida Kim's schtick about vulgarity. I remember reading an interview with him a few years back when he cussed out Stephen Hayes who, to the best of my knowledge, has never referred to Kim (or is that Hunter??) by name.

Sounds like someone's got issues if you ask me.....
Originally posted by heretic888
Seriously, though, what it is up with with Ashida Kim's schtick about vulgarity. I remember reading an interview with him a few years back when he cussed out Stephen Hayes who, to the best of my knowledge, has never referred to Kim (or is that Hunter??) by name.

Sounds like someone's got issues if you ask me.....

Ya think? :shrug:
Guys guys guys ...
Ashida Kim has done more to promote martial arts than any of us. Stop being jealous of the great master's success and instead support him and praise his amazing accomplishments. Put aside your petty jealousies. Be men!


Oh god .. i can't keep this up ... excuse me while i fall out laughing :rofl: